The Coming of the Nazi Party to America

In recent days I have seen a trend developing in the Democratic party, embracing the concept of Socialism. Many pundits seem to laugh it off, but I find it necessary to remind those who may be ill informed on the subject, that in the modern era, the most rapid social economic success gained from this form of government has been that of Nazi Germany.

The process occurred in much the same way as what is evident in our culture. The youth was brainwashed into giving their allegiance, much the same as our universities are doing to them now. The only difference in what Bernie Sanders and others like him are espousing, is that instead of wealth being redistributed, it was confiscated. The wealthy were not acclimated, but exterminated. The disloyal not converted, but severely punished. The social economic result, however, is that one of the poorest countries in the world became one of the most powerful in less than ten years. What was the cost for all this to the rest of the world?

I ask Americans this: Is America ready to repeat history? Is this the future we want for America? Make no mistake, once the government has been transformed to the Socialist ideal, that is what will become of us. Once these lunatics rise to power, the lines become blurred the same way that Adolf Hitler did. Though well intended, the wealth and power took over and guided them from there.

Nazi Germany’s rise to power started the exact same way. First the propaganda campaign to separate the country through racial division. Much the same as the media is attempting to do now. The censorship of free, conservative, or contradictory speech, sound familiar yet? Then the promise of income equality, and government run programs for the benefit of all. Anything ringing a bell yet? NAZI, The National Socialist People’s Party. The Future of the Democratic party.