Comparing Eggs to Kiwis

I’ve heard some comments recently about gun control. It seems that there are some who believe that a government gun confiscation or “buy back” as it’s affectionately called, like they’ve done in Australia, would be effective in stopping the mass shootings. 

Well, let’s review some comparisons, shall we: First of all, it hasn’t stopped the mass gun violence because there was a mass shooting in New Zealand last year. Let’s see, how many gun manufacturers are there in Australia? Very few. Next thing is that there is no immigration in Australia, period. Immigrants have no legal status, can’t own land, and no permanent visas are issued. Australia was founded and built by Convicts, not Puritans. 

America, on the other hand, has an immigration policy that accepts about a million a year. Unlike Australia, The U.S. is a country with an enormous manufacturing sector in our economy. There are at least fifteen major weapons manufacturers that provide for the military and law enforcement of every kind, not only for America, but around the world. If China were to invade Australia, who do you think they would call upon for military aid first? Unfortunately, because so many firearms are produced here, some are bound to “leak” out into the wrong hands.

Now, let’s get down to basics. Like it or not, this country was founded by a bunch of religious fanatics. That is a good thing, however, because those religious fanatics wanted to be free from the Socialist tyranny and religious persecution in Europe, Great Britain in particular at first. In doing so, they had the wisdom and fortitude to create The Constitution and The Bill of Rights, which they hoped would forever secure the freedoms they so desperately wanted. The question was put to Chinese leader – “Would China would ever try to invade The U.S? He replied, “Never, because everyone there owns a gun, and door to door combat is not logistically possible.” The point is that the benefits of The Second Amendment far outweigh even these tragic events. Taking or “buying back” guns from honest responsible American citizens won’t solve anything. 

The problem lies with verification, and Social Media’s ability to monitor content without totally trampling on The First Amendment rights of its users. When individuals threaten public safety, I believe they inevitably forfeit some of those rights. Just as we the public are asked if we see something, say something, the same should be applied to Facebook, Google, and any other social media platform.  These companies are monitoring content anyhow for advertising and other information. Most, if not all these mass shootings are prefaced by some kind of “on line” rant. It’s time these social media companies stop hiding behind The First Amendment and expose these maniacs before the commit carnage on society.

Socialcrats Debates

Watching the Democrat debates, or rather as much as I could stand to watch, the theme is the same. The agenda for these future  ‘wannabees’ is that everyone is entitled to all sorts of free stuff, or to revisit the civil rights era in the sixties.

 What these aspiring Socialists are not telling anyone is how they intend to get us there. There is talk of taxing the rich at higher rates, and a carbon tax, and a host of other non specifics. The reality, however, is that in all of these socialist countries that the Democrats adore, and want to model our government after, there are harsh forced social economic laws designed to balance expenditures with economic viability. Not to mention how much more debt this country would acquire. We are in debt for trillions now, and we are a capitalist country. In most, if not all Socialist countries, it is mandatory that all citizens participate for a minimum of two years of military service.  All able bodied persons are required to work, by law, and for a predetermined wage by the government. Failure to comply means imprisonment for dissidents.

All companies are government owned in some form or another, and there would be no more private insurance. So these Amazons, Googles, Microsofts, and Facebooks, of this country that support these Democrat candidates had better think long and hard about their allegiances, because they are the first ones to become property of the Socialist regime. It’s no secret; everyone knows that all the free college, free health care, and “Green New Deal” types of pipe dreams are going to be real expensive.

Do they think the Socialist government is going to get the money from the poorest people in society? No! They are going to go where the richest companies are first. That means Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Facebook arethe first companies on the chopping block. For some of the best and brightest, I have never seen such a bunch of dummies, supporting the very party that will lead to their ultimate demise. If these guys think that they are going to get special treatment for their allegiance, they have another thing coming; these candidates are eating their own now, like rabid wolves. Bernie and Liz are already salivating at the thought of getting Google and Amazon’s money to give to illegal immigrants to secure their reelection.

Google, Facebook and Twitter – Treasonous USA Monopolies

As much as I hate the idea of the government regulating any private enterprise, Google, Facebook, and Twitter have become too big for there to be reasonable free market competition in the tech industry.

When a person uses the Google search engine, they are not offered any alternate choice when using the site. Just as Bell telephone operated in the mid part of the last century. Eventually the government had to step in to allow the free market to compete. The same is applicable for Twitter and Facebook. There is no “Squawker” and “Headbook” to compete with these behemoths. The fact that there is now surfacing rumors of censorship of conservative viewpoints on these sites that claim ambiguity as their primary objective, poses another problem with deceptive marketing practices.

Since these platforms have only existed for a few decades at best, and have expanded technologically exponentially with only self governance they have been able to stay ahead of any attempts to be comprehensively monitored for their bias, because of the limited personnel working outside of these companies, that have the intellectual talent to do so. Like any other company that operates in this country there has to be some level of transparency to either the public, or the federal government.

An even more serious issue has arisen with Google, refusing to work with the U.S.military, but willing to aid the Chinese government, including making  military intellectual property of the U.S. vulnerable to hacking through open access to their cloud platform. This is the true definition of treason for an American company to aid a direct military adversary of the U.S.

So I am afraid at this point there is little choice, the federal government must intervene before our military and search information on all of Google’s hard drives becomes compromised leaving our Electric grid, business infrastructure, millions of Americans personal information, our banking, military secrets, our intelligence agencies and who knows how much other information could be accessed.The defiant acts of these tech giants to provide transparency could be the beginning and the end of a global tech war with the U.S. as the loser of that war!

The ability of a few ideologue employees that work at these tech giants could control the flow of information and determine the outcomes of free and fair elections, putting at risk the very fabric of a free America. If people are concerned about Russian interference, they should be extremely concerned about those who could interfere from within our own cyber infrastructure.

Shame on Facebook

The S.E.C., F.T.C., F.B.I. and the U.S. Congress all need to get a handle on the runaway train that is internet related criminal activity. Mark Zuckerberg should be jailed. There is no circumstance that excuses the invasion of privacy that has occurred at Facebook.

These high and mighty ultra wealthy people that have created these access sites on the internet, somehow feel that their political views need to be used to invade people’s privacy for the betterment of humanity, even at the expense of everyone else’s civil liberties.

It is virtually impossible to use Google-search to look up any political figure without being bombarded by views of the left. These people like Zuckerberg, Bezos, Pichai, Cook and others need to be reigned in, and keep their political views at home and out of the supposedly free internet.

The powers that be in evaluating the legality of this activity need to put an end to this stuff. Congress is worried about Russian intervention-interference, but they also need to get a handle on these internet moguls, because the implications of their interference are exactly the same thing.

Interference into the very fabric of our election process or civil liberty is a criminal act from Russia or Zuckerberg, and the penalties should be the same for anyone.