As a result of the two recent mass shootings, there have been knee jerk reactions on both sides of the political aisle. Some are downright attempts to strip us of our constitutional rights. One suggestion being tossed around is called Red Flag Laws. This law is aimed at giving people the ability to indiscriminately report if they think a gun owner is, or could be dangerous.
This is a very slippery slope that encourages those who have Liberal views about gun ownership to simply call in and report against anyone they want. The consequences are that the suspected individual, guilty or not, are subjected to arrest, being jailed, confiscation of their firearms, years of legal battles, and most likely bankruptcy.
Any disgruntled neighbor, spouse or even someone that was unhappy with the way you parked at Wal-Mart could weaponize themselves with this type of law simply out of spite. I’m sure there are far more practical ways to approach this, without having citizens live in fear and suspicion of one another.