To continue from the previous post concerning EO #83, the other consequence that most probably don’t see coming, is the forcing out of the private insurance industry. How you may ask? No insurer is going to provide medical coverage to anyone that is not being treated by an accredited, licensed physician. Nursing graduate students that are now allowed, through executive order, to treat patients don’t meet that criterion.
This stuff is all part of the bigger plan to force socialized medicine upon us. This is just the first step to convince Americans that we need “Medicare For All”. The phony “deadly” virus is just the first building block to get the ball rolling. All the big fancy scary talking points and words like “Pandemic” and “hospitals stretched to capacity” “climbing death toll” are all by design to frighten the daylights out of a free society to force conformity.
Sadly, it’s working. If the same body counts and perceived infection rates were applied to any known virus, the same statistics would prevail. The Covid-19 virus is no deadlier than any other Covid virus. The Covid virus is essentially another name for The Common Cold, as to which, there so far, is no cure. The only difference is that The Covid-19 virus has a scary name, and may be engineered to be somewhat more easily transmitted. The notion that “We Can Beat This Through Vaccination”, or avoid transmission is completely absurd. No matter how much hand washing or “social distancing”, unless one is kept in a sterile environment, (bubble) at some point exposure is imminent.
Oh, and for those “Vaccine” freaks out there, it’s not the unvaccinated that are the “danger” to society. It’s the other way around. Those people who have been duped to take the “vaccine” that, by the way, is at this point at least 75% ineffective are only supporting the NAZI Socialist agenda of the Socialist elites in big Pharma and big tech that have their hooks into our Federal Government and want to force Socialism down our throats and tear apart the fabric of a free society for their own wealth and power. It is now presumed that over 45,000 additional deaths to those already reported on the CDC website’s VAERS data, can be directly or indirectly attributed to these experimental vaccines. After just one death, they should have been discontinued and pulled from availability to the public.