Today’s Shooting at a Virginia Baseball Field

This morning at approximately 7:10AM Representative Steve Scalise, a Republican Congressman from Louisiana, was shot in the hip by what appears to be a politically motivated attack. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of those injured by this senseless act of violence.

I believe  this attack can be directly attributed to the political divide caused by eight years of consistent inflammatory rhetoric that has been spewed from the mouth of former President Obama, and other members of Congress with the same twisted liberal notions to convert the U.S. into some kind of perceived Socialist utopia.

This type of behavior has only been emboldened by the lack of moral conviction in the previous administration, the I.R.S. targeting of conservatives, and the failure to indict or convict for those actions and the actions of Hillary Clinton, along with Eric Holder skating through the murder of border agent Brian Terry, Loretta Lynch’s circumvention of the law by political interference in an F.B.I. investigation, and a whole host of other improprieties during Obama’s tenure.

Obama often mocked the Republican Party and conservatism throughout his presidency, almost on a daily basis, appearing on all kinds of talk shows and attending Liberal forums perpetuating the lie of success and gratification through Liberal ideals.

The Liberal media and academia are perpetuating the same delusional rhetoric. The sad thing is a lot of these idiots are buying the goods wholesale. More recent depictions of actually encouraging violence against the President have been done (Kathy Griffin’s severed head of Donald Trump, and the disgusting play depicting a stabbing of the president).

I submit that these incidents cross the line of “free speech” and fall under the category of treason. It is not so far fetched for a delusional person to decide to commit this type of horrific act, if they see it portrayed on television by their idolized Hollywood actors. Free speech does NOT allow you to yell, “FIRE” in a movie theater because this puts lives at in danger. Yelling “FIRE” in a movie theater will get you arrested. Free speech does NOT allow you to threaten the life of President Trump by saying you’re going to bomb the white house (MADONNA) or by portraying a play stabbing President Trump (THE PUBLIC THEATER), or holding the severed head of President Trump (KATHY GRIFFIN). These are not representative of a first amendment right, these are criminally prosecutable threats against another human being and all involved should be arrested. And since it is against the President of the United States, it is a class E felony, including jail time and huge fines.

Make no mistake, this shooting will be proven to be a direct act of political violence, aimed at conservatives in some kind of twisted effort to help perpetuate the Liberal narrative. THERE IS NOT NOW, AND HAS NEVER BEEN, ANY SUCCESSFUL EXAMPLE OF SOCIALISM IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND!!!! Example after example shows us that Socialism is only as effective as its leadership’s control of the population governed by it. How this massive lie can have such a grip on the youth of America as well as those in government is absolutely astounding to me.

America needs to wake up!

There is more than one jihad on our hands. This war will have to be waged within our borders, and like radical Islam, it is a war of ideals. At some point Americans are going to have to not only recognize the threat to our democracy, but call it out for what it is, and, unfortunately, probably deal with it in the same manner as Islamic extremism. The false narratives in both cases have to be dispelled. People that follow both of these extreme ideologies must either assimilate to true American culture, or be removed from our society, or frankly, this country is doomed to failure like all other countries that have gone down that path before us.


Liberal Lunatics and the Manchester Terrorist Attack

On May 22, 2017, while an explosion was killing innocent kids at a concert in Manchester, England, the liberal network news agencies (MSNBC, NBC, CNBC, and CBS) were telecasting the delusional theory about Russian collusion and persons in the Trump campaign. This was at least an hour after the attack occurred, reported, in real time, moments afterwards, by Fox news that killed 20 and, had at that time injured 60 mostly young people attending a concert there.


Let’s put this in true context. These so called journalists reporting on these liberal networks are nothing more than brainwashed servants of an intentional subversion by Leftist elites to overthrow the government, in an attempt to prove to the world that a Socialist utopia can be achieved, if enough people can be convinced of it. This is very evident if you take a close look at what is being taught to our kids in these universities around the country. Obviously these journalists have been educated in the same manner, at these same universities.


The whole premise of “Russian collusion” has been manufactured by disgruntled Democratic Liberal elites, and is being continuously perpetuated by low-level journalists with “anonymous sources”. Anyone with half a brain can figure out the reasons behind this methodology. If the narrative fails to achieve its objective, the low-level journalist is completely expendable, like the one that was mysteriously murdered shortly after it was discovered that the D.N.C. had deliberately sabotaged Bernie Sanders run for the presidency. These journalists, not unlike the young recruits of Nazi Germany, forfeit their morality for promises of gratuity or improved status within the network’s employment hierarchy.


