Contact Tracing by Apple and Google

The contact tracing app is just another deceptive tool to push America closer to the “Nanny State” that the far left so longs for it to be. The problem here is that this app will allow anyone with “good reason” to access any phone and “red flag” all the contacts in that phone.

 This is similar to the “unmaking” methods used by The F.B.I. that reveals the identities of American citizens through “incidental” surveillance. The presence of someone’s contact information on the phone, however, does not mean that the person has actually come in contact with the person that has the app.

The lesson here is to be wary of Apple and Google baring gifts for the greater good of humanity. They have a completely different agenda.

The ‘I’ Word -Part 1

President Trump needs to be less transparent. There was no need to release any transcript unless Congress goes through the appropriate steps to obtain it. Any risk to national security, is because the transcript was released bypassing the proper procedural request.

The Democrats are now calling President Trump a liar because they claim that “there is no evidence” to support his claims about  former Vice President Biden and his son, with regard to the former Vice President making a direct threat to shake down the former President of The Ukraine, in exchange for foreign aid. The only reason there is no evidence is because of the failure of The D.O.J., The D.N.I., The C.I.A., and The F.B.I to investigate Biden or Obama about the Ukraine shenanigans concerning Biden and his son’s affairs there.

Anyone that thinks Obama had nothing to do with it, or knew about what went on, really must think Obama was the biggest dummy ever to be born. Biden boasted about the deal publicly. My advice for the President – MAKE YOURSELF A LOT LESS TRANSPARENT! Anything you say or do needs to be reviewed by your counsel. Wake up! There is an open impeachment investigation. In other words, Mr. President, you are being accused of a crime. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE TO ANSWER ANYTHING YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO HAVE AN ATTORNEY PRESENT BEFORE ANSWERING QUESTIONS. Anything said will be turned around to incriminate you.

President Obama hid all kinds of stuff with no press conferences, the $150 billion to Iran, The Dream Act, Solyndra, ‘keep your doctor’, and only after these things were put into motion, did the press get informed.

 Let the Democrats beat this dead horse for the next twelve months. If you keep giving them fodder, regardless of your innocence, they will prolong the accusations. It’s of no consequence now, but next September it could come back to bite you.

There are a lot of idiots that by the bull crap the Liberal media outlets and social media are selling to them.

 A little less arrogance, a little more poise might serve you well, President Trump, at least for the time being. I know, it’s not getting past The Senate, but let’s get there first.

Dr. Ford’s Accusations

Since Dr. Ford failed to meet with the Senators on Friday 9/21, there needs to be a confirmation vote on Monday 9/24 for Brett Kavanaugh. There at least has to be a few honest Democrats left that can see through Feinstein’s charade. They can’t all be Lemming, that is, in case there are a few R.I.N.O. Republicans that have no stomach for governing. As far as the request from Schumer, Feinstein, Pelosi, and the rest of the other Democrat  swamp creatures to have the F.B.I. act as their lap hounds and investigate Ford’s claims, the F.B.I. does not investigate civil matters.

The fact that all these Democrats are attorneys and act like this is a real option, befuddles me. I guess maybe there are a lot of Americans that are dumb enough to buy into the propaganda. No matter what political affiliation you are I would think anyone would find it offensive to have these politicians trying to sell these lies to us. Dianne Feinstein , I believe thinks she’s one of these old-time  card sharks and tried to pull an ace out of her sleeve. Either way, that’s cheating. I hope her constituents have the moral fortitude to rethink about that when she runs for re-election.

These swampy Democrats are even trying to stop the American people from seeing the slimy corrupt filth that lies in the documents that the president has declassified. Again, asking the D.O.J. and the F.B.I to be their personal lap dogs and refuse the direct request from the commander and chief. I wonder what they are afraid of? Sooner or later the muddy waters of the swamp are going to be right up to Obama’s and Clinton’s necks.

