Mail-In and Absentee Voting Ballots

There is absolutely no reason for either absentee or mail-in ballots. Here’s why – they are not legal because viruses have no legal standing to require them.  Absentee Ballots were originally started, supposedly to allow military personnel the ability to cast their votes from wherever they were serving around the globe.

There is no reason whatsoever that our Military too, can’t vote in person with a regular paper ballot. All the branches of the military know exactly how many people are serving at any given time. Logistical support enables food, medical supplies, ammunition, all sorts of military equipment, bombs, even Thanksgiving turkeys to be brought to those that serve in every corner of the globe.

 All those that serve in this capacity have verified identification. They all have a chain of command under which they serve. There is an accurate count of those serving. There is no reason why any commander of any branch of service would not be able to requisition the exact number of ballots for those serving under them.

The ballots would then be secured, loaded on a C130, or some other transport, and delivered into the field. With at least two officials present, the secured ballots would then follow a similar chain of custody until, during, and after the votes are cast, and then returned to The United States, where they could be accurately tallied for the respective districts and states where they belong.

There it is in a nutshell there is absolutely no reason that those serving would not then be able to show their ID, and obtain and cast their vote in person, wherever they are. 

Legislative Testimony

In watching the Affidavit testimony of several witnesses, in three of the six states where election fraud has obviously taken place, the Democratic Legislators have all been unified in their defense. The sworn affidavits are insufficient “evidence” or that The Attorney General, William Barr has claimed that he has “not seen any evidence of fraud”.

To the first point that The Democratic Legislators are making: Why in the hell would anyone go through that much effort to file these affidavits just because they support any given candidate in the election? The winning or losing candidate has absolutely no personal connection to them, nor can one predict how the outcome would or wouldn’t affect them on that same level, unless they were genuinely concerned citizens about wrong doing that they witnessed. Many of the witnesses have attested to just that.

To the second point regarding Barr: If he hasn’t seen or been given the affidavits for review, then he can’t say that he has seen any evidence. Regardless, Attorney General Barr has absolutely nothing to do with these legislative hearings, as they are being conducted at the state level, as well as any investigations that are being done to that regard. In light of the fact, however, which Barr has unnecessarily weighed in, and in a controversial statement, he needs to either be replaced or keep silent until he has reviewed the facts. I am of the opinion of the latter, as he has given neither indication about The Durham Report one way or the other, nor any indication as to Hunter Biden’s nefarious deeds, which should have come out before the election. I think it’s long overdue that both Barr and Wray be replaced. I would suggest that Matthew Whittaker replace Bill Barr, and perhaps Bernard Kerik or Dan Bongino to replace Christopher Wray to head up The F.B.I.

These are all the same distraction tactics that we are sick and tired of seeing and hearing over the past four years, and I’m waiting to see how “The Race Card” is going to come into play here, because historically, it has to be pulled out of the Democrat “playbook” at some point.

Rigged Election

For all those out there who have been convinced by CNN that President Trump is just delaying his inevitable loss: Wake up!  The Pennsylvania Legislature has already started the process of removing the unconstitutional authority that Governor Wolf has assumed, so that he can give the election to Joe Biden. This pulls all those illegitimate votes from Biden’s win column. Wisconsin and Michigan are soon to follow suit because of the “fraudulent and unconstitutional” mail in ballot process, not only that, but it is now being reckoned that the voting machines themselves have been tampered with. In Michigan, for instance, almost two million votes were cast above and beyond the actual number of residents in the state.

Once it is determined that these two other states have fraudulently rigged the election also, Biden doesn’t reach the magic 270 electoral votes needed to win. All the algorithms and formulas don’t add up in the Biden Win column.

There is only one explanation, coordinated fraud on a massive scale. The Democrats, once again, have been caught cheating and lying to get the preferred outcome to get them in power. That is the lesson that needs to be recognized here, the absolute desire to grasp the power of government from “We the People”.

We need not know the “why”; it’s obvious, absolute control and access to the vast financial gain from the lucrative tax base of The American people and America’s wealth itself.

Fox News Turncoats

I guess that all the commentators on Fox News will eventually be forced to drink the Socialist Kool Aid, or be ousted. As I watched in disbelief the other night, Laura Ingram, a supposed staunch conservative, went on an apology rant on her slated program “The Ingram Angle”. She basically was conceding the election for President Trump, all the while insisting that she hasn’t abandoned her conservative principles.

