When researching the viability of any given Republican candidate, either from the TV ads or other sources, it is of no importance to whom the candidate claims to have donated to.
What needs to be looked at is who is funding their campaign. The problem is, this is difficult information to obtain. The funding for a candidate far exceeds the contributions that any candidate would report. The fact is, that the Democrats are actively funding Republican opposition candidates that are claiming to support President Trump’s agenda. Candidates that hail from Democratic districts in any given state are a dead give away.
It’s kind of sad, yet ironic in a way that the Democrats would stoop to this level, but they are out of options at this point. They know that if they can split the vote on the Republican side, their chances of pushing through the Democratic opponent are much better.
My advice is to stick with the more popular candidate that is running, and stay away from the “Johnny come lately” candidates. Don’t buy into the “Outsider” or the “Businessman”. These are all just catch phrases to deceive gullible voters into thinking that the candidate resembles President Trump.