Trump Assassination Attempt

July 14 2024  The shooter in the incident was obviously mentally challenged, but the response of the main stream media on MSNBC and CNN demonstrates the equally mental deficiencies of not only the hosts, but the Democrats that appear to comment about the event. I can’t understand, in what universe, that a victim of an assassination attempt is somehow responsible for the attempt on their life. These people are truly mentally challenged. Dan Goldman, a congressman, actually stated on air that it’s because of Trump’s supposed rhetoric that he was a target. They’ve completely ignored the fact that these talking heads for years now, have called Trump “Hitler”, That he’s a “threat to democracy” and a “Russian operative”. If Trump was a woman, and had been raped, would they say “it’s because her legs didn’t stay closed”?  These so called media outlets are despicable, deranged, and demented, and should be banished from the public platform.. There’s a limit to what can be considered “Freedom of The Press”. blaming victims of the crimes perpetrated against them, is a “bridge too far”, and when that line is crossed there needs to be consequences! Dan Goldman has crossed that line and needs to be expelled from congress immediately, as well as any o9f the other Democrats that join in the same destructive rhetoric!

What really Happened with Operation Warp Speed and the Emergency Authorization Counter-measures

In 2020, President Trump received intelligence reports that there was an imminent threat of a possible dangerous viral agent released in China. He took several steps to mitigate the threat. One of these steps was to authorize The Department of Defense to accelerate the development of a vaccine. It was called “Operation Warp Speed”. In doing this, however, it gave complete authority to mitigate any perceived threat to The Secretary of Defense, Alex Azar. 

What most Americans are unaware of is that under the guise of “Emergency Authorization”, all the laws that normally would govern the safety, efficacy, and distribution of any vaccine are no longer applicable. Normally, most pharmaceutical companies have their own protocol for such things, and they are reinforced by strict legalities, and guidelines. The Department of Defense ordered the pharmaceutical companies to develop “Counter-measures” to what was perceived to be an imminent threat to the nation, therefore, the regulations and laws that govern this are no longer adhered to.

Here’s the “hard to swallow” truth: When the vaccines or “Countermeasures” were produced, all that was needed was for The Secretary of Defense to assume that they would work. That’s right, just a nod from a bureaucrat and we can develop without testing or trials, and bring them to market, at taxpayer’s expense, of course. He doesn’t have to be a doctor or scientist, or adhere to any guidelines from the F.D.A., and because of the Emergency Defense Authorization Act, is subsequently immune from any repercussions should the countermeasures fail.

In January 2021, over 3000 “Adverse”, or “Allergic Reactions”, were reported to the F.D.A. from administering the vaccines in Orange County, California, and some 60 deaths were reported as a result. Normally any medication would immediately have been discontinued and pulled from the shelves. After all, when your new car has a defective part, it gets recalled as soon as the defect is reported to the manufacturer.

The F.D.A. has nothing to do with the control, the safety, or the efficacy of these countermeasures. It is the D.O.D.’s sole discretion. The F.D.A. has basically been running propaganda cover for the D.O.D since the first week in January of 2021. Under The Emergency Defense Authorization Act, no testing is required. Just as if the country was under attack and a special bomb, or plane had to be developed. The same standards apply to the development of the M.R.N.A. vaccines, or what the D.O.D. to this day, commonly referred to as the “Countermeasures”. Unfortunately, Alex Azar was wrong. The M.R.N.A.vaccine experiment is a complete failure. All those who contracted covid, and perished did so despite the vaccine, and all those who survived did so despite the vaccine. The “Counter-measures” have failed. It’s becoming more apparent by the scientific data regarding complications, and death rate stats, that they are actually causing more deaths than the original perceived threat to national security.

Extensive research done by Enigma Whistleblower, Sasha Latypova:

Do your own research.

Tennessee ‘Right to Work’ Amendment on the Ballot

On the ballot in this year’s midterm election is a proposal to amend our state’s constitution..  From the initial reading, one might think Purposed Amendment #1 – Right to Work is designed to strengthen legislation that has already been passed. However, one must look deeper into the motives and consequences of changing the Tennessee Constitution.

