The Trump Agenda

The Trump agenda has always been an effort to raise the quality of life for all Americans. Yes, that does mean helping “Big Business” prosper, but it also means to help the “Average Joe”. The Democrats seem to be confused about who the “Average Joe” is. The “Average Joe” is the barber, the baker, the butcher, the construction worker, crane operator, longshoreman, beauty salon operator, etc. Who the “Average Joe” is not, is the eighteen to twenty five year olds who take to the streets as so-called “Social Justice” warriors.

The Democratic Party seems to think that the lazy “Woke” culture is the embodiment of society. These “Social Justice Warriors” are for the most part unemployed and want to rip society apart, because they haven’t been taught any better. How else does one think they are able to be out at all hours of the night with their shenanigans. Working people have to get some sleep and have no time to waste on this crap. Working people are too busy raising responsible children to secure the future of America. These “Woke” culture idiots are simply the direct result of lousy parenting.The “Average Joe” and “Josephine”, contributes to society,making available goods and services to benefit all Americans, all while paying taxes to support the function of government.

Bezos, Zuckerberg, Pichai and Cook have the Most Money to Lose

For the life of me, I can’t understand why Bezos, Zuckerberg, Pichai, and Cook, some of, if not the richest men in the world and supposedly the smartest, would align themselves politically with The Democratic Party. If The Democrats gain control of The White House, The Senate, and The Congress whose money do you guess would be the highest on their list to get their hands on first? Billionaires.

It is no secret that The Liberal wing of The Democratic Party despises the wealthiest Americans the most. I wonder how these four tech tycoons would like it if they were taxed at fifty, sixty, seventy percent or even possibly more. Even worse, that these four geniuses would flat out be subject to their wealth being confiscated outright and redistributed to illegal immigrants,or some other portion of society that was deemed to be poor helpless bastards that are more deserving. How would Bezos like to have Amazon stripped to a bare bones outfit so that the money it earns could go to slavery reparations from a hundred and fifty years ago?

Can anyone even guess how many people would jump on that bandwagon and could trace their ancestry to slaves over fifty generations? I’m sorry to say, it would take a thousand more Jeff Bezos’ to pay that tab.

Impeachment Circus

After several excruciating hours of watching this “so called impeachment”, and I use the term in this manor because it is the best way to describe it; it is clear that The House of Representatives failed to follow the legal avenues given to them to take this action against The President. This Impeachment is illegitimate.

 The Congress failed to make resolutions by a vote to assign any one or more committees the authority to issue subpoenas in an attempt to resolve the dispute between The Executive and Legislative branches. Secondly, the Congress failed to bring those witnesses to bear through the courts (if they had properly authorized the subpoenas) from The Executive branch.

This whole process, if done properly, may have been enough to remove The President from office if two thirds of the senate could be convinced. Unfortunately, however, in Nancy Pelosi’s deluded mind she thought that all that legal mumbo jumbo was beneath her. This impeachment is no different than a false arrest where a suspect was not given their Miranda Warning. In all cases of the law procedure matters. This procedure is invalid, and on those grounds alone should be moved for immediate dismissal.

No court in the United States allows the prosecutor (District Attorney) to proceed with any case, unless they have followed proper procedure: In the arrest, the treatment, and the incarceration of any defendant. The President may not be “above the law” as The Democrats have so persistently argued, but neither is The President exempt from being afforded the procedural process that would come to any other defendant or accused. In this case The Senate has become, temporarily “the highest court in the land” with The Chief Justice of The Supreme Court presiding over its proceedings.

 If this case lacks even the most minor flaw in the procedure of the case brought before this court, it must reject it in its entirety, regardless of the severity of the crimes alleged. Even murderers are set free if the arrest procedures were not followed. What is really surprising is that the prosecutors, in this case, every Democrat in Congress, all are attorneys and are well aware of the rights of any accused person. If I were Chief Justice John Roberts I would be outraged that these prosecutors would dare to insult my intelligence by bringing this flawed case before me, and thinking that I would give it five minutes of my time before throwing it out of my courtroom on its merits alone.

If The Democrats want to remove this president, then they need to start all over. That means bringing the accusation before committee, voting on resolutions to validate the subpoena process, allowing testimony from all relevant witnesses, going through The Judicial to allow for witnesses that The President has afforded Executive Privilege to be given the opportunity to testify, rewrite The Articles, hold another vote to move forward etc… etc… etc… Then and only then can this hold the credentials to be reviewed by what is at this moment in time, the “highest court in the land”.

