Rigged Election

For all those out there who have been convinced by CNN that President Trump is just delaying his inevitable loss: Wake up!  The Pennsylvania Legislature has already started the process of removing the unconstitutional authority that Governor Wolf has assumed, so that he can give the election to Joe Biden. This pulls all those illegitimate votes from Biden’s win column. Wisconsin and Michigan are soon to follow suit because of the “fraudulent and unconstitutional” mail in ballot process, not only that, but it is now being reckoned that the voting machines themselves have been tampered with. In Michigan, for instance, almost two million votes were cast above and beyond the actual number of residents in the state.

Once it is determined that these two other states have fraudulently rigged the election also, Biden doesn’t reach the magic 270 electoral votes needed to win. All the algorithms and formulas don’t add up in the Biden Win column.

There is only one explanation, coordinated fraud on a massive scale. The Democrats, once again, have been caught cheating and lying to get the preferred outcome to get them in power. That is the lesson that needs to be recognized here, the absolute desire to grasp the power of government from “We the People”.

We need not know the “why”; it’s obvious, absolute control and access to the vast financial gain from the lucrative tax base of The American people and America’s wealth itself.