Fact Checking the Trump-Clinton Debates



It seems that Hillary Clinton was hell-bent on fact checking these debates. With all the lies that she is telling, this is becoming quite embarrassing for her. Maybe the Democrats should rethink this strategy. Just like trying to make Donald Trump seem like some sort of womanizing bigot. The pot should not be trying to call the kettle black, especially when the pot is so much blacker. (The pot being Clinton, the kettle being Trump.)

Anyone fooled by the intentional deception from the media and the democrats is seriously delusional at this point. Plainly put, I believe Hillary Clinton is a sociopathic liar and felony criminal, whose aspirations are purely selfish in nature. She couldn’t care less if the entire world burned, as long as it wasn’t her house!

Trump – Clinton debate backlash October 9, 2016



Donald Trump took the high road and left Hillary Clinton in the dust. The ridiculous accusations of disparaging women was handled honestly, and appropriately.

When put on the spot about Obama’s red line, Hillary did what she always does, she lies. When asked about Supreme Court appointees, it was clear that Clinton wants political pawns to do her bidding, just like Obama has attempted to do with his two appointees.

Donald Trump wants to appoint those who would respect and follow constitutional law as they were intended to. Those Republicans that turn their backs on Donald Trump need to wake up and smell the 21st century. Despite their efforts to hold on to the old values of the extreme right, uncompromising ways can no longer have a place in the party.

Donald Trump is the new face and direction of the Republican party, the sooner the Republicans get on board the better it will be for their future in politics.

Hillary Lies to the People


O.M.G. Hillary Clinton lied to the American people, she should drop out of the race right now and have Tim Kaine run in her place. Oh wait a minute, Hillary Clinton lied to the F.B.I. we need to have her drop out, and have Kaine replace her.

Oh, but wait, because of Hillary’s inaction in Benghazi, four Americans died, maybe she should drop out of the race because of that. Not good enough, she has to make a newsworthy disparaging remark at least a decade or more ago to disqualify her from running for president.

Wait a moment, didn’t she say she was going to “ruin her” when referring to Monica Lewinski a while back? Or was that said about Jennifer Flowers heck I can’t keep it straight anymore.

In any case I certainly don’t think anything Donald Trump said ten years ago has anything to do with this presidential election to anyone other the political correction police force of the extreme left, whose views are contrary to America’s constitutional values anyway.

Trumps ten year old Comments


Once again the desperate media attempting to discredit Donald Trump. Any woman with any strength of character knows that all men say innocuous comments about women, especially if they find them attractive. These women that Donald Trump made comments about should be flattered, in fact it’s when a man makes no comment, that a woman should be more concerned.

Maybe if some of these idiots in the media, particularly the women, put their ear up to the door of their significant other’s mancave during a football game when their buddies are over, they would get a dose of reality.There are only two reasons that a man wouldn’t make a similar comment about women, at one time or another. He’s gay, or his wife or girlfriend’s leash is about to choke him out, because she has it pulled so taught!

Oh yeah and let’s not forget the sexist and demeaning Bill Clinton, who “..did not have sex with that woman!”

Obama – Clinton


How many Friday afternoon surprise discoveries of the Clinton emails does it take for people to wake up and smell the corruption from this White House?

The obvious attempts to subvert media attention frankly disgust me. Anyone that could possibly consider voting for Hillary Clinton at this point, may as be voting for Hugo Chavez or Saddam Hussein or Napoleon for that matter.

The obvious lies and cover ups are so many and so often that a five-year old child could distinguish the deceptions. At this point Charles Manson or Ted Bundy have more transparency.

What a joke!!!

2016 Trump – Clinton Election



So sad, so sad, that the oppressed, dependent, uninsured,  subservient, and even the underemployed, are so desperate for leadership, from the dejected void left from the Obama administration, that they would basically elect anyone whose name they could remember or recognize from television.

The pathetic attempts by the media to discredit any republican candidate, even make things seem even more disgraceful on the side of the democratic party.

The fact that the condescension is okay with them is even more telling of the lack of integrity of the party. Any person of any affiliation that has any integrity would find this stuff so offensive on both sides. It seems that I have only seen and heard Donald Trump speak out about it, though.

Trump Pioneer


Although there are a lot of folks that view Donald Trump as a disaster to politics, with his unscripted, and sometimes even outrageous statements, or even behaviors, but a true progressive and free-thinker should view him as a pioneer. For the first time in a very long time this country could possibly have  the leadership of someone other than a lawyer.

Even if he doesn’t win the election, he has paved the way for not only a  wealthy non lawyer-person to run, but perhaps one day, even a regular guy that is smart and sensible about things would have the opportunity.

