Liberal Education must be Stopped

It is imperative that a Trump administration recognizes and exposes the deliberate omission of historical events by progressive administrators in the academic field that cripple young minds leaving them unable to recognize the tragic consequences of socialism on free society. The federal government has been setting these standards for decades by establishing curriculum guidelines for education institutions that receive federal grants or subsidies. These institutions are basically producing countless young people with no objective idea or identity to create an idealist society created by those who would seek to control them.

Any teacher at any school or university that encourages any student, that is under the legal age of consent to reject the laws and principles of the United States Constitution, should be tried for treason. The vulnerable, impressionable minds of young people can’t give consent, therefore this is a crime. The crime is exactly the same as statutory rape and can’t be protected under the 1st amendment. These radical liberal professors are crippling young minds by deliberately omitting portions of history and encouraging these children to embrace some sort of glamorous idea that socialism is a better way of life. Just as boys and  girls can’t give sexual consent to an adult, these children can’t give consent for this type of influence from an an authoritative person.

These types of agendas have been permitted for far too long in both lower and upper educational levels. I am hopeful that a Donald Trump presidency can root out this socially destructive practice and allow young minds to exit these learning institutions with the aspirations that our free constitutional society offers,instead of the hopeless apathetic ideology of a socialist society where there can be only a taxable servant to the elite.