Now that the new school year is upon us, there seems to be resurgence in the number of morons out there wearing these useless face coverings. The sad thing about this is that people actually believe that not only are they safe from catching the cold, but also, and worse, think that they aren’t courageous if they are wearing them.
Dr. Fauci and The C.D.C have recommended that masks would help prevent the spread of The Coronavirus. What he didn’t explain to everyone is to the extent of which they protect. Here’s a simple analogy people can do at home to understand the effectiveness of these blue paper masks.
Take your dog for its morning walk, but bring a shovel with you. When the dog makes a poop shovel it up. Then carry the poop to the nearest chain link fence. Then heave the poop at the fence. The poop that sticks to the fence can be compared to the level of protection from any virus. The poop that passes through the fence can be directly compared to the exposure on is subject to from any virus. Another simpler test. Stand near a smoker while wearing the mask. If you can smell the smoke, you’ve been exposed.
There used to be a warning on the side of the packages that the masks come in, that stated that the masks offer no protection from viruses. Since the whole panic about Coronavirus has been perpetuated, however, the warnings have been removed. Unless you are wearing a canister type gas mask, sorry to say there’s little if any protection.