Let’s Evolve Already

The Liberal Left controlled Congress passed a bill called The Equality Act today (05/17/19). This heavy handed authoritarian legislation is designed specifically to further divide the masses to more easily force the American population into succumbing to Social Engineering and it is literally the first step to abolishing The Constitution. It is a direct assault on religious liberty, which is the first amendment in The Constitution. This new bill essentially forces the will of an extremely small percent of a percent of the population onto the other 99.995%.

The bill was passed under the guise of the Liberal Left’s perception that there somehow the LBGTQ population has fewer rights that the rest of America. This is simply not true! All Americans have equal protection under the law. Anti-discrimination laws that are already on the books do not exclude the LBGTQ.

All this legislation does is force the heavy hand of The Federal Government into the private lives of citizens. It places innocent children directly in harm’s way by not only allowing, but forcing, by law access to them by individuals that would pervert the law for criminal intention. It forces upon vulnerable and impressionable children, information about sexual orientation before they are mature enough to properly process and understand the information. It would place puberty aged teens in direct contact with their sexual counterparts that would inevitably lead to rampant promiscuity, and undoubtedly a surge in teen and premature pregnancies and births. All women and children, and probably even some men, would be easy targets for rapists and other sexual assaults from predators who would exploit the flawed law, through character misrepresentation.

Who would be enforcing this insanity? How would it even be possible to determine the eligibility of those whom the law is supposedly protecting? Who is going to stand at the millions of bathrooms, locker rooms, dressing and changing room doorways and protect those who are vulnerable? I can’t think of a much more vulnerable situation than when one is either on the toilet, or in some state of undress. What would those who enforce this law do? Ask the person in question if their intention and gender identification are genuine? Even if there was an honest answer to the question, would that act itself not be considered discrimination? Would government agents have the right to raid houses of worship to force compliance?

How do these lunatics get elected? This is the epitome of the insane who are running the asylum! There are more holes in this legislation than a spaghetti strainer! There is one extremely simple solution to all this insanity. A law passed that all restrooms, changing rooms and other places that put public safety at risk, be required to be able to be locked from the inside. Instead of bathrooms having signage to list multi-gender access, simply have single occupancy access, have a lockable door, and have a sign that reads “restroom”.  Yes, some public bathrooms will need to be renovated, including schools but it’s a lot cheaper and safer to renovate once so all restrooms are single occupancy. This law would not only be easier to enforce, it would limit the infringement on private citizens’ liberties from the already heavy handed Federal Government.

Post Script Rant – What is it with our society that wants to continue to have these large public restrooms? We no longer bathe in public, why are we still accepting the idea that peeing and defecating in multi-occupancy restrooms is acceptable? Especially for school aged children? They are the most vulnerable. Let’s evolve.

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