What most people don’t understand about the border wall is that it’s all about respect. Most homeowners in most parts of the world don’t need a physical barrier to delineate their property lines. There’s usually a hedgerow or different type of landscaping or even the grass is cut at a different height. In most situations the neighbors respect those borders. They know not to walk their dog there, not to park their car there, not to dig or plant bushes there.

The problem arises when the neighbor fails to respect the boundary in some way. First, one might call some official, building or code enforcement inspector, surveyor, or law enforcement if things get too far out of hand. If those efforts fail, most reasonable people decide that putting up a physical barrier is way better than a physical confrontation with the neighbor. It is way less expensive too, rather than having an assault charge is brought against you.

This is exactly the case at the U.S.-Mexico border. It’s not about the drugs, human trafficking, gangs, or family units trying to gain access to our social services. All those things are matters of disrespect. The people that are crossing our southern border, in most cases know damn well were the border is, yet they make a choice to disrespect it. Rather than physical confrontation, even though it has gone way beyond that, a barrier must be put in place. Just as you would do if your neighbor kept disrepecting your propterty boundaries.

All efforts to deter the disrespect through peaceful means have failed at the U.S.-Mexico border. The ignorant neighbors at our southern border need to have the physical barrier to restore their respect for our property.

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