Advice for Donald Trump

Donald Trump is facing the biggest  and most complicated set of blueprints there is; study them, learn from them, get the construction project done right don’t try to intimidate the building inspector, cooperate with him or her and you will get approval to finish up and the American people can get paid back for the job!

Donald Trump needs to either stop tweeting altogether or carefully review the tweets. Although Americans do appreciate honesty and some impulsiveness, now is not the time. Senator Obama got away with it because of the racial bias of the media. Donald Trump has to get real serious, now. Impulsive statements no matter how harmless or obviously humorous, the media will distort, edit, photo shop, misrepresent, misinterpret everything that is said, done, written, or  seen by or of Donald Trump. Actions, words, appearances, maybe even what he had for dinner, will be under scrutiny.  Nothing is off limits from the demigod Democrats.

Donald Trump needs to make as many friends as possible right now. This means a formal apology to John McCain and possibly even the Muslim parents of the slain soldier that appeared at the DNC. An apology would not belittle him, it would show better strength of character, and would go a long way to bringing him closer to occupying the white house. Now that Donald Trump has the formal nomination at hand, the timing is perfect for this sort of thing. While the democrats pledge unity, Donald Trump could demonstrate unity by example. It probably wouldn’t hurt to apologize to Cruz, Bush and Fiorina as well. Showing a softer, more human side would surely help in party unification as well as bring new votes to the nominee.  The rigged system is going to work against Trump at every opportunity. Stay away from racially baited questioning. Instead of knee-jerk responses, simply say, “no comment” and move on in these interviews. I don’t know if it’s the campaign manager or Donald himself, but, he absolutely has to avoid the race baiting. He can’t continue to fly off the handle, especially in these types of situations. Donald needs to have the kind of management team who don’t display that arrogant typical New Yorker. If the tone doesn’t change, he may as well concede now! He knows the system and media are rigged against him. He has to be smarter than this and FAST!