Today’s Shooting at a Virginia Baseball Field

This morning at approximately 7:10AM Representative Steve Scalise, a Republican Congressman from Louisiana, was shot in the hip by what appears to be a politically motivated attack. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of those injured by this senseless act of violence.

I believe  this attack can be directly attributed to the political divide caused by eight years of consistent inflammatory rhetoric that has been spewed from the mouth of former President Obama, and other members of Congress with the same twisted liberal notions to convert the U.S. into some kind of perceived Socialist utopia.

This type of behavior has only been emboldened by the lack of moral conviction in the previous administration, the I.R.S. targeting of conservatives, and the failure to indict or convict for those actions and the actions of Hillary Clinton, along with Eric Holder skating through the murder of border agent Brian Terry, Loretta Lynch’s circumvention of the law by political interference in an F.B.I. investigation, and a whole host of other improprieties during Obama’s tenure.

Obama often mocked the Republican Party and conservatism throughout his presidency, almost on a daily basis, appearing on all kinds of talk shows and attending Liberal forums perpetuating the lie of success and gratification through Liberal ideals.

The Liberal media and academia are perpetuating the same delusional rhetoric. The sad thing is a lot of these idiots are buying the goods wholesale. More recent depictions of actually encouraging violence against the President have been done (Kathy Griffin’s severed head of Donald Trump, and the disgusting play depicting a stabbing of the president).

I submit that these incidents cross the line of “free speech” and fall under the category of treason. It is not so far fetched for a delusional person to decide to commit this type of horrific act, if they see it portrayed on television by their idolized Hollywood actors. Free speech does NOT allow you to yell, “FIRE” in a movie theater because this puts lives at in danger. Yelling “FIRE” in a movie theater will get you arrested. Free speech does NOT allow you to threaten the life of President Trump by saying you’re going to bomb the white house (MADONNA) or by portraying a play stabbing President Trump (THE PUBLIC THEATER), or holding the severed head of President Trump (KATHY GRIFFIN). These are not representative of a first amendment right, these are criminally prosecutable threats against another human being and all involved should be arrested. And since it is against the President of the United States, it is a class E felony, including jail time and huge fines.

Make no mistake, this shooting will be proven to be a direct act of political violence, aimed at conservatives in some kind of twisted effort to help perpetuate the Liberal narrative. THERE IS NOT NOW, AND HAS NEVER BEEN, ANY SUCCESSFUL EXAMPLE OF SOCIALISM IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND!!!! Example after example shows us that Socialism is only as effective as its leadership’s control of the population governed by it. How this massive lie can have such a grip on the youth of America as well as those in government is absolutely astounding to me.

America needs to wake up!

There is more than one jihad on our hands. This war will have to be waged within our borders, and like radical Islam, it is a war of ideals. At some point Americans are going to have to not only recognize the threat to our democracy, but call it out for what it is, and, unfortunately, probably deal with it in the same manner as Islamic extremism. The false narratives in both cases have to be dispelled. People that follow both of these extreme ideologies must either assimilate to true American culture, or be removed from our society, or frankly, this country is doomed to failure like all other countries that have gone down that path before us.


Paris Climate Agreement

Thank goodness President Donald Trump has stood up to these Euro-trash elites and cancelled this bogus agreement set up by Obama the ass kisser. While the Liberal left is pulling their hair out about the propaganda induced climate disaster looming over mankind; as a taxpayer, I want to know what happened to the one billion dollars that was already wasted on payments to “The Green Council” that is somehow intertwined with the Paris Accord. A billion dollars is a lot of moolah my friends. This agreement like all other Liberal programs lacks accountability.

If the federal government actually checked to see where it was spending our money, we could probably recover 30% of the looming deficit. Liberal entitlement programs are completely reliant on the honesty of those recipients of taxpayer funding. This doesn’t bode well for those of us who foot the bill for these failures.

Instead of asking why Trump wants to let us all choke to death from coal plant emissions, the media should be focused on what is The Green Counsel and what have they done with the American taxpayers billion dollars. What good things have come from the billion dollars over the past two years that we have been signed on to the agreement? Where is the itemized line of accounting for the expenditure? The real matter here is that the left is afraid that the effects of the laced Kool Aid they have been pushing will wear off through Donald Trump’s sobering message, that America and its citizens are being deceived and sold out for favor of “Globalization”.