Strzok Hearing

I have a few thoughts after watching some of the theatrics of the Strzok hearings. In recent months, several public officials have resigned their positions amid accusations of sexual misconduct. It is a well known fact at this juncture, that Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, another employee at the F.B.I. were having an affair. Though Louie Gohmert’s (Republican) comments about the possible awkward interaction between Strzok and his wife were out of line, it made me wonder; why has Strzok not been asked to resign? Is adultery not considered sexual misconduct? Never mind all the other stuff that is coming to light regarding his mishandling of both the Clinton and Trump investigations.

Additionally, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the Russia collusion probe being conducted by Robert Mueller has become a game of pin the tail (crime) on the donkey, with all sorts of people being charged with everything but, helping Russia interfere with the election process. One Democrat had his own ‘dog and pony’ show by holding held up signs with the faces of people that have been charged with unrelated crimes, and somehow trying to link them to Trump. This is another feeble attempt by Democrats to delegitimize Trump’s Presidency.

Watching and listening to these hearings, and seeing the great lengths the Democrats were undertaking to distract from the issues, only reassured me further, that there is real merit to the accusations laid out against Peter Strzok. Some Democrats claimed that the hearings should focus on the couple thousand illegal immigrants that have been separated from their families while attempting to illegally enter the U.S. I guess that is more important than the millions of American citizens who could be at risk of being charged wrongly of crimes, based on some F.B.I. agent’s political bias.

I had to laugh out loud, when another Democrat stated that if Strzok had reported to the media that Trump was under investigation, prior to the election, we would have a legitimate president now. I have to ask; if at the time, both presidential candidates were under investigation by the F.B.I., why would one be more legitimate than the other?

Oh yeah, by the way, if Strzok had leaked anything to the press, he would have been fired, like Andrew McCabe was, without collecting his pension.

Recent Hearings on Capitol Hill

In watching the hearings interviewing Christopher Wray, the F.B.I. Director, and Rod Rosenstein, the assistant Attorney General, it seems that the Democrats were more focused on President Trump’s tweets than the miscarriage of justice perpetuated by Peter Strzok and how the D.O.J. has handled the matter.

The focus of the hearings was to get some answers from the bureau, and the D.O.J. with regard to the delays in documents being provided to Congress, that are required by law, for proper oversight for the American people as to the conduct of the two agencies. Two of the democratic Congresswomen totally flew off base, with one obsessing about the possibility of racial profiling of police officers mistakenly shooting African-American suspects. The other Democrat Congresswoman went on a tirade about the separation of families attempting to enter the country illegally, with the basis of her concerns, mostly on fake news and unsubstantiated rumors about what is actually happening there, and why.

All that being said, the last time I checked, “tweeting” falls under the category of one’s first amendment rights, regardless of what position or office they may hold. Furthermore “Tweets” are by definition, opinions and are not evidence that can be used to indict someone of a crime or for that matter, a definition of one’s character. If the Democrats would spend less time subjectively interpreting the President’s tweets, and more on serving the constituents that elected them, maybe they would have a better approval rating, and who knows maybe accomplish some good things for this country.

Illegal Immigration Fed by Treasonous Politicians

President Trump  stated that  people   attempting to cross the border illegally have become smart enough to learn about the loopholes in our immigration laws. I just don’t think they are that smart.

It is my opinion that well-funded Liberal Democrats have sent treasonous missionaries to some of these Central American countries to educate these people, through social media and other more direct means, as to what these loopholes are, and how to abuse them.

These immigrants have no access as to what specific laws are on the USA books, that reference illegal entry by family units with children. Why else would there be so many unverifiable adults claiming these minor children are theirs?

I am an American citizen and I don’t even know the applicable laws. The drastic sudden increase in accompanied and unaccompanied family units illegally attempting to enter our country can’t be simply the result of  multiple countrywide epiphanies in these Central American countries, that simultaneously are just occurring out of thin air.

If the F.B.I. should investigate anything, it should be the activities, and bank records of the most outspoken Liberal members of Congress about the separation of family units attempting to enter our country. I wouldn’t be surprised in the least, if there was found to be a direct link to these individuals and the increase in illegal border crossing attempts by both legitimate and illegitimate family units. I have no doubt that the recent border crisis is entirely caused intentionally, not coincidental as the mainstream media would have the gullible public believe.

