Kavanaugh’s Confirmation

The recent allegations made against nominee Kavanaugh are not only absurd, but reek of political propaganda solely fabricated by Dianne Feinstein, to derail the confirmation. This actress hired by the D.N.C. needs to be exposed for the fraud that she is.

When she appears before Congress to testify, there is only a few  relevant questions to be asked. The first being, that if this really happened, and it was not consensual, did you tell your parents or any other authority, and if so show the incident report to substantiate these accusations. I suggest that if any of these questions cannot be verified, that the complainant be dismissed from the hearing to save her from any further embarrassment.

Furthermore, to avoid these continuous convictions in the court of public opinion, rather than the proper constitutional process, where one is innocent until proven otherwise, Congress needs to enact legislation, placing a statute of limitations restricting the ability of those who would use the media and public opinion, to destroy the careers of honest, hard working individuals. Even if, regrettably, an incident has occurred in someone’s distant past, if charges were not filed, or there was no incident report made, for the typical standard of the seven year statute, these type of accusations must be considered unfounded and dismissed.

We as Americans cannot allow the destruction of our constitutional rights to be bastardised by the Liberal media. Americans need to wake up here. The attempts by well-funded Liberals like Bezos , Zuckerberg, and Soros to control both free speech and sensor our news cycle are very real. New evidence of bias censorship from the tech giants is surfacing daily, and is blatantly obvious in the television news cycle. If Congress fails to act appropriately and expeditiously to curb this, these type of nominations like Kavanaugh’s and even our free and fair elections are in dire jeopardy.

Believe me folks, Russian meddling is the least of our problems! Unless and until the television and social media outlets can be adequately monitored for absolute neutrality, and punished severely for failing to do so, this country will become a “third world” Socialist country in short order. Propaganda is already infecting the minds of our children in the public education system, as well as in our higher education institutions, with delusions of a Utopia where government feeds, clothes, heals, and houses its citizens.

America is one of only a few countries that has thus far avoided this delusional failed experiment. Let’s keep it that way!

Supreme Court New Appointee

Once again, the Democrats are trying to extinguish the flames, as their hair has spontaneously combusted over the inevitable appointment of another Supreme Court Justice by President Trump, because of the retiring Anthony Kennedy.

As boasted by Senate Democrats, they would rather obstruct the nomination, than allow the wheels of the judicial system to turn freely. Obstruction of the President’s agenda is more important than the rule of law in this country. Let’s not forget that President Obama also appointed two Supreme Court Justices, Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan. These Democrats that insist on obstruction, simply for obstruction sake are doing a huge disservice to this country, and need to either face censure or impeachment.

 Even more disturbing, is the treasonous actions of Maxine Waters to engage in a public request of American citizens to commit the unlawful act of harassment of public officials, simply because the are on opposite sides of the political aisle. Waters, a devout racist in my opinion, has been the loudest voice to accuse the president of crimes not yet defined, and the first to call for impeachment.

I think she and all those in Congress that support the theory that the president is guilty until proven innocent, should be the first for consideration of impeachment, and actually, Waters should be arrested for her actions. If she and others in the Liberal wing of the Democratic party had it their way, and we were under a Socialist government; Waters would be arrested for subversion, and most likely never see the light of day again.

Shame on Facebook

The S.E.C., F.T.C., F.B.I. and the U.S. Congress all need to get a handle on the runaway train that is internet related criminal activity. Mark Zuckerberg should be jailed. There is no circumstance that excuses the invasion of privacy that has occurred at Facebook.

These high and mighty ultra wealthy people that have created these access sites on the internet, somehow feel that their political views need to be used to invade people’s privacy for the betterment of humanity, even at the expense of everyone else’s civil liberties.

It is virtually impossible to use Google-search to look up any political figure without being bombarded by views of the left. These people like Zuckerberg, Bezos, Pichai, Cook and others need to be reigned in, and keep their political views at home and out of the supposedly free internet.

The powers that be in evaluating the legality of this activity need to put an end to this stuff. Congress is worried about Russian intervention-interference, but they also need to get a handle on these internet moguls, because the implications of their interference are exactly the same thing.

Interference into the very fabric of our election process or civil liberty is a criminal act from Russia or Zuckerberg, and the penalties should be the same for anyone.