In closing I will leave you with a quote from a classic book written by George Orwell called 1984:

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered, and the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute history has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

Can anyone see the similarity to the constant attempts by the left to brainwash our students, take down statues or historic representations to omit history from our learning institutions and the obstruction of an entire party of our government to block progress for its own citizens?

The thing to remember about history is it is supposed to keep us from repeating the mistakes of our past.

Liberal Lunatics and the Manchester Terrorist Attack

On May 22, 2017, while an explosion was killing innocent kids at a concert in Manchester, England, the liberal network news agencies (MSNBC, NBC, CNBC, and CBS) were telecasting the delusional theory about Russian collusion and persons in the Trump campaign. This was at least an hour after the attack occurred, reported, in real time, moments afterwards, by Fox news that killed 20 and, had at that time injured 60 mostly young people attending a concert there.


Let’s put this in true context. These so called journalists reporting on these liberal networks are nothing more than brainwashed servants of an intentional subversion by Leftist elites to overthrow the government, in an attempt to prove to the world that a Socialist utopia can be achieved, if enough people can be convinced of it. This is very evident if you take a close look at what is being taught to our kids in these universities around the country. Obviously these journalists have been educated in the same manner, at these same universities.


The whole premise of “Russian collusion” has been manufactured by disgruntled Democratic Liberal elites, and is being continuously perpetuated by low-level journalists with “anonymous sources”. Anyone with half a brain can figure out the reasons behind this methodology. If the narrative fails to achieve its objective, the low-level journalist is completely expendable, like the one that was mysteriously murdered shortly after it was discovered that the D.N.C. had deliberately sabotaged Bernie Sanders run for the presidency. These journalists, not unlike the young recruits of Nazi Germany, forfeit their morality for promises of gratuity or improved status within the network’s employment hierarchy.


An independent counsel has been appointed to fact check the “collusion” theory. I find this to be just another pacifier given to whiney baby Democrats to appease their temper tantrum for failing to produce a viable presidential candidate, and handily losing the election to Donald Trump.


Let’s just suppose that there was some sort of collusion between members of the Trump campaign team and the Russian government. I have to wonder how that can actually implicate Donald Trump, himself, of committing a crime. Even though Hillary Clinton failed to commit resources to save Ambassador Stevens and others at the consulate in Benghazi, did that implicate, then President Obama of a crime? I remind anyone who doesn’t know, the president of the United States is immune from prosecution. Only after impeachment can they be subject to prosecution.


These Liberal talking heads have totally lost focus of their job descriptions, news reporters. This does not include perpetuating conspiracy theories, and rumor exaggerations by unsubstantiated sources, especially when there are people being killed by intentional acts of terror. ISIS claimed responsibility before these Liberal morons even reported on this attack.

Trump and the Intelligence Community


The Democrats are asking why Donald Trump doesn’t trust our intelligence agencies. I am asking why should he trust them? Over the past eight years, the Obama administration has made a concerted effort to corrupt these agencies to do the bidding of the liberal agenda of the president.

For starters, the obviously intentional refusal to indict Catherine Sebelius for her heinous actions at the I.R.S. The fact that these agencies are not doing anything at the federal level to curb the activities of Black Lives Matter, a criminal organization responsible for the deaths of several law enforcement officers and civilians. The fact is that these agencies all answer to a completely corrupt justice department under Loretta Lynch, currently, and previously under Eric Holder, who in my opinion, is a racist. Let’s not even get into the activities of Hillary Clinton, who, in my opinion, is guilty of at minimal, obstruction for destroying subpoenaed evidence. Time after time, under the Obama administration, there have been questionable actions by the intelligence community.

This even goes back to the Bush administration, when they claimed to have “good intel” that Saddam Hussein had “weapons of mass destruction” and only a few defunct chemical rockets were found, buried and inoperable. The intelligence community continually rears its ugly head when it operates with a political agenda. This starts at the top of  leadership. When the leadership fails to seek integrity and objectivity from these agencies, these are the kind of inconsistencies that happen.