F.B.I. and D.O.J. and their Twisted Notions

Apparently the F.B.I. and the D.O.J. in general have this twisted notion that they have become a self-governing body, like Tennessee’s T.W.R.A. agency, with no oversight. The level of utter contempt for the executive branches attempts to obtain documents, even after subpoena, flies in the face of the constitutionality of our government, and threatens the very fabric that holds our government in place. Without the integrity of the three branches of government that was designed in the constitution, we are nothing more than a “ Banana Republic”, Monarchy or Dictatorship.

In light of the recent corruption revelations from the prior administration, through the election process,  post-election revelations, and the lack of enthusiasm by our D.O.J. to restore the American people’s faith through transparency, I suggest that President Trump start handing out “pink slips”.  There needs to be a clear effort and pathway established to restore the integrity of the three branch system of government for all Americans to see.  If that means “cleaning house” and starting from scratch with new hires then let it be so.

I suggest starting with Rosenstein, Sessions Mueller, Strozk, Page, and even Wray if necessary. Just because Wray is newly appointed, does not mean he is working out as head of the F.B.I., and the same goes for Sessions. Obviously there is a serious breakdown in the system, because the continued theme seems to be that of constant confusion, and lack of expedient accountability.

There is all this chatter about fixing the immigration system, the economy, our infrastructure, and a whole host of other stuff. All this is futile to address if the governing body itself is dysfunctional. The huge gap in the ideology of the Senate and Congress is just a minor inconvenience compared to the disparity and dysfunction in the coordination of the Judicial, Executive, and Legislative branches as our forefathers intended.

All the administrative positions of the separate branches of government have become much too complacent in their respective positions, and subsequently have developed this attitude that their positions aren’t subject to the same measure of performance as that of the rest of us, here in the real world.

Devin Nunez House Intel

On January 29, 2018, the House Intelligence Committee approved the release of a long anticipated memo, summarizing the activities of the F.B.I. and the D.O.J. during the campaign and election cycle of 2016.

The Democrats have been fighting tooth and nail to obstruct this release for several months, and one can’t help but to assume the memo contains a litany of what may amount to criminal activities by corrupt individuals in both departments, and the Executive Branch, to tear down the very fabric of our democracy.

If one can reflect, for a moment, on the events that occurred during the Obama administration, it is not very difficult to make that assumption. Failures in the D.O.J., the Executive Branch, and at the State Department, led to not only loss of life, but the trust of the American people as well.

Let’s review. There is:

  1. Eric Holder’s failed “fast and furious” covert operation.
  2. The disastrous actions by our government to support the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, creating a false narrative of embezzlement and murder (but later he was cleared of the charges), all in order to justify supplying arms and logistical support to The Muslim Brotherhood that took control of the Egyptian government, and then became major sponsor of the terrorist group ISIS.
  3. The retreat from Iraq and Afghanistan, allowing the terrorist organization to fester, also leading to a bunch of airline hijackings and disappearances, to which the group claimed responsibility.
  4. The strict guidelines placed on our troops restricting the rules of engagement, leading to more unnecessary American troop casualties.
  5. The inaction to assist the Ukrainian government when Putin sent troops to suppress the democracy there.
  6. The ousting of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya which led to the failures in Benghazi. Basically this is the complete collapse, corruption, and failure of the State Department under Hillary Clinton’s tutelage during her tenure.
  7. What about the explosion of the nation’s debt? How else do you suppose the economy was able to float along at nearly zero G.D.P. for eight years? Somehow the Obama Administration managed to borrow and spend   11 trillion dollars, pump it into the economy through government programs, and keep anyone from becoming suspicious. The failed trade policies with China weren’t any help in that regard either.

Now we are finding out about “Uranium One” and the relaxed policy regarding Hezbollah drug trafficking, and “the Pelican Project”, Fusion GPS and it’s fake dossier, Comey and Lynch collusion, and the messaging between Strzok, Page and McCabe at the F.B.I.?

