Bribery or Quid Pro Quo?

The Democrats are trying to impeach President Trump based upon the presumption of a Quid-Pro-Quo, or bribery as they are trying to change the linguistics. Unfortunately, interaction that The State Department, The Office of Foreign Affairs, or any other agency does, that concerns a second party, or foreign country, can be considered a Quid-Pro-Quo.

 For example: The United States will send troops to a foreign nation if that nation has a cease-fire and is unable to thwart off a national threat. Our troops cost The American taxpayers money, therefore it is a Quid-Pro-Quo for The U.S. to send troops, and that action must be directed either by The President or Congress. So, I guess, under the current standards for impeachment, every military intervention to give assistance to a foreign country should have prompted an impeachment hearing. 

Here’s  another example: In order for foreign nations to rely on N.A.T.O. they are expected to pay The U.S. a small percentage of their G.D.P. Guess what? This is a Quid-Pro-Quo! These types of deals happen all the time, and frankly, both The U.S. and the nations that these deals are made with would be in a world of hurt without them.

 What do you think every trade deal with every country we do business with is? Answer: A Quid-Pro-Quo! As a matter of fact anything that is traded, sold, or bartered, if it is of any measurable value to one party or another, is A Quid-Pro-Quo!

Warren’s Worker Party

The Socialist Elizabeth Warren is shouting at the top of her lungs “I’m for the working people”. Unfortunately, the last Socialist to make those claims started The National Socialist Workers Party. In other words, The NAZI Party. These so called “Progressives” are really just plain old Socialists, under a different name. They all have the same common denominator. They boast of income inequality, social justice, and prosperity for the working class.

Unfortunately the easy money confiscated from those they deem as “enemies of the state” or have too much “income inequality” corrupts even the well intentioned, eventually. It’s very simple, really, as tons of cash pours into the already swollen government, more government employees are needed to regulate it. As more of these employees get access to the cash cow, corruption and improprieties increase with them. As this increase occurs, so does the jealousy of those who bear witness, and like a virus, it eventually is caught by the entire population. There become those who work for the government and everyone else (the poor and less fortunate). All one needs to do is open a historical reference book.

It’s always the same, and always ends the same way, in every country, everywhere, at every time in history. First they disarm the population, then they begin selectively stripping wealth from those evil rich people, then the cycle unfolds. We as a nation don’t need “Robin Hood” to be our president!

Independence Lost

There is already mounting evidence that there is a shortage of skilled trades workers. The shortage is also evident in teachers, and by the looks of it from the Epstein incident, prison guards.

This is a direct result of Democrat policies. After all, why should someone work if they can live off all the various government dole-outs? This entitlement society being created by the Democrats is a clear and present danger to our nation and national security. If any one of the candidates running for office on the Democratic platform gets elected, with maybe the exception of Chelsea Gabbard, you can eliminate the concept of Independence Day, and start celebrating “Dependence Day”.

As the Democrats push this nation towards complete government dependency, our nation becomes weaker. Anyone or anything that is dependent is naturally weaker than anyone or anything that is self reliant. It is like a snowball rolling into the fires of hell.

As more and more people become dependent, less have the incentive to support them. The effects are exponentially cumulative, corrosive and unsustainable, and will destroy this nation as we know it from the inside out.

Trump’s Rhetoric

The Democrats are constantly asking for compassion for those who committed acts of war against our country. I’m referring to those who embrace radical Islamic culture, like Ilhan Omar and Rahisha Talib. President Trump lived in New York City when it was attacked on 9/11. Just look at the outrage in Dayton Ohio at the mass shooter. Is anyone asking for them to tone down the rhetoric? Personally, I am still outraged about the attack on our country.

 If anything The President has shown nothing but compassion for the victims of these shootings and extreme restraint when it comes to Omar and her anti-Semitic, and anti-American rhetoric. The President has denounced White Supremists, called for prayer and condolences, and talked about gun legislation, what more do these Democrat hypocrites want?

It’s okay for Omar and Talib to bash America, and others in Congress to embrace changing our Constitutional Republic to Socialism, which, when given adequate consideration, inevitably leads to the abolishment of our constitution, and The Bill of Rights, as it is not compatible with that structure of government. It’s okay for Democrats in Congress to call for the acceptance of more refugees from Islamic countries, without vetting and while we are at war with them, I might add. It’s okay for President Obama to invite the anti-law enforcement terrorist organization Black Lives Matter to The White House, and roll out the red carpet, immediately after white police officers were targeted and ambushed in Dallas. The shooter claimed his allegiance to The Black Lives Matter organization.

Trump’s so called rhetoric isn’t half of what he should be saying. President Obama was the king of divisive rhetoric, and addressed the nation like a slippery tongued used car salesman.

 It’s about time that we have a President that speaks like the common man. The only out of line rhetoric I’m hearing is from racist and Socialist Democrats like Elizia Cummings, Ilhan Omar, Maxine Waters, Corey Booker, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Cortez, aw heck, there are too many to mention. The flat out disrespect from Democrats aimed directly at this President is a disgrace to The Democratic Party and The Congress, and in some cases borders on treason.

These idiots won’t be happy until all of us are like fish in a barrel for criminals to attack us at will because we are unarmed. Then and only then will these morons realize that they overreached, and try to react. What the hell would they do then? Have the government give us our guns back? Some of these people in The Democratic Party are so stupid; I honestly can’t understand how they convince people to vote for them! Well, I guess if you offer anyone a lot of free stuff you can bribe your way into office.

Ankle Monitors

I’m putting this as plain as it gets. Every immigrant that is seeking asylum or for any reason, who needs to return to court for any purpose, must be fitted with an ankle monitor. After all, we use them on Americans that are on parole or probation, or are registered sex offenders. If it’s good enough for American citizens, it’s good enough for the Immigrants.