Here’s a look at the current law:

 The “Right to Work” laws currently existing in the state allow both the company and the employee to work at will. Both can walk away from the employment agreement. If an employee is fired from their job, they qualify for federal unemployment benefits while seeking employment from another company. If an employee wants to quit their job for a better opportunity, they can leave their employment without being beholden to the company or a Union. All Tennessee businesses run their companies to meet market demand and have the freedom to manage their payroll and other expenses according to their business plan in order to survive and thrive so they can keep their employees employed.

The language in the purposed new amendment reads: 

“It is unlawful for any person, corporation, association, or this state or its political subdivisions to deny or attempt to deny employment to any person by reason of the person’s membership in, affiliation with, resignation from, or refusal to join or affiliate with any labor union or employee organization.”

This new amendment specifically would make it unconstitutional to refuse employment regardless of a person’s involvement or affiliation with any union or similar structured work environment.

Sounds good on the surface, but let’s look at an example of how it will work. The Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga needs to hire someone. If a person who belongs to a union, for example The U.A.W. in Detroit relocates to Tennessee and they apply for the position. Since this person has experience in the industry, it would be almost considered discrimination if Volkswagen didn’t hire them. Now, what happens when the employee starts to mention that union wages are much higher and demands from a Tennessee business’s Human Resources person that they match the prevailing union wage the employee is used to? The company would under the newly proposed amendment to The State of Tennessee’s Constitution be bound to accommodate that employee, under threat of litigation because of the sentence in the purposed amendment that reads “… is unlawful for a corporation to deny employment to any person by reason of the person’s membership…with any union…”. If this new amendment succeeds the employee is bound to constitutionally prevail if he is not hired and sues Volkswagen.

 See what happened here? The company no longer has the authority to hire and fire who the need to run their businesses. This new amendment just stripped the business of their power to run their own businesses.

While all this is happening, how many employees at the plant are now going to refuse the U.A.W.’s promises of higher wages and better benefits? Is any company in Tennessee willing to take that gamble?

This new amendment would be inclusive of ALL Unions and any worker affiliated agent, like The A.F.T that’s pushing Critical Race Theory or Social emotional learning as it’s been renamed to disguise the intent. There are many affiliated organizations; all are basically socialist organizations, disguised to benefit workers, but only the major corporations that operate the unions gain the most profits off the backs of the workers they claim to protect!

We all know what happens next. All the union shops immediately set up shops all over the Tennessee because of the lucrative lower taxes. Then the union representatives flood in and union workers bombard the state.

Of course everyone knows that The Unions, and their representatives and most of their workforce mostly vote for Democratic candidates.

Goodbye, Conservative, red Tennessee if this passes!!!

Here is what the ballot will look like:

Constitutional Amendment #1 

Shall Article XI of the Constitution of Tennessee be amended by adding the following language as a new section?

“It is unlawful for any person, corporation, association, or this state or its political subdivisions to deny or attempt to deny employment to any person by reason of the person’s membership in, affiliation with, resignation from, or refusal to join or affiliate with any labor union or employee organization.”


Autonomous Driving Cars

Another crash involving a Tesla autonomous vehicle has happened. The lazy idiots who buy into the notion that these vehicles are the way of the future need to realize that there is such a long way to go to truly make this work. These vehicles with Auto Braking Technology can only do just that. They cannot swerve to avoid a collision. They can’t accelerate to avoid a collision. Simply applying the brake is only a very small fundamental of the driving process, and is only really effective in ideal dry road conditions.

The other aspect of the autonomous vehicle craze, not being considered by most, is the huge carbon footprint made to produce and support the use of these industrial behemoths. I am articulating it in this manner because of the huge amount of labor, energy, industry, and technology required to bring these autonomous cars powered by electricity to the market. What few realize is that the whole premise that these vehicles are saving the planet is a bunch of bologna. The true purpose of these vehicles is to create thousands of jobs, and pass the cost to the consumer through a propaganda campaign boasting the reduction in greenhouse gasses.

