Covid-19 -Who benefits the Most?

The C.I.A. needs to follow the money trail on the creation and spread of COVID-19. This is the ideal scenario for Bezos, Soros, Gates, and the Clintons- a perfect experiment or microcosm as it were for Socialism in America.

 So far the American people have complied like the perfect lab rats they are, buying into all the Socialist conformities, and narratives that are needed for the experiment. Regardless of who funded this viral experiment that has been unleashed on the American people, it started in China. Of this we are certain. So, I recommend that China pays for the recovery effort, no matter what the price tag is to the American taxpayer. A good start would be to forgive the debt on all the bonds and other financial instruments that China holds. The tariffs on Chinese goods should be increased dramatically also. It is flat out criminal to hold American taxpayer’s feet to the fire for this.

As a prophylactic measure, all temporary visas from Chinese nationals should be revoked, at least until we can sort out the origin and subsequent rapid spread of the virus. We can’t rule out the possibility that this virus was brought to this country, and spread intentionally by Chinese agents of their government.

 After all, we are finding out, although painfully slowly, that there was an effort by The Chinese Government to censor the origin and those involved in the release of this virus from at least one lab in China. I have one question about that: Why? If there was nothing sinister about it and it was accidental, why try to cover anything up? I think that the deeper that this is investigated, the wider open “Pandora’s box” will become.

A different View of Tariffs

In my opinion, there is a component to the execution of tariffs applied to Chinese imports that could have a positive outcome, which far outweighs any negative effects on the U.S. economy.

What many may not be aware of is the U.S. is deeply in debt, a lot of which is owed to China. I suggest that instead of simply propping up America’s G.D.P. with the $500 billion windfall coming into the economy as a result of these tariffs, the U.S. needs to start buying back the trillion dollars in U.S. treasuries that the Chinese have been stockpiling for the past three or four decades.

For those pundits who criticize President Trump for enforcing tariffs against China for economic reasons, maybe they would be less critical if they understood that the additional money coming in at China’s expense could be leverage against China to pay some of the U.S. debt owed to them.

 I can only hope Treasury Secretary Mnuchin is at least considering this option. The longer these tariffs remain in place, the more likely it is that China will be willing to start exchanging the debt for the economic hardship that is eminent to affect China’s economy.