There has been an outpouring of complaints by concerned Tennesseans regarding the recent executive order that was released from the governor’s office on August 6, 2021. In an unprecedented move governor Lee’s aide put out a statement that basically claims that all those who have voiced their concern, publicly, about the blatant government overreach outlined in the executive order, are now considered “Right-wing conspiracists”, not just concerned conservatives about their rights being stripped away from them by an authoritarian government.
Tennessee is a mostly conservative state. Anytime this type of descriptive language is used it is used by Liberals for its divisive implications. This executive order is full of blatant violations of Tennessean’s constitutional rights. It includes a provision unlike The Russian K.G.B. ‘s authority to put those who are outraged, and show their concerns in public fashion, to be considered “Mentally Unstable” and subject to committal to an institution, with just a mere phone call. This is the exact playbook of Fidel Castro and Vladimir Putin, that imprisons “Political Dissidents” that disagree with the decrees handed down by The Socialist Dictator.
Despite attempts to downplay the language in the executive order, it does have provisions for undiagnosed committal of people deemed “mentally unstable”, as well as code exempt structures to be placed in the event that extra space is deemed necessary to quarantine Covid positive cases. Positive cases that are the result of flawed tests full of inaccuracies and false positive readings. In my opinion, when the governor’s office starts labeling concerned citizens as “Right-wing conspiracists”, we can clearly see that our so called Republican governor is nothing more than a Liberal planted in office that has disguised himself as a Republican to further tear down the conservative values that have made Tennessee one of the last bastions of a free America in these United States.