Idiots and Fools in Congress

Congresswoman Alexandria Cortez has ambitious plans to shift American reliance on fossil fuels in the next decade to green renewable sources. To most of those who embrace these ideas the concept is to tax the pathway to this aspiration. This will only drive those who keep America’s economy going to flee and find better tax climates to do their business. Besides, it is a known fact, that even if everyone was taxed at one hundred percent, it wouldn’t buy enough green energy to do the job.

I would like to know how the Congresswoman plans to make intercontinental commerce possible without fossil fuel, or  rail transport and commerce, or air travel. Are we to go back to steam technology? How about wooden sailing vessels of the sixteenth century? Oh no we can’t do that, because of the deforestation. Without diesel electric transportation devices, or jet engines, practical domestic and world commerce simply isn’t possible. Maybe we could get the “pony express” back up and running for nationwide mail delivery. Even the big commercial machines that plow, plant, and harvest crops that feed America, rely on this technology. Though a lot of the machinery operates unmanned, it still needs to have the ability to run for days on end to accomplish the tasks to manage thousands of acres of farmland.

 This woman has no clue of reality. I would like to know what kind of constituency elects a lawmaker without a law degree? This obviously poorly educated Socialist has now compared herself to both Lincoln and Roosevelt as far as what she believes are radical ideas to benefit mankind. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez should first begin with a crash course in economics and public relations, followed by another in both domestic and foreign commerce, and then perhaps a fundamental guide to understanding the basic principles of how the United States Government works. If she can prove the intelligence required to accomplish that, then maybe she could get accepted to a college to try to get a law degree. I would suggest that those who would give any credence to what this woman says to take the time to watch a movie called ” Idiocracy!”

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