Jill Stein, Sell Out


Well it looks like the Democrats have subverted another person, who originally claimed to have their own platform. Jill Stein’s ability to raise 4.8 million to contest the vote counts in states with narrow victories for Trump, didn’t happen by accident.

I have no doubt that if the donations are traced, the Democratic party is behind it. Since a recount would only benefit Hillary Clinton, if an error was found, then it serves Jill Stein no purpose to do so.

Unfortunately, however, Donald Trump had enough electoral votes without those states being contested. Just another crybaby liberal that should move to a socialist governed country, and rid us of their tantrums.

I think a few years in Cuba would do Jill Stein some good, as well as a couple hundred thousand of these bratty brainwashed kids that are protesting.

 They could replace those hundreds of thousands who risked their lives to come to America from Cuba for a better life, and found it here by becoming productive members of society.  Let them see what happens to a person who protests the government in the streets of Havana.

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