Sieg Heil Governor Lee

Yes folks, the NAZI governor of Tennessee, as of Friday, August 6, 2021 has authorized through executive order, the construction of concentration camps. These concentration camps need no building permits. He has also given authorization to evaluate and commit citizens to be quarantined in these camps to any person that has the intention to get a degree in the nursing field. That’s right, nursing graduate students, not L.P.N.’s can evaluate, treat and if necessary, commit persons to be quarantined in non-Tennessee code compliant housing, erected for the sole purpose of segregating persons that have been evaluated by these college students and suspected of being a danger to society, from their families and society as a whole!

The Fuhrer has also waived the practice of licensed professionals having to meet and evaluate any person suspected of mental illness in person. They can now be committed with a mere phone conversation. The Fuhrer’s justification for these concentration camps is that not enough people are submitting to get the deadly vaccine, which in Lee’s own words claims “the vaccines are safe and effective”. Truth be told, in reality thousands are dying from the so called “vaccines”, and over seventy percent of re-infections are from those who’ve already been vaccinated. Even the C.E.O. of Pfizer, (one of the largest producers of the shots), will not take the “medicine” his company is selling to The Federal Government in mass quantities. Oh yes, one other little tidbit; Pfizer is planning to raise the price for this poisonous cocktail.

The other consequence that most probably don’t see coming, is the forcing out of the private insurance industry. How? No insurer is going to provide medical coverage to anyone that is not being treated by an accredited, licensed physician. Nursing graduate students that are now allowed, through executive order, to treat patients don’t meet those criteria. 

This stuff is all part of the bigger plan to force socialized medicine upon us. This is just the first step to convince Americans that we need “Medicare For All”. The phony “deadly” virus is just the first building block to get the ball rolling. All the big fancy scary talking points and words like “Pandemic” and “hospitals stretched to capacity” “climbing death toll” are all by design to frighten the daylights out of a free society to force conformity

Sadly it’s working. If the same body counts and perceived infection rates were applied to any known virus, the same statistics would prevail. The Covid-19 virus is no deadlier than any other Covid virus. The Covid virus is essentially another name for The Common Cold, as to which, there so far, is no cure. The only difference is that The Covid-19 virus has a scary name, and may be engineered to be somewhat more easily transmitted. The notion that “We Can Beat This Through Vaccination”, or avoid transmission is completely absurd. No matter how much hand washing or “social distancing”, unless one is kept in a sterile environment, (bubble) at some point exposure is imminent.

 Oh, and for those “Vaccine” freaks out there, it’s not the unvaccinated that are the “danger” to society. It’s the other way around. Those people who have been duped to take the “vaccine” that, by the way, is at this point at least 75% ineffective are only supporting the NAZI Socialist agenda of the Socialist elites in big pharma and big tech that have their hooks into our Federal Government and want to force Socialism down our throats and tear apart the fabric of a free society for their own wealth and power. It is now presumed that over 45,000 deaths can be directly or indirectly attributed to these experimental vaccines. After just one death, they should have been discontinued and pulled from availability to the public.

This is exactly the kind of stuff people need to be furious about. A supposed Republican Governor, imposing to put up “Quarantine” Camps. Endorsing the concept of allowing college kids instead of medical professionals to diagnose and recommend treatment to Tennesseans. I thought this was America, “land of the free and home of the brave”. Where the hell is the bravery in accepting this garbage from our Governor? Where the heck are the martyrs in the Republican Party? I want to see someone have some stones and tear down these “Quarantine Camps” as fast as they can be erected. Not only are Lee’s Executive orders un-American, but unconstitutional as well. How can the governor write an emergency executive order when the emergency hasn’t happened? Can this all be based on the discredited statements of Dr. Fauci, a doctor in degree only? A doctor who has never treated a single patient?

The Democrats were able to make a hero martyr out of a crack addict reoffending criminal. Surely some Republican somewhere has the balls to commit a misdemeanor offense of vandalism. And surely some Republican somewhere has the stones to come to that person’s legal defense. The Federal Government has no problem with the group known as Antifa burning homes and businesses, and even taking possession of several blocks in a major city. Nor did they seem to mind Black Lives Matter followers throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at police. Plainly put, the line has to be drawn somewhere and The Republican Party has to stop “taking The High Road” as it were, and drive home their position with the same intensity as The Democrats! I’m in my 60’s with a heart condition in case there are those who ask “Why Don’t You Do Something?” What I can do, is, when the Feds come door to door to give shots – I can shoot back! I’m just hoping there are a few younger, more capable patriots left that have any desire not to see this country become another Venezuela!

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