Democrats Run Amok

I think the Democrats have really overplayed their hand this time. As usual they under thought the consequences of their tactics to delay this Supreme Court nominee. Blinded by the misguided aspirations of the left-wing of the party, they failed to think about the consequences if their objective failed. Now that Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation is imminent, if the Democrats had concerns about his objectivity on the court, they certainly can have no doubt how he would rule now, after they have  “poked the sleeping bear”. 

After what they have personally done at the core of this man’s family with a blatant attempt to socially destroy him? I can assure you, that if it were me in his position, I would never rule in favor of anything that involved a political connection that in any way helped a Democratic argument in The Supreme Court.

The Democratic party has been corrupted by the disease of the left. The left has convinced the main wing of the party that a few thousand ignorant, misinformed, paid, protesters represent the American ideal. Although I am a Republican, I can remember a time when the Democratic party stood for, and represented more of American values as a whole. Now with the corruption of young minds in our broken education system, as well as big money lobbyists like Soros, who made his fortune in a capitalist society, now preaches Globalism and Socialism, for the sole benefit of his own bank account, has convinced those less informed, that they can be better off living off the labors of others.

There may come a time in American history, when society becomes convinced that Soros’ ideas are practical and America tries and fails that experiment, but that time is not now!

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