As the old Native American proverb says “She speaks with a forked tongue”. A true conservative knows, as most people, “it ain’t over, till it’s over”. She’s just the latest to join Chris Wallace and others on the Fox News Station that apparently have either voluntarily, or been forced by management to start following M.S.N.B.C. ‘s model of spewing Liberal propaganda.

It looks like One America News is the only one left that is still truly “American”.

Thanksgiving Covid Limitations

The Communist governors in Democratic run states are demanding limitations of how many persons can celebrate in private residences. I can tell you this: if the police show up at my house to enforce these draconian orders without a warrant, they can expect to be fired upon.

This is what they should expect, though, because these regulations are only enforced in Socialist and Communist countries, and in those countries, that’s how the citizens respond.

 If the Democrats want Socialism and all its intricacies they’ll have to expect the whole bag that comes with it. That’s why they push so hard to disarm us. These Socialist and Communist rules can only be enforced by sheer force against the will of any people that embrace freedom.

Nationwide Election Fraud

Trump was right that his campaign was spied on. He was right that the impeachment was without merit. He has won almost every legal challenge put before his administration. How many times does the “boy who cried wolf” have to have wolves actually show up before he is believable? Not many people question Dr. Fauci and he’s only right about half of the time. Now, a reporter from Nevada has come forward, admitting that he intentionally submitted several fraudulent mail-in ballots, and all were counted as valid.

It isn’t Russia or China, or Iran that is interfering with our elections. It’s actually happening from within. The Democratic Party has no bounds in its quest for the destruction of America to attain an Ideological aspirational experiment, mostly perpetuated by those with not only big pocketbooks, but who have no idea how the experiment may turn out. Just a bunch of theoretic nonsense that has failed everywhere any reasonable facsimile of it has been attempted. There can be no doubt, whatsoever, because the Democrats have shown their hand time and time again over the past four years. 

Where the hell are the laws concerning treason in this country? The founding fathers who wrote The Constitution considered the crime as serious as murder in the first degree, and the penalty for someone convicted the same, death, by public execution. There was good reason for this, because if left unchecked, it threatens the very freedoms that are assured in The Constitution and the Bill of Rights, themselves. Well, guess what, it has gone unchecked for decades, and here we are.

 Clinton has committed it by selling our Uranium to Russia, Comey has committed it by lying to the F.I.S.A. courts, also, possibly John Brennan, former CIA Director Eric, Holder selling weapons to a foreign nation covertly, Clapper at minimal perjured himself before congress, Biden with his nefarious dealings through his son Hunter, Lynch with an obviously planned interaction with former president Bill Clinton, again covertly, Schiff with his obstruction of a congressional investigation, and withholding controvertible evidence, maybe even Obama being aware of all of it from the start.

The crime is serious and demanded the death penalty at one time, now, not even an indictment or penalty at all. Maybe if we hanged someone in the Washington Mall Square, it would bring an end to it. What the hell is John Durham waiting for? How many years and milking the taxpayers, does an open and shut case take to write a report on it? Muller got forty million or so, with no obligation to reimburse the taxpayers for him and his team of angry Democrats’ failed endeavor. What the hell is Wray doing? This is beyond shameful or disappointing, it’s atrocious at the very minimal description. I don’t believe in defunding the police, but if Washington can’t convict anyone of a crime, the most serious crime that has been written into law possibly ever, maybe they are the ones that need to be defunded!

Election 2020 Mayhem

I, like many other Americans, am very concerned about the inconsistencies and the sheer volume of erroneous ballots. What bothers me most is the fact that all the inconsistencies and suspect ballots seem to favor the former vice president Joe Biden. What bothers me to a whole other level is the fact that Democrats are okay with this.

 Have these crazy fools gone so far off the rails that there is no moral compass whatsoever? If cheating and deception are okay right now, will outright assassination be okay too? How far will The Democratic Party go to attain power over The American People? What kind of people are these, really, that want domain over the population? It’s obvious that a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” is not what they have in store for everyone. If it were, tampering with the election process would be an issue for them.

 All I’ve seen from The Liberal Media is that Trump is in the wrong for questioning the results, even now, as unequivocal evidence is pouring in like water through a sieve that tampering and unconstitutional behavior has taken place.

 I don’t know about anyone else, but I was taught if you have to break someone’s knees while they’re sliding into home plate, you really didn’t win!

Fox News Leans Left

On Monday, November 9, 2020 Neil Cavuto cut away from Kayleigh McEnany’s press briefing, accusing The Press Secretary of lying. Short of some natural disaster, there is no excuse for not covering a press briefing in its entirety, especially, under the circumstances with the election being legally challenged.

