Pelosi and Schumer’s Political Posturing

Today, May 22, 2019, there was a meeting scheduled with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi to supposedly discuss an infrastructure plan with President Trump. Before entering The Rose Garden, however, Pelosi thought it would be a good idea to stop and do some Trump bashing to reporters.

Like any red blooded American, this did not go over too well with The President. President Trump told the two of them that there would be no deals with Democrats until the bogus investigations came to an end. Schumer and Pelosi immediately retaliated and told the bias media that Trump had a temper tantrum. Trump did exactly what he should have done! The time has long passed for President Trump to stop cooperating with these idiots. He has gone far and beyond what he had any obligation to do as far as cooperation goes, and that is where the problem lays.

This is a textbook example of giving an inch, and the opposition taking a mile. It was one thing to cooperate fully with the Muller probe, but that is where the line should have been drawn. Attorney General William Barr should have never been instructed to turn over the report’s findings to the salivating, bloodthirsty, angry, Democrat oversight committee. He was under no legal obligation to do so.

It is now time for President Trump to end the “Mr. nice guy” approach and utilize his executive privilege, or whatever else in his legal authority to end the onslaught from these angry Democrats. If these Democrats are going to continue to throw these baseless accusations at The President, then let them prove them. Last time I checked, this is still a free country, and the burden of proof lies with the accuser, not the accused!

Late Night Comedy with the Senate

William Barr, the Attorney General testified before the Senate on May 2, 2019. I wouldn’t call it a testimony; however, it was more like late night comedy. Any person, regardless of political affiliation, couldn’t help to come away from that in total astonishment. The Democratic hacks are so far off the rails; even the staunchest Democrat supporter had to scratch their head in disbelief.

 I hate to say this, but the worst displays of irrationality were displayed from the African American senators, particularly Harris and Booker. This has been the pattern for decades. Well educated people of color in these type of positions in government, have a history of creating division and discontent, through this type of theatrical rhetoric. It is directed at the less informed, poorly educated people with whom they identify closely with simply by skin color. It is done for the sole purpose to anger people, and keep themselves in positions of authority, by gaining popularity through voter deception.

 As far as the Mueller report, there is no ’there’, there. The Attorney General was under no legal obligation to release any of the Mueller report, period!  He also has the absolute authority to analyze the report, and make any legal decision necessary as to its findings. It is obvious that Democrats have no problem trampling all over our Constitution in favor of their unwavering desire to have absolute authoritarian rule of The United States of America, and access to its extraordinary wealth. Fortunately there are the calm, level headed Republicans that overwhelmingly are exposing just how bat crazy these partisan Democratic nut jobs really are.

The staunch comparison from calm and level headed questions directed at Attorney General Barr from Republicans, compared to, what seemed even angry irrational and often nonsensical questions by the other side of the aisle, which often cherry picked only a couple words of the report of some four hundred pages, made things very clear. The Democrats have no concern for the American people, or even their own constituents. This is about revenge, for the flawed and failed run at The White House by Hillary Clinton.

The hypocrisy is big enough to choke an elephant.  Where was this same media outrage when Attorney General Eric Holder stated that he was President Obama’s “right hand man,” or when it was discovered that Holder had a secret operation to provide weapons to the Mexican drug cartels, one of which was responsible for the death of Brian Terry, a U.S. border agent? He was even held in contempt of Congress, but nothing ever came of it. He was never charged with anything. Lois Lerner pled the fifth for the weaponization of the I.R.S. against conservative nonprofit groups. She has never been charged with any thing. Attorney General Lynch had a, what was intended to be secret, meeting with former President Bill Clinton, during Hillary’s campaign.  Fortunately, and much to Lynches dismay, there was a news reporter at the scene that captured the incident. She never recused herself from the hapless so called Clinton investigation, or had to appear before the committee to explain herself under oath in an open forum. It was all done behind closed doors. Surely a comparison of transparency can’t be made of this administration.