Bernie Sanders Democrat?

As Bernie Sanders gains traction, in the preliminary stages, a new narrative seems to be emerging from The Democratic Party. The narrative is “when Bernie talks about Socialism, it’s not the bad kind”, like Cuba or Venezuela. That’s like saying “while I do have cancer” it’s not the bad kind.

 Adolf Hitler started The Nationalist Socialist Party with all the best intentions and with great success at first, especially for the working class. This is the very same working class of people who Bernie Sanders espouses to want to help. Unfortunately, like all well intended Socialists, something inevitably goes very very wrong with the whole thing. The whole premise of creating an equal living wage doesn’t sit well with those that simply put, are more capable or smarter than others. In a Democracy these individuals are revered and rewarded and usually it is to the benefit of the rest of society.

 In a Socialist Society, the playing field is leveled, so those more capable are stifled with the lack of financial incentive creating jealousy, and greed, from the very top of society all the way down to the lowest wage earner. Acts like bribery thrive in that environment, and as the government tries harder and harder to maintain order, it resorts to more violent and restrictive measures for containment.

The same inevitable outcome has been repeated several times throughout history, so don’t take my word for it alone. Germany, Italy, Cuba, Russia, and Venezuela have all tried and failed to make it work, and they worked very hard at it all ending with failure. Crime spikes in the Socialist environment like mold in damp dark places, as those who feel they are more deserving try to achieve a better life through illegitimate means.

The whole idea is flawed. It may function in small communities, cut off from the rest of the globe, but with trans-global trade, and boundless financial opportunity, the idea fails miserably. There is no “good kind of Socialism” it’s all bad, just like Cancer and S.T.D.s.

Disparity is the Fault of the Desperate

If wealth redistribution by a government was a feasible solution to the income inequality problem in the United States, George Soros, or Oprah Winfrey, or Elizabeth Warren, for that matter, could set up a ‘go fund me’ site for all the wealthy Liberals.

The site could then redistribute the millions, if not billions (if you go by Alexandria Ocasio Cortez seventy percent taxation suggestion), to all those poor less fortunate overworked and underpaid folks they pretend to be so concerned about.

 According to Mr. Ryan, Democrat Congressman, the richest 400 people in this country have the same wealth as the poorest 150 million. These entire hypocrite Democrats like Sanders, Warren, Obama, Winfrey, and dozens of actors and actresses are all worth hundreds of millions each, with Winfrey alone worth billions. If these Democrats are so unhappy about class disparity let them solve it. It is well within their financial grasp to give them money, if you do any basic math.

Why should it fall on the backs of those who work, in some cases a lifetime to achieve, to give any part of their money up for this absurd cause? The disparity is the fault of the desperate, not the rest of the working class.

 Let’s try showing the results of those who came from nothing and have, through hard work, made millions, instead of focusing on the lazy and dependent. That’s what’s great about America; I don’t have to feel sorry for anyone if I choose not to. I don’t need government to force that on me.

Stacey Abram’s Rebuttal

I have never seen a more lame rebuttal of the President’s S.O.T.U. address. Abrams spent more time portraying herself as a victim than making any relevant point. Who in their right mind would allow this idiot on the gubernatorial ticket? Never mind the possibility that she would be given the authority to govern a state. She spoke of “Social and Economic Justice” i.e., Socialism.

 My question is – Who decides what is socially or economically appropriate, and who makes law to set the guidelines of compliance? Do we choose a disgruntled black person, like Abrams, who thinks the world has been unfair to her or her parents? Maybe we choose an immigrant, who has been deported several times and relies on public assistance to live in this country. Maybe a person from the Middle East who was raised in a home where part of evening prayer was to chant “Death to America”. Should we choose a self proclaimed Socialist, like Bernie Sanders? Or find a real Socialist who was a dictator from a country that used the guidelines of Socialism to govern.

What would the “Social and Economic Justice” police force look like? What would be the penalties imposed on those found guilty of the crime of social injustice? As this country continues to elect more of these nuts to public office, we head farther down the path of “Big Brother” having all control over us. Americans are getting closer to losing the free America that both we the people, and the rest of these nut jobs, have had the luxury of living in. The same America that allows these radicals the liberty to espouse this kind of  treasonous rhetoric.