To review, there were violations at the Veterans Affairs, was anyone prosecuted? No! There was violations at the State Department, was anyone prosecuted? No! There were violations at the I.R.S., was anyone prosecuted? No! There were violations at the Department of Housing and Urban Development with regard to improper lending practices, was anyone prosecuted? No!

These are all huge blunders at the expense of real human lives, yet no criminal charges have ever been sought to give Americans restitution or resolution to any of these atrocities.

In my opinion, a complete overhaul of not only the Justice Department, but all the intelligence agencies is necessary. Thank you Donald Trump for having the backbone to question them, and their actions! I do, however, disagree with Donald Trump that James Comey should continue as F.B.I. director. The inconsistent manner in which the Clinton investigation was handled, leaves me questioning Comey’s integrity.

Racial Hypocrisy

Watching the confirmation hearing with regard to Jeff Sessions, and seeing the disgraceful outburst by first term senator Cory Booker, was disturbing to say the least. Booker, is the former mayor of Newark, N.J., that is one of the more troubled cities in New Jersey. Like Chicago, the impoverished predominantly black neighborhoods spill into more affluent areas, bringing gang violence and crime with them. I have been to Newark, along with the adjoining town of Irvington N.J. These are the kind of places where you lock your car doors, even when the car is moving.

Booker’s inappropriate comments, with racist underpinnings at the Sessions confirmation, was despicable. His motivation for the outburst in the hearing is clear, there have already been rumors that he is being groomed to replace Obama, and restore Obama’s failed legacy and agenda, with a White House run in 2020.

The Obama administration has shown several examples of racism throughout the past eight years. Eric Holder can be quoted as stating, “I would rather be true to my race, than the constitution.” Obama gave a personal invite to Al Sharpton, an outspoken racist, to the White House, as well as other Black Lives Matter representatives, a clearly criminal organization, operating under the guise of “racial equality.” President Obama has inserted his racist opinion in almost every police confrontation involving a white officer and black suspect, accusing the white officer of racism before any trial or hearing was even set. In all the cases Obama was incorrect in his rash assumptions in these cases.  Loretta Lynch did the same with the Freddie Gray incident in Baltimore, where four officers were accused and later found innocent of wrong doing. These are not attempts to achieve racial equality, they are attempts to give blacks preferential standards in society over not only whites, but all other people. Both Lynch and Holder have campaigned for preferential treatment of black people by our nation’s police forces, and frankly, have had some success in achieving this inequality.

 Racial intimidation at the federal level through Obama’s tenure, directed at local and state law enforcement agencies across the country, have caused many agencies to take a hands off approach with black suspects. This is one of the primary causes for the substantial increase in crime in all the major cities across the U.S. The other main cause, although not readily recognized is the failed liberal entitlement programs that have encouraged the continued trends of fatherless families, rewarding unwed mothers for the number of children, not the success of the family unit. The generational dependency on these programs, have numbed the aspirations of dependants, leaving little or no incentive to improve themselves. The example of dignity and self-respect that comes from a child observing a working parent’s satisfaction and reward for their efforts is absent from the family unit. In essence these programs cripple families and children, leaving them to fend for themselves with the information learned on the streets from their peers.

All the literature that affirms this hypothesis is available if you know where to look. Several mayors and governors have adopted an approach that forces people to return to work, after receiving public assistance for short periods, through different types of incentives. In every single case the people who return to the workforce look back with gratitude for the ability to be rid of the assistance program.

Donald Trump understands this and has indicated to the impoverished inner city people that he wants to help. Democrats have taken a “hands off” approach to this for decades just throwing more and more taxpayer money at these failed programs. This has only exacerbated the situation, and now the situation has grown to an almost irreversible problem for the nation. Statistics do not lie. All the cities that have Democratic leadership, also have the biggest problems.