The industrial supply chain required to produce one of these vehicles alone, far outweighs any benefit that could be achieved from the expected battery life alone, never mind all the other components made in probably twenty different factories around the globe. If mankind is to continue the use of    “The Horseless Carriage”  we are going to have to abandon this idea before it gets too out of hand.

The energy solution of the future is literally slapping us in the face all the time. It comes from the most abundant atom in the universe, Hydrogen. Mankind has already created the technology to use it, but few people are being made aware of this, because the electric vehicle concept is far too lucrative to abandon. Hydrogen is, and has been being used in industrial applications for over a decade. Hydrogen, when ignited, leaves only water and Oxygen as a byproduct. Hydrogen is harnessed through the ionization of water, or out of plain old “thin air”.

Several auto manufacturers have developed Hydrogen powered vehicles and even created conversion kits for gasoline vehicles. All that is needed is a small push from the federal government to require all fueling stations operating along the U.S. interstate system to provide Hydrogen filling equipment to support the use of this technology. After all, most of these places have electric charging stations. Once the infrastructure is in place, and people are educated about the expense and huge carbon footprint of the electric car they will abandon the concept just as they stopped riding horses.





The most recent data from N.A.S.C.A.R. shows that not only is attendance down at the tracks, but ratings and fan participation are down as well. The Association blames this on a racial determination, on the assumption that only a predominately white audience is interested in the sport. That people don’t want to spend the time on Sunday afternoons watching a three or four hour presentation on TV.

The fact is that first of all the televised presentations are overloaded with commercials, many of which have one or more of the drivers making fools of themselves to promote a product, or restaurant chain. Secondly and more significant, is N.A.S.C.A.R. itself, constantly changing the rules in an attempt to keep fans interested in the sport. This is proving to be an abysmal failure.

Ever since the first major rule change, to place a restrictor plate on the engine intake manifold to limit the air available to atomize fuel and significantly slow the speed on the larger speedways. Fans did not like this at all, for many reasons, the biggest being the inability of cars to pull out of the draft and pass one another. This made for boring hours of watching a large pack of cars just drive around the speedway until some driver got frustrated enough to try to pass, usually resulting in a huge crash, at great expense to teams, drivers, and the sponsors.

Instead of coming up with a better solution, like making the cars taller and increasing the size of the rear spoiler, (increasing downforce) the association doubled down, adopting a front valance designed by Geoffrey Bodine, who also designs bobsleds. Mind you, this was all done because Bill Elliot turned a 216 m.p.h. lap N.A.S.C.A.R. determined that was too fast, however modern engine builders have been able to mostly overcome the restrictor plate set back and the cars frequently turnout speeds of 206 m.p.h., so in 25 years the exercise has managed to kill and injure drivers because of these huge wrecks, cost teams and sponsors millions, and slowed the cars down a whopping ten m.p.h.

Additionally, Goodyear Tire has been the only approved tire for use on the stock car racing circuit. Many drivers, especially those who have racing experience other than stock car racing have attempted to petition for the use of Hoosier tires, because of their proven reliability under more demanding and punishing racing conditions. N.A.S.C.A.R. refuses to allow them, without any adequate explanation. Tire failure is a major cause of injury and loss of life in stock car racing.

More recent rule changes, such as “The Chase” where for the last ten races of the season, only ten drivers are actually eligible to win the championship has taken away even more interest in the sport. Again, instead of fixing the problem, the association doubled down and decided that by “bracketing” the final ten races like basketball’s final four, would bring more interest. It has not.

Now, a new rule to award points during the race to different drivers leading at intervals will help. It will not. Mainly because the points all revert back to zero when the final ten races arrives, or as it is known, as “The Chase.”

Simple solution, get rid of restrictor plate racing, abolish “The Chase” and the foolish bracketing – it’s auto racing, not basketball, get rid of the stupid valance (splitter) on the front of the car, go back to a taller profile template,  rear spoiler, and less restrictive gear limitation, and let drivers accumulate points until the last race the one with the most points wins the championship.

And finally, put a limit on all the dumb, and embarrassing commercials, using race car drivers as actors, during the telecasts and at least try using the Hoosier tire and see if  more safety, and reliability can be achieved.