Supreme Court Hearings are a Circus

Watching the Supreme Court circus over the past few days, and the feeble attempts by Democrats to obstruct, was so indicative of how far off the rails their party has come. The hired protesters weren’t exactly a positive for Democrats. Corey Booker kept complaining that the Democrats only have 10% of the documents, but 90% of the documents requested had no bearing on the merits of Kavanaugh’s eligibility to fill the seat.

In fact most of those documents were sensitive communications between then President Bush and his closest advisors, when Kavanaugh served as White House secretary, like those from the head of national security, C.I.A.,  F.B.I. and the D.O.J. I could almost see Democrats salivating at the idea that they might possibly convince Congress to reveal the inner workings of an opposing party’s Presidency, at the highest national security level; and the hopes of somehow leveraging some savory tidbit of information to try to rig the upcoming election in their favor. Sheldon Whitehouse had someone holding up signs depicting conservative groups and corporations that lobbied for Kavanaugh’s nomination, but apparently has no concern for the millions poured in from Liberal groups for the contrary. Whitehouse pointed out percentage statistics where the Supreme Court ruled in favor of corporate litigants and conservative groups, yet failed to give any details about those legal arguments. Feinstein seemed to think that if confirmed, Kavanaugh would single-handedly reverse Roe V Wade.

The main reason for the Democrats having these concerns, is that they have become so used to Liberal judges legislating  from the bench applying their political ideology, instead of litigating with impartiality, that they fear the same thing will happen to them from the opposite side of the political aisle.

Thankfully Ted Cruz was able to clearly articulate the true nature of the Democrat’s obstruction and concerns for Kavanaugh’s appointment; that this is no more than just another attempt to delegitimize the Trump Presidency. Cruz articulated that Trump ran his campaign promising to put fair-minded constitutionalist judges on the Supreme Court. This being contrary to Hillary Clinton’s approach to put Liberal judges in place to re-evaluate and possibly re legislate the constitution from the Supreme Court bench. He then added that the American people voted and elected Trump partly on that principle.The fact is, that by its very nature conservative view is for the most part based on facts and common sense, therefore, far fewer of these instances of political bias interfere with judgement calls.

This country was founded, and survives today based mainly on those conservative principles. Most of the Liberal policies that have been enacted, through ‘bench legislation’ and have become mainstream in today’s society, have become burdensome to society, dragging down those who would otherwise seek achievement instead of hand outs. The very nature of these policies have created the social injustices that many are protesting against.

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