Russia’s Gift to the Uninformed

The mainstream media would love to have naive Americans  believe that Russia “interfered” with the election process. Even worse, the supposedly tolerant left would put America into another “cold war” or worse, with Russia all because of the deceptive practices of both Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic National Committee that have graciously been exposed by the alleged Russian hack into the D.N.C. e-mails. Now president Obama, abusing his authority once again, is using the weight of the U.S. government and all it’s power to place sanctions against major world power to try to disguise the problem.

Let’s take a closer look at this, folks. The Democratic National Committee is just that, a committee, not a federal agency. No American has been harmed. There has been no accountable financial loss. The e-mails were not top-secret military classified. No propaganda was used or inserted into the hack, nor was the actual voting tally process interfered with. The only thing to come out of the hack were true revelations of dirty and deceptive practices being perpetrated by the Democratic party. If anything, the revelations show attempts by Democrats to interfere with the election process through deception and dishonesty.

I submit to everyone that president Obama has not only overstepped his authority, but intentionally placing Americans in harm’s way by antagonizing , and illegally sanctioning  Russia. Its called treason! Obama should be arrested and tried for the crime, and not be allowed to even finish his term in office. The president of The United States does not have the authority to take personal vendettas against foreign countries.

Although the hack itself it can be considered cyber espionage, the D.N.C. has its own responsibility to take counter-measures, just as you or I would if our e-mails were hacked into. The federal government has no jurisdiction here. The Obama administration is using deceptive language to call this an “interference in the election process” to overstep its authority into a private enterprise’s matter. This is a very slippery slope and people need to realize that this is what liberal progressive government is all about. Inclusive and intrusive into everyone’s lives, vulnerability to a leadership that has gone off the rails. What’s next, debtors prison? Religious inquisitions? Military home invasions to remove firearms? I don’t know what has happened, but I always thought “liberal” meant free from government intrusion.

These Democrats are so hypocritical they don’t even know what they themselves stand for or believe in. Big intrusive government is socialism and has nothing to do with being a liberal, and democratic means that people are inclusive in government. The party is either Liberal, Socialist, or Democratic it can’t be all three at the same time. That’s why they lost the election. The don’t have a single platform to represent to the American people, not interference from Russia as some would like us to believe. Is Russia now going to be the sworn enemy of the United States now, over Podesta’s e-mails?