An independent counsel has been appointed to fact check the “collusion” theory. I find this to be just another pacifier given to whiney baby Democrats to appease their temper tantrum for failing to produce a viable presidential candidate, and handily losing the election to Donald Trump.


Let’s just suppose that there was some sort of collusion between members of the Trump campaign team and the Russian government. I have to wonder how that can actually implicate Donald Trump, himself, of committing a crime. Even though Hillary Clinton failed to commit resources to save Ambassador Stevens and others at the consulate in Benghazi, did that implicate, then President Obama of a crime? I remind anyone who doesn’t know, the president of the United States is immune from prosecution. Only after impeachment can they be subject to prosecution.


These Liberal talking heads have totally lost focus of their job descriptions, news reporters. This does not include perpetuating conspiracy theories, and rumor exaggerations by unsubstantiated sources, especially when there are people being killed by intentional acts of terror. ISIS claimed responsibility before these Liberal morons even reported on this attack.

Jill Stein, Sell Out


Well it looks like the Democrats have subverted another person, who originally claimed to have their own platform. Jill Stein’s ability to raise 4.8 million to contest the vote counts in states with narrow victories for Trump, didn’t happen by accident.

I have no doubt that if the donations are traced, the Democratic party is behind it. Since a recount would only benefit Hillary Clinton, if an error was found, then it serves Jill Stein no purpose to do so.

Unfortunately, however, Donald Trump had enough electoral votes without those states being contested. Just another crybaby liberal that should move to a socialist governed country, and rid us of their tantrums.

I think a few years in Cuba would do Jill Stein some good, as well as a couple hundred thousand of these bratty brainwashed kids that are protesting.

 They could replace those hundreds of thousands who risked their lives to come to America from Cuba for a better life, and found it here by becoming productive members of society.  Let them see what happens to a person who protests the government in the streets of Havana.

Obama’s Failed legacy as the first African-American President


I was apprehensive, but spoke openly how Barack Obama could possibly be the greatest African-American person, for his achievement to be elected president.

I have heard many things regarding his accomplishments while in office. The first being that he inherited the worst economy since the great depression. Unfortunately, the cause of the economic downturn has been completely distorted, suggested  it was the result of Bush-era policies. This is false! The economic downturn was a direct result of liberal democratic policy, from a super majority controlled Senate, during the last two years of Bush’s term in office. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd proposed legislation that was passed forcing the banking industry to adopt regulations, under the guise of anti-discrimination laws, forcing the banks to write mortgages, abandoning the practice of income verification.

Frank can be quoted as stating that homeownership is a “right” and to deny a mortgage based on income verification was discriminatory. Subsequently as standard operating procedure, mortgage ‘securities’ that are commonly used as financial instruments and traded in the stock exchange were written. Many of these financial documents are not only traded, but often leveraged (marked up) for many times their face value.

When the people who were given these mortgages naturally defaulted, because they could not make their payments partially due to their incomes not being verified, these securities written against them became valueless. Since so many of these people ran to the banks to take advantage of these new regulations, there were literally hundreds of thousands of these worthless securities amounting to billions, on the trading floor at one time.

Additionally, legislation passed during the Clinton administration, de-regulating the banking and insurance industry, allowing insurance companies to perform banking activities and banking companies to offer leasing and insurance products, only served to exacerbate the situation.

So in fact it was a direct result of democrats that caused the financial and insurance collapse that President Obama supposedly “inherited.”

 Even though Obama appointed two liberal supreme court justices, they still found many of his executive orders unconstitutional.  So in fact, rather than being a great, leader Obama allowed himself to be used as a pawn to further an agenda to those much richer and more powerful than he, for example George Soros and Warren Buffett, both men who lovingly embrace a socialist ideal.

The implementation of the socialist designed health care tax, was just another confirmation of his allegiance to these treasonists, along with the intentional appointments of the two successive racist, and corrupt attorney Generals. Thankfully, his entire legacy will be erased from history, a legacy that in reality was never his to begin with. It was an intentional attempt to subvert the very fabric of our freedoms by bastardizing the constitution, leveraging our concerns for the equality of all men against us.

With the election of Donald Trump, a lesson needs to be learned from the Obama Presidency, that no matter how many players are put in place to destroy the fabric of the American way of life; the common man can come out of the shadows to keep freedom alive and out vote those who have been bribed by the lure of entitlements, and brainwashed to believe that a socialist society can survive in a constitution based government.