Fox News Leans Left

On Monday, November 9, 2020 Neil Cavuto cut away from Kayleigh McEnany’s press briefing, accusing The Press Secretary of lying. Short of some natural disaster, there is no excuse for not covering a press briefing in its entirety, especially, under the circumstances with the election being legally challenged.

This is now the third such injection of liberal activism in as many weeks on Fox news. A short while back, on Fox’s “Outnumbered” both Melisa Francis and Marie Harf silenced former House Speaker Newt Gingrich when he mentioned that George Soros is the likely source of the financial backing a lot of the civil unrest being caused by the radical groups “Antifa” and “Black Lives Matter”.

On election night Fox News called the Arizona race for Joe Biden with only seventy six percent of the state reporting in, yet as President Trump led Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, in some cases by almost ten points, with ninety percent or more reporting in, Fox not only didn’t call the race for Trump, but gave validity to the thousands of unsolicited ballots being counted even as election day came and went. There’s already evidence emerging that thousands, if not tens of thousands of ballots were mailed, returned, and counted for deceased people in multiple states. Some have been deceased for a hundred years.

Since Fox had been acquired by Disney in March 2019, and subsequently spun off, the network has been airing more liberal coverage, having more liberal commentary, and other less egregious little snippets in their programming. When the so called journalists are asked about this trend, the reply is always the same, “we want to be fair and balanced”.

Last year, the network tried to ban Justice Janine, but public outcry made them change their tune a few weeks into it.

I’m no longer a fan of Fox news because of this trend, and I recommend that all conservatives take pause, and consider One America News Network for accurate and honest reporting that truly is fair and actually gives a voice to conservative concerns in America, and is not trying to censor them, like almost every other network out there. Giving a louder voice to liberal commentary is not “fair and balanced” because almost all media coverage out there is already skewed to a liberal viewpoint.

#Boycott Fox News!


There must be something seriously wrong with the organization called Black Lives Matter if Leo Terrell, a Democrat black activist, doesn’t approve of what they are doing. It is obvious, though, that something sinister is in the works at the organization. They, as Terrell has so eloquently described, have failed The Black community miserably. It seems that the only black lives that matter to them are those whose tragedies can be used as a tool to cause racial controversy. Black on black murders that are occurring in the triple digits weekly, are of no concern to Black Lives Matter, only racially diverse crime gets their attention. Hmmm, seems to me that they are the racists here. 

Before President Obama was elected, racial discord was minimal in America. The President and sidekick Eric Holder, however, found it necessary to use racially charged rhetoric at every opportunity, and fan the few embers of racism that remained into full blown forest fires. They repeatedly inserted racially charged comments in several high profile cases. In every instance, President Obama made public appearances, spewing this hateful racist rhetoric prior to any known facts of these cases were revealed. In every case, Obama was incorrect in all of his assumptions. Obama’s racially charged statements were responsible for not only loss of life, but bodily harm and millions in damages from the ensuing riots that broke out as a result, particularly in the Michael Brown case in Ferguson, Mo.

The press conferences and media in The Ferguson Case, were accompanied with a “Mr. Goody Two Shoes” photo of Brown in a cap and gown, but were actually a far cry from the criminal thug that committed the “strong arm” robbery moments before assaulting a police officer, again, in a “strong arm” manner, that Brown outweighed by fifty pounds or more, where he tried to disarm the officer in an attempt to kill him. The officer was discharged, and had to go into hiding for fear for his life before any trial date had been set. 

This is where The B.L.M. “movement” got started. It was started under false pretenses, and continues under those same parameters. The organization claims it is for social justice, but in actuality, its mission is civil discourse. B.L.M. has aligned itself with the” Defund Police” movement, an objective of the domestic terror group that calls themselves Antifa, that is mostly funded mostly by Socialist George Soros. Antifa is supposed to be short for “anti – fascism”, but ironically it functions exactly as a fascist organization themselves. Their tactics of looting and burning of property and businesses mimics exactly the tactics used by Adolf Hitler and his Nazi thugs in the late thirties and early forties when he attempted to rid his country of the Jews that operated most of the successful businesses at the time. Like Antifa, these tactics only led to the demise of Germany from within.