Ignorant Geniuses

I still can’t understand why these extremely wealthy companies Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Amazon would continue to sign up for a Socialist or Communist means of governance. Under the basic principles of that governing structure, wealth redistribution is an integral principle to achieve governmental stability.  Don’t these stupid smart people who run these companies realize if our current government falls to either Communism or Socialism, their wealth, being the greatest, and most recognizable, will be the first to be redistributed?

These self destructive morons at Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Amazon should be aggressively promoting conservative values, and Capitalism! It’s what has enabled them to gain the wealth that they enjoy, rather than the reverse. Do they somehow think that their extreme wealth would somehow be overlooked or they would “get a pass” for their loyally to “The Party” in a Socialist Government?

So, keep this in mind, you smart idiots that run these companies: Your  self-destructive behaviors of censoring, spewing adjunct propaganda, flat out lying, or distorting conservative content that explicitly, and adamantly stands against those governing ideals, only serves to help lead to your own demise. What a bunch of ignorant geniuses!

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