Trump’s Rhetoric

The Democrats are constantly asking for compassion for those who committed acts of war against our country. I’m referring to those who embrace radical Islamic culture, like Ilhan Omar and Rahisha Talib. President Trump lived in New York City when it was attacked on 9/11. Just look at the outrage in Dayton Ohio at the mass shooter. Is anyone asking for them to tone down the rhetoric? Personally, I am still outraged about the attack on our country.

 If anything The President has shown nothing but compassion for the victims of these shootings and extreme restraint when it comes to Omar and her anti-Semitic, and anti-American rhetoric. The President has denounced White Supremists, called for prayer and condolences, and talked about gun legislation, what more do these Democrat hypocrites want?

It’s okay for Omar and Talib to bash America, and others in Congress to embrace changing our Constitutional Republic to Socialism, which, when given adequate consideration, inevitably leads to the abolishment of our constitution, and The Bill of Rights, as it is not compatible with that structure of government. It’s okay for Democrats in Congress to call for the acceptance of more refugees from Islamic countries, without vetting and while we are at war with them, I might add. It’s okay for President Obama to invite the anti-law enforcement terrorist organization Black Lives Matter to The White House, and roll out the red carpet, immediately after white police officers were targeted and ambushed in Dallas. The shooter claimed his allegiance to The Black Lives Matter organization.

Trump’s so called rhetoric isn’t half of what he should be saying. President Obama was the king of divisive rhetoric, and addressed the nation like a slippery tongued used car salesman.

 It’s about time that we have a President that speaks like the common man. The only out of line rhetoric I’m hearing is from racist and Socialist Democrats like Elizia Cummings, Ilhan Omar, Maxine Waters, Corey Booker, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Cortez, aw heck, there are too many to mention. The flat out disrespect from Democrats aimed directly at this President is a disgrace to The Democratic Party and The Congress, and in some cases borders on treason.

These idiots won’t be happy until all of us are like fish in a barrel for criminals to attack us at will because we are unarmed. Then and only then will these morons realize that they overreached, and try to react. What the hell would they do then? Have the government give us our guns back? Some of these people in The Democratic Party are so stupid; I honestly can’t understand how they convince people to vote for them! Well, I guess if you offer anyone a lot of free stuff you can bribe your way into office.

Another Supreme Court Appointment for Trump?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the eldest of the nine serving justices on The Supreme Court, has taken a fall and fractured some ribs. This could potentially force her to step down, as someone would probably consider at her age.

At age 85 she’s no spring chicken, and would probably have stepped down if Hillary Clinton won in 2016. Ginsburg stated, when Trump was on the campaign trail seeking the office, that she would only step down if another Liberal would replace her. My how the tide has now turned. Could this mean that President Trump may have the opportunity to appoint another conservative to the court?

Now with a comfortable majority in the Senate, all the grandstanding and circus act from the Democrats, would have no bearing on any conservative appointment by the President. Hopefully Ginsburg will step down, and the Progressive Liberal left’s agenda will be put back in the closet a few decades, where it belongs.

Caravan from Central America

An invasion force from Central America is fast approaching our southern border. Some of the people may have ill intent to our nation, and some may just be looking for work, while others may seek asylum.

Since political correctness dictates that all are assumed to have innocent intentions, we must treat them all the same. Just like screening at all our airports, to avoid missing the one that does irreparable harm, all Americans are screened. This is no different. In order to be effective, all these individuals must be verified as to their point of origin, their destination, their contacts here, and their intentions if they are allowed to enter.

Since this influx is similar to an invasion force from another country, it must be treated as such. The border agency does not have the resources, and frankly this is above their pay grade. The United States Military, however, does have the capability to handle such things. The United States has no choice at this point, to properly address and assess these people it must be deployed, and in adequate numbers as to not be overwhelmed. If the invaders use force to gain entry, then equal and opposing force must be given to neutralize the threat.

Once the enemy surrenders and has been captured in the military operation each individual can be assessed as to the threat level and appropriate action can be taken on a case by case evaluation process. There is no other reasonable response that can be taken at this point. The invading force has grown to that of a whole battalion of forces of 14,000 strong.

DEPLOY THE ARMED FORCES AT ONCE! Failing to do so may historically, go down as the biggest blunder of the Trump Presidency, if not, any presidency.

Democrats Run Amok

I think the Democrats have really overplayed their hand this time. As usual they under thought the consequences of their tactics to delay this Supreme Court nominee. Blinded by the misguided aspirations of the left-wing of the party, they failed to think about the consequences if their objective failed. Now that Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation is imminent, if the Democrats had concerns about his objectivity on the court, they certainly can have no doubt how he would rule now, after they have  “poked the sleeping bear”. 

