Nationwide Election Fraud

Trump was right that his campaign was spied on. He was right that the impeachment was without merit. He has won almost every legal challenge put before his administration. How many times does the “boy who cried wolf” have to have wolves actually show up before he is believable? Not many people question Dr. Fauci and he’s only right about half of the time. Now, a reporter from Nevada has come forward, admitting that he intentionally submitted several fraudulent mail-in ballots, and all were counted as valid.

It isn’t Russia or China, or Iran that is interfering with our elections. It’s actually happening from within. The Democratic Party has no bounds in its quest for the destruction of America to attain an Ideological aspirational experiment, mostly perpetuated by those with not only big pocketbooks, but who have no idea how the experiment may turn out. Just a bunch of theoretic nonsense that has failed everywhere any reasonable facsimile of it has been attempted. There can be no doubt, whatsoever, because the Democrats have shown their hand time and time again over the past four years. 

Where the hell are the laws concerning treason in this country? The founding fathers who wrote The Constitution considered the crime as serious as murder in the first degree, and the penalty for someone convicted the same, death, by public execution. There was good reason for this, because if left unchecked, it threatens the very freedoms that are assured in The Constitution and the Bill of Rights, themselves. Well, guess what, it has gone unchecked for decades, and here we are.

 Clinton has committed it by selling our Uranium to Russia, Comey has committed it by lying to the F.I.S.A. courts, also, possibly John Brennan, former CIA Director Eric, Holder selling weapons to a foreign nation covertly, Clapper at minimal perjured himself before congress, Biden with his nefarious dealings through his son Hunter, Lynch with an obviously planned interaction with former president Bill Clinton, again covertly, Schiff with his obstruction of a congressional investigation, and withholding controvertible evidence, maybe even Obama being aware of all of it from the start.

The crime is serious and demanded the death penalty at one time, now, not even an indictment or penalty at all. Maybe if we hanged someone in the Washington Mall Square, it would bring an end to it. What the hell is John Durham waiting for? How many years and milking the taxpayers, does an open and shut case take to write a report on it? Muller got forty million or so, with no obligation to reimburse the taxpayers for him and his team of angry Democrats’ failed endeavor. What the hell is Wray doing? This is beyond shameful or disappointing, it’s atrocious at the very minimal description. I don’t believe in defunding the police, but if Washington can’t convict anyone of a crime, the most serious crime that has been written into law possibly ever, maybe they are the ones that need to be defunded!

Qasem Soleimani Aftermath

There are concerns that the Iraqi government will vote to oust American troops in response to the air strike that took out the top Iranian general. Great! Let’s finally leave. In doing so, however, let’s not do what President Obama did by leaving all our logistics and weaponry behind. If we pull our troops from the region, every single piece of hardware must come back with them. There should not be so much as a laptop or gas can left behind! President Obama pulled our troops out and left I.S.I.S. all kinds of military equipment, even M-1 Abrahams tanks, that were then used by the enemy to kill Americans when we had to go back to engage I.S.I.S. Fighters.

This has been the problem with all of American engagements in the region; we keep failing to learn from history! Frankly, we are not welcome there and have no business being over there.

The “I” Word -Part 2

Let’s face it folks. President Trump’s communication as far as Twitter and even publicly at times, can be downright offensive. He comes across as a bully, is arrogant as hell, and even sometimes insensitive.

The problem most people seem not to understand though is that none of us, regardless of party affiliation have to be his friend. Apparently these negative personal attributes are not affecting his job performance. Isn’t that what’s important when it comes right down to it?

The U.S. has the hottest economy on the globe. His economic policies are spot on. Impeaching this president would literally be like shooting oneself in the foot. One doesn’t smash their G.P.S. when one is hopelessly lost. A person doesn’t fold in a high stakes poker game with a straight flush, because he hates the person he is playing against.

Who gives a crap about The President’s personality? Do you know anyone that is having regular social interactions with him? I don’t care if he cusses like a sailor, farts like a pig, spits at people in public, drinks like a fish, or even makes lewd comments to women. I don’t even care if there is a quid-pro-quo as long as it is in our country’s best interest. It’s called a treaty or agreement in polite terms.

Is he making our country and its citizens safe and prosperous? Those are the questions we should be asking, not searching for the most inappropriate thing he has done or said. Remember, the Democrats and Republicans dug deep into Trump’s and Hillary Clinton’s personal and professional lives before the election. The body count for Hillary was 4 dead in Benghazi and Donald Trump’s dead body count ZERO.

Security Clearances Need to be Revoked Now

President Trump needs to revoke the security clearances for any and all the Democrat Senators and Congressmen and women who refuse to accept the findings in the Mueller report and continue to accuse the President of treason.

Not only that, but these Democrats need to be sued for slander at the very least. Now let’s give them what they are craving, a real investigation, to find out the ‘who, what, where and why’ of how this witch hunt was started to begin with.

