Government Shutdown

There is a perfectly reasonable way to deter these government shutdowns. When Congress reaches these types of impasses, and the government is partially shut down, the first people that should go without a paycheck should be those responsible for the shutdown. Both houses of Congress should be the first to lose their paychecks. Like Dr. Phil says, “You just don’t reward bad behavior”.

 As with any circumstance, if your son or daughter wrecks the car, they must learn from the experience before you buy them a new one, otherwise the mistake will reoccur. Such as the case before our country now. Only Congress can fix this, and only Congress should be punished for it. I suggest that not only they not be paid, but that the pay they would normally receive be redirected to keep National Parks and tourist sites open.

Not only are these politicians not learning from their bad behavior, but they are thumbing their noses at any attempt to rectify the situation. Nancy Pelosi somehow has the notion that the President serves at her convenience. Her most recent stunt, demanding that the President not give The State of The Union Address as scheduled, containing blatant language in her letter to him, that directly contradicts the President’s constitutional obligation and authority (see Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution). The President is required to give the address, and he has the authority to call both houses of Congress before him to do so, at any time he deems it necessary. Pelosi and these other obstructionists have the tail wagging the dog here. Neither the President nor the public serve Congress, they are there to serve the people.

 Nancy Pelosi is directly responsible, and she and others have either been vacationing in Hawaii, or Puerto Rico, or planning to be a.w.o.l. with a trip at the American taxpayers expense, which includes, by the way, a security detail, to the Middle East for another week.

This further solidifies the fact that Nancy Pelosi has no regard for the welfare of those who are going without pay, which she espouses to be concerned for. Graham Ledger, a commentator on One America News articulated perfectly, what President Trump should do: He should give The State of The Union address, as scheduled, call both houses of Congress, as is his Constitutional authority, and at that time call the border crisis A State of Emergency and put an immediate, stop to these obstructionists agenda, for the sake of the laid off workers and the rest of America.