Media Madness – Fake News

In my opinion, when the media causes hysteria in the general public by spreading propaganda, the 1st amendment should not apply. The shameful, intentional misleading news stories from some of these networks, in some cases, is getting people hurt and hurting the bottom line of the businesses that are affected by the riots that ensue from the false narrative.

The most recent propaganda was aimed at the airports, disrupting air travel and causing national security concerns. It was reported that all muslims were being detained at airports in N.Y. and other states as well as their departures from the Middle East. What was not reported, intentionally, was that out of 325,000 travelers, about 300 were originally detained because their immigration status was not verified at the start. Out of the 300 or so, verification allowed about 200 to continue on their way. A total of 109 people have been temporarily detained. This amounts to about 1/30th of 1%, however, these treasonist news agencies would have people believe that all muslims are being detained and persecuted for their faith.

These fake news stories are aimed with one purpose in mind, civil disruption, and chaos. Is it not the primary job of the president to protect all Americans from enemies, both foreign and domestic? Wouldn’t this type of intentionally caused civil disruption, property damage, and in some cases bodily harm be considered an enemy of society? 

The 1st amendment should have some boundaries when things get this out of hand.  After all, it is not free speech and against the law to yell ‘fire’ in a movie theater. Those responsible for these false stories with important, relevant facts edited for the sole purpose to mislead and cause havoc in society, need to be removed from these organizations, and charged with treason.

Maybe if the laws of this country were actually enforced for a change, society could return to normal. Bringing these treasonists to justice would send a clear message to these media outlets to stop the false and misleading news and they could get back to what their job is, to accurately inform the American people of national and world events. It used to be, that you listened or watched the news to find out what was really happening at The White House. Now, you have to watch and listen to what’s happening in The White House, to find out the truth about the news.

The truth is, that the proverbial “cat is out of the bag” when it comes to attempting to push the liberal agenda these fake news feeds have adopted. In order to convince the public that the liberal ideal has any integrity, the liberal media resorts to propaganda and fake news.

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