Peaceful Protests

Physical bodily harm or property damage is not necessarily the criteria that determine whether or not a protest is peaceful. Any time anyone or group of people infringe or interferes with the process of anyone else in their pursuit of happiness, guaranteed  under the bill of rights in The Constitution of The United States of America, the protest violates its guarantee of peaceful free assembly.

The bar that sets the guidelines for a person’s rights keeps being set higher. The problem here is that everyone is failing to recognize that if even a small infraction of the civil rights laws that protect individuals is infringed upon, no matter how slight, the protection for peaceful assembly is no longer valid; once that line is crossed the protest no longer has any protection, constitutionally.

That means that blocking traffic, or obstructing the progress of any person on the roadway, or impedes a person in any way, interfering with someone’s meal at the restaurant, or touching another person, in any manner, the right to peaceful assembly has been forfeited, period, and the protester or protesters should be disbanded and or be subject to arrest. The right to peaceful assembly is subordinate to the Bill of Rights, it doesn’t prevail over it!

Racism cannot be fought with racism and fascism cannot be fought with fascism.