Fox News Turncoats

I guess that all the commentators on Fox News will eventually be forced to drink the Socialist Kool Aid, or be ousted. As I watched in disbelief the other night, Laura Ingram, a supposed staunch conservative, went on an apology rant on her slated program “The Ingram Angle”. She basically was conceding the election for President Trump, all the while insisting that she hasn’t abandoned her conservative principles.

As the old Native American proverb says “She speaks with a forked tongue”. A true conservative knows, as most people, “it ain’t over, till it’s over”. She’s just the latest to join Chris Wallace and others on the Fox News Station that apparently have either voluntarily, or been forced by management to start following M.S.N.B.C. ‘s model of spewing Liberal propaganda.

It looks like One America News is the only one left that is still truly “American”.

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