How about this for a good conspiracy theory; an operative for the socialist wing of The Democratic Party somehow, made a contract with either The Chinese Government or an official there, to create the Covid-19 Virus in the Wuhan laboratory purposely. Then paid several Chinese Nationals as “transmitters” to travel to The U.S. and several other countries, particularly those with close economic ties to The U.S.
Who knows how long this virus has been around; it may have been years in the making and execution to spread it. What better way first for China to avoid economic collapse from the tariffs being imposed on them from those countries as an incentive for them to carry this out. Second, and more believable, what better way could there be to transform The U.S. into a government dependent Socialist society, without electing a socialist for president, Congress, or The Senate. Not only has this “supposed pandemic” accomplished that, but now a full blown compliance experiment can be done completely overtly. Those who are willing to obey the so-called “medical professionals” and those who are skeptics.
Just do a little basic research about Dr. Fauci’s ties to The Chinese Government and particularly the millions in taxpayer money that went to the lab in Wuhan during the Obama Administration. Anyone can see for themselves the suspicious nature of looking at someone who is wearing one of these completely useless masks, by the way, if you can smell cigarette smoke while wearing one, there is no protection from this virus. Don’t even get me started on the “invasion of privacy issues with “contact tracing”. Some unknown entity to you decides that you have come into close proximity, through the GPS chip in your phone, to an infected person, and you now are deemed to be automatically infected and subject to mandatory quarantine. Ever hear the expression “divide and conquer”. This is George Soros, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, (because of all the Amazon on-line orders), and Tim Cook’s dream Socialist utopia coming true!