After what they have personally done at the core of this man’s family with a blatant attempt to socially destroy him? I can assure you, that if it were me in his position, I would never rule in favor of anything that involved a political connection that in any way helped a Democratic argument in The Supreme Court.

The Democratic party has been corrupted by the disease of the left. The left has convinced the main wing of the party that a few thousand ignorant, misinformed, paid, protesters represent the American ideal. Although I am a Republican, I can remember a time when the Democratic party stood for, and represented more of American values as a whole. Now with the corruption of young minds in our broken education system, as well as big money lobbyists like Soros, who made his fortune in a capitalist society, now preaches Globalism and Socialism, for the sole benefit of his own bank account, has convinced those less informed, that they can be better off living off the labors of others.

There may come a time in American history, when society becomes convinced that Soros’ ideas are practical and America tries and fails that experiment, but that time is not now!

Prosecuting Illegal Immigrants

Let us reflect for a moment on the whole principle of prosecuting illegal immigrants. Wouldn’t this be considered the ultimate in oxymorons? Isn’t the whole premise of prosecution in general terms, an attempt to get restitution from a criminal actor? Whether they pay the debt to society through a term of incarceration or public service or the form of a fine imposed on the convicted person. So I ask this; how do you suppose arresting and charging someone who has attempted to enter the country illegally, and prosecuting them, are we as Americans getting restitution for the crime of those who actually go through the process?

Are these people being tracked and their wages garnished when and if they are gainfully employed? Will putting them into an already overburdened prison system at an expense to taxpaying Americans somehow be misconstrued into a debt paid rather than burden to society? There is no debt or restitution that can be obtained from those who attempt to enter our country illegally, period. The only reasonable course of action is to temporarily detain these people until enough of them for instance, from any particular country, can be transported back to their country of origin in the most cost effective manner possible.

In other words, when let’s say fifty people from Guatemala are detained, or can fill the seats on an aircraft, or other transport, they are deported back to that given country. After these repeat offenders make the arduous journey a few times resulting in their ultimate return to their country of origin, they will get the message. Applying the principle of prosecution is the epitome definition of “squeezing water from a stone”. 

Though daunting, the process of transporting as a means of deportation is far less expensive, and far more humane than long terms of incarceration, while the wheels of American justice turn their course, and ultimately result in the offender entering the country illegally anyway. We are a country of laws, but when the offense is essentially trespass, what can be gained through the criminal justice process?

Immigration War between Republicans and Democrats

Finally the Democrats are getting a taste of their own medicine. Does anyone remember what happened when Republicans allowed the government to shut down during the Obama administration? President Obama made darn sure that the impact to the public would be maximized, so that Republicans would be forced to concede.

Well the shoe is on the other foot now. The outrage from the left is not so much for compassion, but because they have no choice here. They must concede politically or they face dire consequences at the polls in the midterms.

President Trump must be applauded here as he has them at their own game. If the Democrats don’t come to the table on this one it will bite them in the ass big time, since the same laws designed to allow leniency put in place by Democrat controlled Congress are now being enforced to the letter of the law, and having a huge backlash to the liberally controlled Democratic party.

It should be pointed out also, that every piece of legislation has compromise to both parties. Just like the military sequester and  the omnibus bill both parties must come to the table. The left wants to end family separation, so they must concede on border security. This is and has been the way of things in Congress.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry & the Iran Nuclear Deal

It is being reported that former Secretary of State, John Kerry, is working “behind the scene” to keep the Iran Nuclear Deal alive. Now let’s think about that for a moment. On its face, it sounds like no big deal, but I have to wonder how one gets the contact info for the Mullahs in Iran? I seriously doubt that any average American can just get on the phone and call up any given leader of a country.

So that must mean that John Kerry is using top government clearance information, obtained while he was serving as Secretary to deliberately go behind the backs of the C.I.A., and other officials assigned to these matters of foreign diplomacy for his own purposes. Doesn’t that genuinely undermine the normal process of diplomacy assigned to the responsibility of the current Secretary of State?

I can see no better example of treason. This is the definition of treason – A former top-level government official, working with foreign governments on top-secret matters, concerning nuclear weapons.

Where the heck is the F.B.I., The Justice Department, the C.I.A., and the Foreign Intelligence Committee on this? Kerry should at the very least, be brought in for suspicion of both espionage and treason immediately.

Unless and until some of these high-profile people are treated  under the same rule of law as average Americans, there can be no faith in the legal process in this country.