Disparity is the Fault of the Desperate

If wealth redistribution by a government was a feasible solution to the income inequality problem in the United States, George Soros, or Oprah Winfrey, or Elizabeth Warren, for that matter, could set up a ‘go fund me’ site for all the wealthy Liberals.

The site could then redistribute the millions, if not billions (if you go by Alexandria Ocasio Cortez seventy percent taxation suggestion), to all those poor less fortunate overworked and underpaid folks they pretend to be so concerned about.

 According to Mr. Ryan, Democrat Congressman, the richest 400 people in this country have the same wealth as the poorest 150 million. These entire hypocrite Democrats like Sanders, Warren, Obama, Winfrey, and dozens of actors and actresses are all worth hundreds of millions each, with Winfrey alone worth billions. If these Democrats are so unhappy about class disparity let them solve it. It is well within their financial grasp to give them money, if you do any basic math.

Why should it fall on the backs of those who work, in some cases a lifetime to achieve, to give any part of their money up for this absurd cause? The disparity is the fault of the desperate, not the rest of the working class.

 Let’s try showing the results of those who came from nothing and have, through hard work, made millions, instead of focusing on the lazy and dependent. That’s what’s great about America; I don’t have to feel sorry for anyone if I choose not to. I don’t need government to force that on me.

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