If the detainee refuses to show up for their hearing, like the millions of others, we can track some of them down. Of course, lots of them are going to somehow hack the bracelets off, but it’s worth a try.

Fiasco at the Congressional Oversite interviews

A hearing was held by The Financial Oversight Congressional Committee this week, with many of the largest financial executives sitting for questioning by the committee. Maxine Waters asked some of the executives why there were so many mismanagement problems with student lending and subsequent loan defaults. As usual, as in most of the interactions involving Waters, she was clueless. Much to her dismay, she was informed that during the Obama administration, the student lending process was taken over by the government and no longer obligated the Financial Institutions.

 Just another example of what the government should not be doing. What was absent from the hearing, were two points. The first being any discussion about the relaxed lending practices through Dodd-Frank legislation, and the financial instruments created and backed by those unsecured loans, that caused the historic banking and insurance collapse in 2009.

The second being any discussion about the failure of financial institutions to put stop limits on investors trade orders, or short orders to hedge their losses, and the failure of the Securities and Exchange Commission to hold them accountable to pay restitutions to those who lost a fortune in their retirement accounts, many of those accounts being held by the investors’ employers. Those employees had no option to sell or trade out of those accounts without severe financial penalties, leaving them exposed to the full collapse of the market and severe decline of their retirement accounts; many who still have not recovered from their losses now 10 years later.

The Democrats want to pay restitution to descendants of slaves, for Pete’s sake, but not to those who lost their life savings from the failed Democrat policies as outlined in points 1 and 2 above, which were responsible for the financial collapse.

2020 Democratic Hopefuls

All the Democratic hopefuls for the 2020 Presidency seem to have one common theme, Medicare for all. Just the past Sunday morning on Maria Bartiromo’s morning program, “Sunday Morning Futures”, on Fox Business channel, one of what is considered the more conservative Democrats, Tim Ryan of Ohio, was repeating the mantra that we (Americans) pay the most for our health care, but get the least.

 Where the heck do these Democrats get this stuff? America has not only the most available, but also some of the finest health care in the world, especially when it comes to surgical and cancer treatment. Every country that uses a single payer system, with the exception of maybe Sweden, people flee in huge numbers every year to the U.S. for any major surgery or complicated treatment.

So when I hear the lie being spread about Americans pay the most, but get the least, I have to ask; where are these great countries? Where are the statistics to back these assertions? And finally, if there is a statistic out there I want to see direct correlations of population to the availability, procedural success rates, and quality of care, not obscurities of statistics in tiny countries with no comparative relevance.


Any person attempting to run for any public office, who professes openly that they are a Socialist, should be banned from serving in the United States of America. The concept of Socialism directly contradicts the free principles of our Constitutional Republic, and has no place in public service in government or otherwise.

These people have every right to protest our way of governance, but in serving as U.S. Representatives their objective can do nothing less than attempt to tear down the fabric of our freedom. Let the hard lessons of Stalin, Hitler, Chavez, Chairmen Mao, Fidel Castro and Czar Nicholas not be forgotten.

 America is the only America in the world! Let it not be lost to the deception of the Socialist ideal.

Flawed USA Immigration Policies

I have my own personal “tale of woe” to tell about how our nation’s flawed immigration policies have negatively impacted my life. I want people to really understand the mentality of most of these migrants from a personal interaction perspective. I spent the better part of my life working in construction, side by side with migrants from all different countries; I can tell you first hand some facts that may elude most folks.

 Most of the immigrants that I encountered were here illegally. People need to understand that for the most part, these immigrants come from extreme poverty. Yes! Extreme poverty! The American ghetto looks like paradise compared to this kind of poverty. In most of these Central American countries, for a few pesos one can buy a live chicken and some dried beans or rice, enough for the one or two main meals during the week. These people come from countries where the law is taken into one’s own hands for the most part. The police are mostly pawns for the drug and other illicit trades. Sexual assaults, muggings, robbery, murders, drug overdoses, and homelessness, are simply the normal way of life and a direct result of the dysfunction of how these Dictatorship governed countries operate.

Now back to my original point – when I worked on job sites and had conversations with those who knew enough English, they came here and worked, with the sole intention to bring the rest of their family here. As much of their paycheck as possible was sent back home to be saved up to be able to pay the coyotes to bring their family here. As more and more of these migrants entered the construction field, the price paid out for jobs dropped. As a drywall subcontractor, paid by the square foot, and making decent money, in just a few years, it became impossible for me to afford to have a new vehicle and a mortgage payment. The main companies that I subcontracted work from figured out that it was way more profitable to bring in illegal workers, house them, train them with the skills necessary, in house and pay them less than half of what it cost the company to sub out the jobs. These immigrants came from such poor conditions that to be crammed eight or so people into a small apartment and getting a paycheck of any kind was like a gift from God to them. I have to laugh out loud, when these politicians make general comparison of economic strife of these immigrants to our way of life here in America, and use these skewed guidelines to form the concepts of immigration laws.

This is a story that millions of American workers could tell, if anyone ever had the wherewithal to research it. Every single subcontractor that I was associated with experienced this, and this was back in the early nineties. I can only imagine what has become of the industry now. All this type of labor is probably being done now by first generation immigrants. I guess that’s what President Obama meant when he and other Democrats said “they are doing jobs no Americans want to do”.  What they mean is the jobs that no Americans can afford to do anymore. Fortunately, for myself I was able, with some continued education, a sharp wit, a few lucky breaks, and hard work to change careers. May of my colleagues lost all they had worked for years to accomplish. That is the true immigration crisis in America, not the bleeding heart propaganda about how hard it has been for these people that struggle to reach our border.