This is now the third such injection of liberal activism in as many weeks on Fox news. A short while back, on Fox’s “Outnumbered” both Melisa Francis and Marie Harf silenced former House Speaker Newt Gingrich when he mentioned that George Soros is the likely source of the financial backing a lot of the civil unrest being caused by the radical groups “Antifa” and “Black Lives Matter”.

On election night Fox News called the Arizona race for Joe Biden with only seventy six percent of the state reporting in, yet as President Trump led Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, in some cases by almost ten points, with ninety percent or more reporting in, Fox not only didn’t call the race for Trump, but gave validity to the thousands of unsolicited ballots being counted even as election day came and went. There’s already evidence emerging that thousands, if not tens of thousands of ballots were mailed, returned, and counted for deceased people in multiple states. Some have been deceased for a hundred years.

Since Fox had been acquired by Disney in March 2019, and subsequently spun off, the network has been airing more liberal coverage, having more liberal commentary, and other less egregious little snippets in their programming. When the so called journalists are asked about this trend, the reply is always the same, “we want to be fair and balanced”.

Last year, the network tried to ban Justice Janine, but public outcry made them change their tune a few weeks into it.

I’m no longer a fan of Fox news because of this trend, and I recommend that all conservatives take pause, and consider One America News Network for accurate and honest reporting that truly is fair and actually gives a voice to conservative concerns in America, and is not trying to censor them, like almost every other network out there. Giving a louder voice to liberal commentary is not “fair and balanced” because almost all media coverage out there is already skewed to a liberal viewpoint.

#Boycott Fox News!

Election Day Pandemonium

 All unsolicited mail-in ballots are invalid for one simple reason. The Corona Virus has no legal standing. In other words a person or persons can’t use it as an excuse to use an unsolicited ballot, because legislation has not been passed allowing it. The Constitution is clear on this matter. Any changes to voting laws must pass both houses, courts can’t simply decide on the matter. That happens in Venezuela and other socialist countries, but not in The United States of America. 

Regardless of the talking heads on M.S.N.B.C. saying that The President is interfering, or divisive, he is absolutely correct on this one. The Democrats are trying to rig the election, and using Covid 19 as leverage.

 I repeat: no mail-inn ballot is legal, unless it’s a federally issued, requested, absentee ballot. Fear of catching a virus is no excuse, charging a machine gun turret to go out and vote is.

Amy Barrett Confirmation to the Supreme Court

Why would The Democrat Senators be so opposed to a nominee that has expressed that she would adhere strongly to The Constitution in her decision making process when cases come before her on The Supreme Court? What are they so afraid of? Unless of course, they intend to introduce legislation that they know full and well is unconstitutional on its face, and fear that she would rule against that, and rightfully so. 

This hard-fought resistance has nothing to do with the petty speculation that her vote on the court would overturn existing law on the books, and everything to do with radical future legislation designed to strip away the rights, and liberties of The American people.

Senator Dubin hinted at such future legislation regarding second amendment rights, claiming that the law was written when only primitive muskets were the most advanced weapons. The problem with that is he completely ignored the intent behind the amendment as many often do. At the time the law was enacted, both the oppressive government and the citizens it was oppressing had only access to the similar weapons of the day, but now the argument is that technology has put more deadly weapons in the hands of the average citizen. The fact is that the law was written for the average citizen to defend against an overbearing OPPRESSIVE government that would seek to strip away their freedoms. The sad fact is that today The Government has far more sophisticated weapons than any citizen could obtain.

 The Democrats should be cheering for joy, and firmly embracing the fact that a nominee for The Supreme Court would swear to uphold The Constitution. Instead, they are not only resisting everything they can throw at the nominee even going so far as calling her “an activist”. They’ve brought up issues of race, to religious liberty to L.G.B.T. freedoms, to concerns about Obama Care, and much more. What would be considered a non activist? Someone who could care less about The Constitution? Am I the only person that finds this very suspicious of The Democrats fighting so hard to oppose this nominee’s confirmation?

It is no secret that the majority of Democrats have embraced the notion that The United States of America’s government can be transformed to a Socialist Government, however, to do so means that a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” contradicts The Socialist model of governance. The Constitution stands in the way of this ideology, therefore it must be either rewritten, to conform to the Idea of a centralized government with absolute authority over its citizens, or abolished completely. This may seem like some conspiracy theory, but if one looks at this with clear eyes, and observes the goings on, it’s not so farfetched.