I thought that was the kind of thing liberals and free-thinkers cared about. Large centralized government and socialist ideals are contrary to the very concept of being a liberal.

The Obama administration, and Hillary Clinton’s views are that of a socialistic or even a dictatorial society. Truly the people who call themselves liberal and democrat are essentially schizophrenic, because the two concepts are complete opposites by definition.

Trum – Clinton Character Comparison


What crimes could either candidate be accused of thus far? Let’s start with Donald Trump: maybe misfiling a tax return? This is not a crime. He filed his returns, if the IRS says he filed incorrectly, he would need to refile and pay any taxes or penalties owed.  

Defamation of character, or possibly Housing Authority violations, possibly housing discrimination. He went to court, a judge made a determination and it was settled legally.  This is a civil matter, not a crime.

Now, What about Hillary Clinton? Possible  perjury, obstruction of justice,  racketeering, willful destruction of government property,  witness tampering, espionage, treason, misuse of government property, misuse of 501-c for profitability i.e.-tax evasion, money laundering, negligent homicide, excessive use of government expense accounts. These are all criminal. 

For those who don’t know what negligent homicide means:

The actions or inactions of a person, directly or indirectly cause the death of another person. Referring to Ambassador Stevens, and others killed in Benghazi.

I wonder how many of these crimes I could commit, and how long it would take, before I would be arrested and charged?


“A Country Divided, Is Easily Conquered.”


I believe the recent riots in Charlotte, North Carolina are a direct result of an intentional  propaganda campaign from the Obama administration to divide America and continue down this path of socialism in America.

The racial division has been intentionally set in motion to perpetuate a sinister agenda by the left, in an effort to socialize America. If elected, you can expect soon after that, Hillary Clinton will swoop in and resolve the issue, simply by creating some other entitlement for these terrorists to appease them.

The rioters that are causing the terror in the inner cities based on no more than bits of video from a cell phone, will be given some kind of federal recognition or some other form of gratitude, further plunging this country towards the desired socialist state of the political left.

Face it folks, Donald Trump is the only hope to preserve the remaining bastion of hope for a free America! He is exactly correct when he says Hillary Clinton doesn’t want to serve the American people, she wants the American people to be her servants (subjects.)

Donald Trump has repeatedly expressed his intent is to serve as commander-in-chief, with emphasis on his devotion to help all Americans to achieve a better America for themselves and the country. Hillary Clinton can’t achieve any of her proposed goals, without  intentionally disparaging all those who don’t share the same liberal socialist values as herself, i.e. the  “deplorables.”

Racial Unrest



President Obama and his racist appointees Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Rahm Emanuel, along with his administration, for who I would consider a domestic terrorist organization, and Al Sharpton are directly responsible for the race riots. The perpetuated narrative that black people are suffering some sort of oppression, is simply false. There are more handouts and government programs designed specifically for blacks than you can shake a stick at!

The other problem we have is these entitled racist black “religious leaders,” spewing this same divisive rhetoric, while Native Americans sit on reservations fighting for their land in North Dakota apparently not worthy of much media coverage, but race riots? Oh yeah, let’s make the general public fear people of color.  These self righteous  religious leaders  need to be punished for what is equivalent to inciting domestic terrorism.

 The liberal policy has always been to give the “disadvantaged” freebies in the hope that would free them up to use their income and time to better themselves. It obviously doesn’t work! These programs are no different than slavery subjecting those who belong to them to government servitude.

Donald Trump is offering a way out for these government servants, only through personal accomplishment can people regain the self esteem and dignity required to lift themselves out of this servitude.

Jobs and education are the answer. Free housing, cell phones, and all the other subsidies are simply giving people an excuse not to better themselves. No matter how much the subsidy is increased it will never be adequate, just as someone who works hard at a job, can never be truly satisfied until they reach the maximum level of advancement that the job has to offer.

Some of the people that have become reliant on these programs consider this the same as being employed. Generational dependency has stripped people of their dignity for so long that they can no longer recognize the disadvantage they are trapped in.

The use of racial difference to leverage an agenda that tries and convicts those who simply seek true equality should be considered a crime. Equality doesn’t mean exceptional treatment in society for any one race over any other. To hear some of these prominent black religious leaders speak, the black community will not be content untill there are separate laws for them, set apart from what all others have to abide by.

I guess from now on, if a police officer encounters a crime in progress, and the suspect is black, whether he is armed or not, the officer should not engage, that way no one will riot and pillage the community where the infraction occurs.

This is absolutely absurd, a society can’t be held hostage in this manner! The liberal left have created  this inequality through politically correct propaganda! Most of these racially bias programs need to be eliminated, so these people can achieve true equality in society.