You’ve just caught a supposed Republican Chairperson on a recorded call attempting to bribe a Republican Senatorial Candidate, to Kari Lake to get her to withdraw her bid. This has to be treated as if you were exterminating vermin. It’s not the rat you catch, or see. It’s the ones you don’t see. Obviously, there’s a flaw in the screening process for these people. This man is a Democrat Operative, who managed to rise to the rank of a regional “Chair” in the R.N.C. planted there to thwart Conservative efforts to save this country. I have two questions: Is this a Ronna McDaniel problem or is it a systemic problem that needs to be addressed immediately within all the ranks of The R.N.C? His resignation is not enough.

 All R.N.C. Chairpersons need to have a re-evaluation as to their backgrounds and potential liability to The Republican Party, right now, and those who screen them must be subjected to the same thorough review process! If there was reason to question Ronna’s leadership in the party before, now it is more questionable than ever. This could be a valuable lesson for The Republican Party: The party just recently reinstated Ronna McDaniel as head chair, but there were questions as to her ability to lead. Apparently, some have missed the boat on this one.

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