I guess that Colin Powell has either bought into the racial rhetoric from Obama’s racial divisive propaganda or he is getting senile in old age. The recent e-mail revelations indicate he is neither Republican or Democrat or both combined.
It appears he has switched party lines. When Hillary tried to throw him under the bus with regard to the use of an unsecured server, and government related e-mails, he had to lash out like a caged animal at both parties. Amazing how a well-respected, admired, accomplished individual can be sucked in. The integrity of his entire distinguished career is jeopardized from misguided allegiance to those who couldn’t care less one way or another, as long as their legacy remains in tact. This is the way with a progressive agenda in government. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely, there is no middle ground.
Those in power will have no compassion no matter what is promised, to anyone who goes along with the program, once the agenda is advanced, those who helped are no longer needed.
They become acceptable casualties along the way. The Clinton’s are exactly the same as Obama, they are without guile. They will use anyone that can to advance their agenda, but if controversy arises they have absolutely no allegiance whatsoever.