Political Suicide

Mitt Romney, Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell and all the other “never Trump” enthusiasts have pushed the self destruct button. Just as the democratic party has moved left, the republican party is evolving. Donald Trump has awakened a sleeping giant. The republican party now embraces diversity. The republicans want to offer a hand up to the poverty stricken African American and other color diverse communities of the inner city, rather than the usual handouts from the democrats. These hand out policies have stripped these communities of dignity through intentional subjugation rather than offer real opportunity. Donald Trump wants to offer these communities the ability to lift from dependency to dignity. Dignity and self esteem come from achievement, not from government handouts, carried on the backs of other hardworking Americans. For decades democrats have stifled the ability of the economically disadvantaged to make any significant strides for better achievement. Nothing has changed since the civil war, the democrats have just found a more creative way to enslave the disadvantaged by creating dependency on the constantly evolving entitlement programs. These programs were intended to help the economically disadvantaged, but democrats quickly realized they could easily keep control of those whom were dependent. Generational dependency has stripped the motivation, self esteem, respect for their peers from these inner city communities. This is the primary cause of the rampant violence. These are not bad people, liberal policies have driven these people to this behavior. Globalism and other socialist agenda has ripped opportunity from once thriving industry, most of which was easily within walking distance from these inner city communities. Donald Trump’s plan to bring industry back to this country will give the impoverished communities in this country a chance to regain the sense of self respect and dignity that comes from achievement not from charity.

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