The Republican Party needs to take a page from the Democrat’s playbook, grow a pair, follow through with something for a change, and forget about political optics for the sake of the truth.

History teaches us that these optics are being given to us by the corrupt liberal media anyway.

Idiots and Fools in Congress

Congresswoman Alexandria Cortez has ambitious plans to shift American reliance on fossil fuels in the next decade to green renewable sources. To most of those who embrace these ideas the concept is to tax the pathway to this aspiration. This will only drive those who keep America’s economy going to flee and find better tax climates to do their business. Besides, it is a known fact, that even if everyone was taxed at one hundred percent, it wouldn’t buy enough green energy to do the job.

I would like to know how the Congresswoman plans to make intercontinental commerce possible without fossil fuel, or  rail transport and commerce, or air travel. Are we to go back to steam technology? How about wooden sailing vessels of the sixteenth century? Oh no we can’t do that, because of the deforestation. Without diesel electric transportation devices, or jet engines, practical domestic and world commerce simply isn’t possible. Maybe we could get the “pony express” back up and running for nationwide mail delivery. Even the big commercial machines that plow, plant, and harvest crops that feed America, rely on this technology. Though a lot of the machinery operates unmanned, it still needs to have the ability to run for days on end to accomplish the tasks to manage thousands of acres of farmland.

 This woman has no clue of reality. I would like to know what kind of constituency elects a lawmaker without a law degree? This obviously poorly educated Socialist has now compared herself to both Lincoln and Roosevelt as far as what she believes are radical ideas to benefit mankind. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez should first begin with a crash course in economics and public relations, followed by another in both domestic and foreign commerce, and then perhaps a fundamental guide to understanding the basic principles of how the United States Government works. If she can prove the intelligence required to accomplish that, then maybe she could get accepted to a college to try to get a law degree. I would suggest that those who would give any credence to what this woman says to take the time to watch a movie called ” Idiocracy!”

Say Good-Bye to America

The last stop for freedom

The Democratic majority of Congress wouldn’t normally be of much concern in days of old. Now, however, it appears to be more like a case of the inmates taking charge of the asylum. The idea that Jerry Nadler and Maxine Waters would head up two Congressional committees is downright frightening at the least. I wouldn’t let these senile old radicals babysit my grandchildren, or pet sit, never mind have Congressional authority over taxpayer expenditures and rule of national laws to be written that direct how and where those expenditures go. These two lunatics in particular, have already been outspoken about their willingness to subvert the Constitution of the United States to attain personal and ideological gratification, despite any opposition, even in their own constituency.

This brings me to my second point. The seeds of discontent have already been sown to divide  Americans at the very core of our deepest values and beliefs. The Obama Presidency, through complicit social media and public education, has convinced America that rejecting illegal immigration is “un-American”. That Americans can rely on government to provide healthcare, housing, and other services so that no one should do without. Even for those who don’t pay any taxes, are not citizens, or have any allegiance to this country for that matter. To criticism this ideology is now deemed “un- American”.

At the inception of social welfare programs back in the early 1960’s, the concept of support programs for the less fortunate at the time, seemed like the compassionate thing to do. Unfortunately, it was not considered, that to give someone something for nothing, the person would lose the ambition to do anything for oneself. This has led to generational dependency and rampant unchecked fraud. Regardless, the expense required to support these programs is, and has been putting a huge burden on those that are taxed to support them.

In fact, this government of ours has been borrowing, investing, and trying to print its way out of this mess since the inception of the concept and failing miserably. The concept of “budget accounting” is partially to blame. Budget accounting is a fictional process, by which those who do the accounting are not held to account for the expenses. The shortfalls are simply passed on as increases to the next annual expenditure estimate. The federal government has no authority to tax its citizens for  expenses such as Housing and Urban Development, The Department of Education, Environmental Conservation, and a whole host of other “ departments”. The United States Government has one job; to protect its citizens from threats both foreign and domestic, period!

Americans are being fed propaganda from both sides of the political spectrum. Instead of the people governing ourselves, we are now, the governed from the bureaucracy of a two tiered justice, and political system! One side claims fiscal responsibility, while the other claims that more taxation will cover the additional expense of the entitlements. Unfortunately, the metric of what any given individual’s right to claim any given  entitlement is so diminished, at this point, all one has to do is become overweight to receive government assistance or have a “pre-existing condition”.

This brings me to my third point. It’s not about the social welfare, or the responsible execution of these programs, or anything else; it’s about the coffers. It’s about greed, and the possibility of accessing  some portion of the tremendous amount of money that is being generated through the taxation process, being funneled into any given representative’s pocket. The Judicial, Legislative, and Executive branches of this government have become pawns of the extremely wealthy, and politically powerful, able to take advantage of those in even the most sensitive positions through human’s most vulnerable flaw;  the raw fundamental survival instinct of greed!