So it’s not too hard to make the assumption that there was some wrongdoing going on in the D.O.J.  President Obama is directly tied to all of this, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. The President is briefed daily about the activities of all the departments, and in most cases, must approve, or disapprove of those activities. Not only was he aware, but was complicit in the actions, or inaction at the D.O.J., and at the State Department.

If this memo indicates that there was unlawful unmasking of members of the Trump campaign through the use of a document created, paid for, then deemed classified, by political party opposition, to obtain F.I.S.A. warrants as well as attempts to subvert the election by prematurely exonerating Hillary Clinton, and corrupting the F.B.I. investigation into hers and others illegal activities, then you can be assured that President Obama was in it up to his eyeballs.

In addition, if this is the case, it completely discredits the Mueller probe, and warrants the need for a new, impartial investigation into not only top ranking officials at the F.B.I., but also the D.O.J. and Loretta Lynch, the Clinton’s, and the former President as well. This cuts to the heart of what president Trump refers to as “The Swamp”. This stuff makes “Watergate” look like a runaway at a lemonade stand! Only when these prominent figures are brought to account, can Americans truly have faith in government.

Shakeup at the FBI

As most of us knew all along, the corruption from the Obama administration is well entrenched into the D.O.J. and the F.B.I. The Mueller investigation is a sham, and the mounting evidence being brought to light is mounting daily; proving only that the collusion here is between Russia and the Democratic Party and not the Republicans, as the corrupt media would have everyone believe. The Clinton’s involvement with the Russian government is being exposed as nothing short of treason.

Treason, once punishable by death, has now become a crime of passion, with little or no consequence. Peter Strzok of the F.B.I., is a key figure in all sorts of politically motivated misdeeds. Including a direct intention to undermine not only the 2016 election, but an active participant to directly undermine the authority of the sitting President.

If ever there was a person suspected of treason, this guy is the definition of the legal term. Yet, as I write this blog, he has not only not been charged with a crime, he is still on the taxpayer’s dime simply demoted to H.R. where he can screen future applicants to the agency.

The media went haywire when president Trump compared the F.B.I. to the K.G.B., but I’m afraid, he is absolutely correct. When agents of the most powerful enforcement agency on the globe can run their own agenda over that of impartiality, it becomes exactly like the K.G.B. with people being arrested and sent to Siberia as enemies of the state, or some other fabricated charge.

Unless, and until, people like Strzok start being properly charged and punished for these heinous crimes, the “deep state” will only get deeper and more corrupt to a point that its power is unquestioned for fear of any whistle-blower being sent to Siberia, or San Quentin, or Attica or Rikers Island. Once sent to a given institution, your voice of innocence becomes very small. If this evil, created by the Liberal Socialist Barack Obama, and allowed to flourish unchecked for eight years is not rooted out, the next Liberal Democrat to become president will have to push very few buttons to create the ultimate Liberal euphoria, complete government control over the population, not only in the U.S., but worldwide.

These recent revelations about political bias in our most powerful government agencies should be very disturbing to anyone of any political affiliation, as it threatens the freedom of all Americans.

F.B.I. Director Comey


The F.B.I. director was sweating like a kid that was caught behind the barn with grandpa’s cigarettes. This guy is a political appointee of the Obama socialist machine.

Trey Gowdy is probably the best candidate for Attorney General  who has come along in a long time. His bulldogged persistence is proving to be quite the challenge for these corrupt democrats to try to get Hillary out of the web of deception she has created.

I only wish I could say the same for Director Comey. They must be dangling a big carrot for a man to sink this low! There were so many holes in his defense you could strain pasta through it. Immunity is never supposed to be granted, unless valuable testimony or evidence is received, period.

I pray that Trump gets elected and can fire both Comey and Lynch and depoliticise the Department of Justice. These political hacks are making a mockery of the legal system in this country.

This F.B.I. sham involving Hillary Clinton is the type of interrogation  that happens in a “one horse town,” sheriff’s office at 3:00 a.m. when a kid is caught throwing a tomato at a car. This woman is a modern-day mobster, like Capone or Gotti except they were prosecuted for far less criminal activity than Hillary Clinton.