Has anyone thought to ask the question: How safe and effective would a Corona virus vaccine be, if it was developed in the traditional manner, without the R.N.A. sequencing? It is obvious to me that scientists don’t quite have a handle on breaking down D.N.A. chains and screwing around mixing and mashing Nucleic acids in the human body.
Sadly, I think this experimental vaccine is being used in worldwide populations as test subjects. I’m sure that eventually the scientists will figure out their mistakes, but do we really need to kill thousands of human test subjects to do it? This whole political world is turned upside down. The Liberals used to chain themselves in front of laboratories where animals were being used to experiment on.
Now they are foaming at the mouth because people aren’t willing to be experimented on. I guess as far as they’re concerned it’s worth risking people’s lives, but not lab rats lives.