Once again, when President Trump does some real good, the Liberal media’s hair catches on fire. The relentless unsubstantial attacks aimed at this President are frankly becoming a major irritant and insult to all of America. If the President had gone directly to Houston and waded in the flood waters aiding in rescue attempts, would they stop the negative coverage? Would they accuse him of not doing enough, or doing too much? If the President walked on the water, or parted it for that matter, would the Liberal bias stop then? Would they accuse him of religious bias for imitating Moses? His rousing speech at Hurricane Harvey ground zero of optimism and pledging the commitment of federal resources was inspiring to say the least.
Donald Trump then followed the next day with a spectacular speech in Missouri, reaffirming his pledge to help middle and struggling American families with a long overdue overhaul of the country’s tax code.
One of the most important take away for me was the calling out of congress to do what’s right for the American people, or get voted out of office. This is essential for this country’s prosperity. Senators like McCain, McConnell, Pelosi and others have milked the government cow for far too long. They are stifling 21st century progress and prosperity with old and entrenched ideas, and what they call “procedural” actions in the process of legislation.
The lack of participation by Democrats in the legislative process is frankly hurting this country, and for lack of a better analogy treasonous. Laws need to be enacted to curb this activity or our country, its constitution, and all that makes us America is headed for hell in a hand basket. Failing to act in the capacity for which these people were elected should have dire consequences for them.
The fact that the Democrats have pledged to obstruct this President’s agenda is an open admission of criminal guilt. Not just to be voted out, but harsh legal penalties. After all these people are being entrusted to covenant our most sacred instrument of government, our constitution. Should that not require more integrity from these people than the average citizen?
After eight years of Liberal failures, has the bar been set so low that nothing can be expected from our legislators? Obama circumventing constitutional law, Clinton’s criminal behavior, Eric Holder’s criminal involvement in gun running, Loretta Lynch’s activities with former president Bill Clinton, James Comey’s antics at the head of the F.B.I. Wasserman Schultz hiring a Pakistan spy to handle sensitive government information, Uma Aberdeen destroying e-mails and flat out getting caught lying to Americans, Clapper and Koskinen’s involvement in the illegal targeting of conservatives at the I.R.S.? W.T.H.?
In grade school I learned that there are three branches of the federal government, The Executive, The Legislative, and The Judicial. Was The Judicial branch eliminated when I was sleeping one night? Anyone who doesn’t believe that their direction came from President Obama should crawl back under their rock. Since when does an American prosecutor investigate the activities of another country (Russia)? When will an American prosecutor investigate the crimes committed by these afore mentioned criminals?