My fourth, and final point is that with all the whispers of things like “single payer” health care, and “open borders”, politicized Department of Justice,” social  and other types of media censorship”, media bias, voting influences, these are all things that essentially destroy the concept of a government ‘by the people for the people”; In other words, say goodbye to the Bill of Rights, and our Constitution! These things we hold so dear are not designed to survive the guilt laden society burdened with the responsibility to be politically correct about all aspects of life.

When those who are in need outnumber those who can support them, government of and by the people is unsustainable. Ergo the Socialist concept is given birth through a Dictatorship government survivable only by forceful  taxation and oppression of the people it governs. Governed by leaders like Pelosi, Nadler, Waters, Schumer,  Clinton, Obama, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Lynch, Holder, Ocasio-Cortez, Sanders, Soros, and hundreds of others like them who, through wealth and propaganda, have enabled them to tear at the fabric of this, the last bastion of freedom and democracy in the world… America.

Taking Back America

Is anyone else completely fed up with the “Shell Game” tactics of our F.B.I. and D.O.J.? These smug and arrogant bastards like Comey and Strzok have a self-righteous and indignant manner worthy of a good beat down! Just seeing the Cheshire smirk on these guys faces pisses me off.

In a way I can understand it. After all, there is no consequence for any of their indiscretions. They swear before Congressional committees that they are upholding the laws of our nation and protecting the American people, yet in order to do so they have to ignore certain ones. Particularly those that apply to them.

I see plenty of non-government people being convicted, like Cohen and Manafort, for lying to the F.B.I. and D.O.J. officials. By their own admissions, Comey, Strzok, Mccabe,  Clapper Lynch, Holder, and Clinton, and a host of others, are all guilty of domestic espionage (foreign espionage in Clinton’s case) lying to Congress, and federal prosecutors, and treason, yet not one arrest or conviction! Better face up to it, folks, there are two standards of criminality in this country. One for those who are supposed to serve us in government, and completely another for the rest of us.

Unless and until true representatives of the American people, and American values, are elected and  they are willing to disinfect the scourge of Socialist ideals plaguing our public institutions, will we then get the (people’s government) back!

A Military Solution to the Caravan

It’s one thing to have people pouring into the United States, it’s completely another to have them enter already needing medical care. Over 60% of the immigrants have some sort of illness.

The solution to this mass influx of needy immigrants is a simple one, because we already have some cooperation with the Mexican government. Rather than accepting these people, at an estimated cost of $1200 per individual for processing, (let alone any medical needs they may have) the solution is to have the U.S. military use a whole fleet of C-130 heavy transport aircraft that could be flown into Tijuana Airport.

 From there the immigrants can be loaded in large numbers and before departure, people with illnesses could be given medicine and instructions for the treatment they need, as well as some basic K rations, a vs-quine poncho, thermal blanket, baby wipes, a tote bag, and a few other simple necessities.When the transports land, the geographic location would make it easier for them to find their way back to their country of origin.

Surely this solution would be far less burdensome on the U.S. taxpayer, as there is already been approval for an expanded military budget through Congress.


Suspicious Packages Sent to Democrats

Even though suspicious packages which may or may not contain explosives, have been sent to prominent Democrats, Soros, Clinton, Waters, and Obama, it would not surprise me if it is a disgruntled, incentivized Liberal Democrat who is responsible. As a desperate attempt to influence people to not vote for Republicans in the upcoming midterm elections.

What is very suspicious to me, is that none of these devices detonated.

The Coming of the Nazi Party to America

In recent days I have seen a trend developing in the Democratic party, embracing the concept of Socialism. Many pundits seem to laugh it off, but I find it necessary to remind those who may be ill informed on the subject, that in the modern era, the most rapid social economic success gained from this form of government has been that of Nazi Germany.

The process occurred in much the same way as what is evident in our culture. The youth was brainwashed into giving their allegiance, much the same as our universities are doing to them now. The only difference in what Bernie Sanders and others like him are espousing, is that instead of wealth being redistributed, it was confiscated. The wealthy were not acclimated, but exterminated. The disloyal not converted, but severely punished. The social economic result, however, is that one of the poorest countries in the world became one of the most powerful in less than ten years. What was the cost for all this to the rest of the world?

I ask Americans this: Is America ready to repeat history? Is this the future we want for America? Make no mistake, once the government has been transformed to the Socialist ideal, that is what will become of us. Once these lunatics rise to power, the lines become blurred the same way that Adolf Hitler did. Though well intended, the wealth and power took over and guided them from there.

Nazi Germany’s rise to power started the exact same way. First the propaganda campaign to separate the country through racial division. Much the same as the media is attempting to do now. The censorship of free, conservative, or contradictory speech, sound familiar yet? Then the promise of income equality, and government run programs for the benefit of all. Anything ringing a bell yet? NAZI, The National Socialist People’s Party. The Future of the Democratic party.