The ‘I’ Word -Part 1

President Trump needs to be less transparent. There was no need to release any transcript unless Congress goes through the appropriate steps to obtain it. Any risk to national security, is because the transcript was released bypassing the proper procedural request.

The Democrats are now calling President Trump a liar because they claim that “there is no evidence” to support his claims about  former Vice President Biden and his son, with regard to the former Vice President making a direct threat to shake down the former President of The Ukraine, in exchange for foreign aid. The only reason there is no evidence is because of the failure of The D.O.J., The D.N.I., The C.I.A., and The F.B.I to investigate Biden or Obama about the Ukraine shenanigans concerning Biden and his son’s affairs there.

Anyone that thinks Obama had nothing to do with it, or knew about what went on, really must think Obama was the biggest dummy ever to be born. Biden boasted about the deal publicly. My advice for the President – MAKE YOURSELF A LOT LESS TRANSPARENT! Anything you say or do needs to be reviewed by your counsel. Wake up! There is an open impeachment investigation. In other words, Mr. President, you are being accused of a crime. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE TO ANSWER ANYTHING YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO HAVE AN ATTORNEY PRESENT BEFORE ANSWERING QUESTIONS. Anything said will be turned around to incriminate you.

President Obama hid all kinds of stuff with no press conferences, the $150 billion to Iran, The Dream Act, Solyndra, ‘keep your doctor’, and only after these things were put into motion, did the press get informed.

 Let the Democrats beat this dead horse for the next twelve months. If you keep giving them fodder, regardless of your innocence, they will prolong the accusations. It’s of no consequence now, but next September it could come back to bite you.

There are a lot of idiots that by the bull crap the Liberal media outlets and social media are selling to them.

 A little less arrogance, a little more poise might serve you well, President Trump, at least for the time being. I know, it’s not getting past The Senate, but let’s get there first.

What About Biden?

It’s becoming more apparent as the days pass that there was a deliberate attempt by the Obama Administration to not only prevent Donald Trump from getting elected, but plans were in place to undermine him if he was elected. The later is quite obvious, as the attempts are still underway. There is a lot of talk about what Comey, Clapper, Brennen, Strzok, Page, Orr and his wife, even Hillary Clinton, who knows how many others, and possibly President Obama’s involvement in the process, was, or still is.

The one suspect I am not hearing anyone mention, however, and probably the most relevant right now, is Joe Biden. None of the previous names I have mentioned are currently running for president, yet Biden is just as likely to have both known about this attempted coup as anyone. For all anyone knows at this point, he may have been overseeing the whole operation. My thinking is President Obama is smart enough to have insulated himself from the whole thing. In the event things went south, Obama would avoid being implicated, however, Biden, doesn’t seem like the “sharpest tool in the box” and I don’t think he would have a clue that he was being set up as the fall guy.