Socialcrats Debates

Watching the Democrat debates, or rather as much as I could stand to watch, the theme is the same. The agenda for these future  ‘wannabees’ is that everyone is entitled to all sorts of free stuff, or to revisit the civil rights era in the sixties.

 What these aspiring Socialists are not telling anyone is how they intend to get us there. There is talk of taxing the rich at higher rates, and a carbon tax, and a host of other non specifics. The reality, however, is that in all of these socialist countries that the Democrats adore, and want to model our government after, there are harsh forced social economic laws designed to balance expenditures with economic viability. Not to mention how much more debt this country would acquire. We are in debt for trillions now, and we are a capitalist country. In most, if not all Socialist countries, it is mandatory that all citizens participate for a minimum of two years of military service.  All able bodied persons are required to work, by law, and for a predetermined wage by the government. Failure to comply means imprisonment for dissidents.

All companies are government owned in some form or another, and there would be no more private insurance. So these Amazons, Googles, Microsofts, and Facebooks, of this country that support these Democrat candidates had better think long and hard about their allegiances, because they are the first ones to become property of the Socialist regime. It’s no secret; everyone knows that all the free college, free health care, and “Green New Deal” types of pipe dreams are going to be real expensive.

Do they think the Socialist government is going to get the money from the poorest people in society? No! They are going to go where the richest companies are first. That means Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Facebook arethe first companies on the chopping block. For some of the best and brightest, I have never seen such a bunch of dummies, supporting the very party that will lead to their ultimate demise. If these guys think that they are going to get special treatment for their allegiance, they have another thing coming; these candidates are eating their own now, like rabid wolves. Bernie and Liz are already salivating at the thought of getting Google and Amazon’s money to give to illegal immigrants to secure their reelection.

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