Socialist Hypocrites

Last week a self proclaimed Socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won a congressional seat. I can’t help but to laugh out loud when I hear these hypocrites who make these claims. It’s real easy to call oneself a Socialist, when they live in a free Republic like America. It’s kind of like watching American Choppers on television, and calling oneself a master motorcycle mechanic, or House Hunters, and calling oneself a Realtor. I suggest that Cortez, Sanders, and all these other self professing Socialists go live in Cuba for a few years, deposit their money in the bank there, and get a real feel for it. This way they can truly give us outsiders a genuine opinion on the Socialist way of life.

I’m sure the Castros would love to redistribute Bernie Sander’s hundreds of millions of dollars (mostly into their own portfolios), and that goes the same for anyone else with these aspirations.

I submit that all of the misinformed millennials, movie stars, and morons who have these delusions of grandeur, that you put your “money where your mouth is” and gain some real world experience. Then, and only then, can you expect the rest of America to take you seriously. Oh, and by the way, Nazi Germany was a Socialist governing body.

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