Election 2020 Mayhem

I, like many other Americans, am very concerned about the inconsistencies and the sheer volume of erroneous ballots. What bothers me most is the fact that all the inconsistencies and suspect ballots seem to favor the former vice president Joe Biden. What bothers me to a whole other level is the fact that Democrats are okay with this.

 Have these crazy fools gone so far off the rails that there is no moral compass whatsoever? If cheating and deception are okay right now, will outright assassination be okay too? How far will The Democratic Party go to attain power over The American People? What kind of people are these, really, that want domain over the population? It’s obvious that a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” is not what they have in store for everyone. If it were, tampering with the election process would be an issue for them.

 All I’ve seen from The Liberal Media is that Trump is in the wrong for questioning the results, even now, as unequivocal evidence is pouring in like water through a sieve that tampering and unconstitutional behavior has taken place.

 I don’t know about anyone else, but I was taught if you have to break someone’s knees while they’re sliding into home plate, you really didn’t win!

Democrat Delirium

The Democratic Party is racing to push America off the cliff into the abyss of Socialism hell. The pipe dreams of a Socialist Utopia are beginning to grip the Democrats with a fever delirium like that of a person afflicted with Yellow fever.

Sundar Pichai, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg might want to start reconsidering party affiliation. I know these are smart people because of their financial achievements. That is exactly why they should make some changes. If by chance one of the salivating Socialists is elected as president, all of these guys, and plenty of others stand to have everything they’ve worked to achieve be confiscated for “the greater good” of what will then become The People’s Republic of America, or some other fancy name descriptive of a Socialist country, maybe even Nazi America.

 As these Socialist lunatics seek to fund “The Green New Deal” or any of some fifty or so other Socialist programs they are going to target the richest first because the targets are so lucrative. As more and more people flee from the workforce, for the easier path of free welfare, the need to fund the programs will become more desperate. Bezos and many others have embraced the Democratic Party with such vigor that they neglect the fact that they are “dancing with the devil”. The first thing I and the rest of Americans should do if any of these idiots get elected is sell all your investments, withdraw your bank accounts, and bury your money in the backyard somewhere, along with your firearms.

 Make no mistake these power hungry aspiring dictators first want to get their hands on The Federal Reserve, and when that’s not enough money to pay for their crazy schemes, they are coming after the rest of the corporate and private sector’s wallets. I wonder if anyone else has considered that if “The Green New Deal” is implemented, that it will bankrupt America. As it slowly does so, the need to borrow trillions of dollars to pay for it will make America extremely vulnerable to foreign invasion, especially to the creditors from whom we’ve borrowed. Face it no other country on the planet is going to sign up for this lunacy. Once America has succumbed to the Socialist ideal, and stripped of its ability to finance the military, it will be an attractive target for those nations that would aspire to rule over us.

Crazy Democrat Conversation

I thought that the crazy Democrats were just on television. Then I actually had a conversation with one. The conversation started innocently enough. I am selling a classic car, and have the car listed on the local sales internet site. The ad reads, “for sale or trade”. A guy calls and asks if I would trade for a vehicle he has. As he describes the vehicle he mentions that he is a Chevy or G.M. guy. I tell him that I am also. He goes on to say he’s a retired auto worker from the Detroit area, and a Vietnam Vet. I thank him for his service,of course, and he talks about different vehicles he’s owned, and some health issues, and that he is 73 years old.

Then he starts talking about how he is in favor of a “single payer” health care system. As a conservative Republican, I naturally respond by telling him that system would only create a rationing of health care, place a burden on those who have to work to support it, and create a government debacle of insurance fraud and waste. I said that I didn’t like the idea of government-run healthcare. I told him I thought that government has a poor track record of managing anything. This apparently struck a nerve. The guy said he’s a staunch Democrat supporter, and began his tirade.

What I found so hard to believe, is that a person at his age could be so ignorant of the facts of things, and believe so strongly in his misgivings. He said he hated President Trump, because he’s in league with Vladimir Putin. Then I responded by saying that at least he seemed to be the better choice, given the allegations about Hillary Clinton’s activities. I went on to say that I thought Trump was doing a good job with the economy. This guy became even more absurd, stating that President Obama was responsible for the great economy, and that Trump was only riding Obama’s coattails, and that Obama saved us from the financial crisis that president Bush created by sending troops into Iraq and Afghanistan.

I tried to explain to the guy that President Obama simply threw tons of taxpayer money at the problem, and doubled the deficit in the process, along with other unnecessary expenditures. The guy really came unglued at the seams, when I told him about how Barney Frank and Chris Dodd introduced legislation, passed in a Democratic controlled Congress, during Bush’s second term, aimed at anti-discrimination, not troop deployment, that was responsible. This forced banks to give mortgage loans without secured funding. Huge numbers of low-income people flocked to the banks to secure loans to buy houses. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac issued billions in unsecured loans, the mortgage-backed securities created from the loans were then traded on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.

These financial instruments are commonly traded, and treated just like cash, even better, because they can be leveraged for their intrinsic value over the life of the loans that back them. As huge numbers of delinquencies started pouring in, these leveraged securities became not only worthless, but as leveraged trades at huge multiples of negative or value, their marks when called, were unable to be met financially by the institutions that were trading them. Ergo the financial collapse. First Lehman Bros, Then Bank of America Merrill Lynch, G.M.A.C., Citibank, and so on, like dominoes.

 Unfortunately for the guy I was speaking to, he never got to hear the whole truth about the financial crisis, because he became too enraged when I told him about the Dodd Frank legislation, that he hung up the phone.

I feel kind of sorry for the guy going through life believing only what the talking heads on M.S.N.B.C. or C.N.N. tell him and not investigating the real facts about things. Heck, some of these people have just a two-year degree in journalism and little real world experience in anything. I may be conservative, but that doesn’t mean I believe everything on Fox News or the internet. It’s a shame to see a person so entrenched in political belief that they close their mind completely to intelligent dialog.