America needs to be honest with itself in a bipartisan way or the majority led Republican congress has to address this problem, or there will have to be martial law declared at some point to clean up the pestilence of crime and gang rule in these inner cities. Either way, the entitlement programs still need to be overhauled, or this situation will still persist. Democrats are not going to ever address this, because when you give people free money, you will always have their votes. The fat rich senators in congress don’t give a crap about how these people live, they live in huge houses, far from the inner cities and the threat of this stuff ever happening to them.

The Obama/Islam Love Affair


President Obama’s admiration for the nations of Islam reached new heights with the recent snub of Israel at the U.N. This love affair has been obvious from the very beginning of the Obama administration. Early on, there was some criticism from Republicans when he took a bow before the Saudi king Abdullah in 09 in London. Then the troop withdrawal from Iraq, the abandonment of Ambassador Stevens and others, while under attack, in Libya, the “red line” incident in Syria, the insistence to cut a deal with Iran, so much so that he publicly threatened the senate to approve the deal, the particulars of which, are not fully known. President Obama’s enamoration for the Islamic countries even prohibiting him or any member of staff, or even the Democratic party from uttering the words “Islamic terror.”

This one sided love affair has resulted in several atrocities on American soil. Though denied adamantly by this administration, these attacks are a direct result of feckless Obama policy. Somehow, I think president Obama believes if he gives America away to the Islamic people, the will love him back. This is so sad, it’s like a guy buying a girl a car, after she dumped him on prom night and going home with the quarterback. 

I still think that anybody this ignorant, number one, should never have qualified for the presidency, and second, if not for fear of racial intimidation, should have been impeached, when the Benghazi cover up was first exposed in 2012. I don’t mean to minimize Hillary Clinton’s role, but crap flows downhill and the “stand down” order came from the top. 

Even as I am writing this, Obama’s reckless love for Islam is putting Americans lives in harms way by granting “refugee status” to thousands of potential terrorists, bypassing the vetting process through executive order. Keep in mind what damage only a few of these bastards accomplished. I can assure you the ramifications of this are going to repeat for years. I sincerely hope that Donald Trump can reverse at least some of the destruction Obama is leaving in his wake.

Answered Prayers


Finally, we can puke up all the progressive crap that has been shoved down our throats for the past eight years. The march toward a “new world order” has been halted, hopefully for good. There is a real possibility that this country can return to the conservative principles under which it was founded. The leaching slugs that feed off the backs of the middle class will  have to go to work and share the burden of pulling this country out of the ditch Obama drove it into. Soooo relieved I hardly have words to describe the elation!


Third Debate for 2016 Presidential Race


I just watched another Hillary Clinton love fest, astoundingly orchestrated by, of all people, Chris Wallace of Fox News. I think Clinton was given easily twice the opportunity air time for Trump bashing than even a democrat could believe. While allowing Clinton almost every opening argument to every question, and cutting Trump off at every opportunity, perhaps even before he used “allotted time slot.”

Hillary Clinton was permitted to ramble on for several minutes before being stopped, I sincerely believe that Chris Wallace is a paying supporter of the Clinton campaign. There is no other reasonable explanation for this travesty bordering on flat-out disrespect to a republican candidate.

 I have absolutely no respect for any of Chris Wallace’s reporting any more. I suggest he leave Fox News, and go work for CNN,or MSNBC.


Rigged Election 2016


President Obama’s usual arrogant display of pandering, by criticising Donald Trump for “whining” before the votes are cast is, simply put, disgraceful.

As I remember it, no one whined prior to the tally of votes in the Indiana primary in 2008, but Obama got on the ballot there. It was later discovered, that several hundreds of ballots were found to be placed in his favor that were not the preferred votes of those whose names were fictitiously used. In fact the signatures were forgeries.

So you see, in the case of the current corruption evident in this administration, it is better to whine first, and prevent a candidate (Hillary Clinton) from winning an election dishonestly. Obama stated that never before in history have we seen this, but never before in history have we seen this level of corruption that would cause this much concern for a republican running for office. Hopefully Donald Trump whines loud enough to bring attention to the process enough to prevent the travesty before it happens.

I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever, that the democrats are rigging the process. The question is, where and to what extent they are doing it. Is it at the local district level? Or the electoral process. My guess is the electoral process itself has already been rigged, bribed, or corrupted in some way.