Document Declassification ‘or Trump trumps Democrats’

President Trump has now given Attorney General Barr the green light to declassify the flawed FISA documents that Comey, McCabe and Rosenstein deceptively signed off on. There was an immediate response from representative Blumenthal and Schiff. They are in full blown panic mode. Blumenthal claiming that it’s a distraction, and Schiff claiming that Trump is weaponizing the D.O.J. against the Democrats, and that it’s un-American.

Funny how both these Democrats insisted on the release of the Muller report in hopes that their Russian hoax would somehow come to fruition through their partisan bulldog Robert Muller. Let’s remember an old adage “when one points a finger at someone, the other three are pointing back at one’s-self”.  All these Democratic hacks that thought their plan was ironclad should be very afraid. Comey and Brennan are already throwing each other under the bus, and they haven’t even been charged and offered a plea deal. If that isn’t an indication of wrongdoing, I don’t know what is.

 Plain and simple, this whole scheme was formulated by the Obama justice department, as a personal favor from President Obama, himself, in an attempt to repay Hillary Clinton for depriving her of her presidential bid in ‘08, by fixing the 2016 election in her favor. Face it folks they thought they had it covered from all angles. The only thing they couldn’t control was Clinton and her inability to control her arrogance.

Frankly, I think if it weren’t for the ‘deplorable’ statement, and a few other slips of the tongue, and the uncovering of her selling America’s Uranium to Russia, and perhaps the money laundering through The Clinton Foundation, she might have won. By the grace of God, she didn’t win, and America, perhaps, has been saved from certain disaster, because she would have sold it to the highest bidder to advance her and her husband’s personal portfolios.

A socialist Town Hall Meeting

A town hall meeting was held last night on Fox News, where a comparison between Socialism and Capitalism was being made, with Fox Business Charles Payne and Herman Cain hosting. Stuart Varney, Kennedy, and Lou Dobbs were also brought in for commentary. A college professor named Richard Wolfe and so called Democratic Socialist Bianca Cunningham represented the Socialist proponents.

 A series of questions were raised by two panels of the opposing viewpoints. Wolf boasted that China has a good model of Socialism because of its rapid economic growth. What was not rebutted by Varney, Cain, or Payne, was that the growth came on the backs of underpaid, overworked, and child labor in deplorable conditions with no worker protections. Nazi Germany had extremely rapid growth in the forties. Does that make that example a successful model of Socialism? What is sad is that the students in the town hall all seem to have the same gripe; the complaint that there is income inequality. This complaint is born out of jealousy. These academically brainwashed kids are simply too lazy to work hard for success. They have been absolutely convinced from elementary school right through college that they can change the structure of government so that everyone will have a “fair shot” at success through Socialism.

 A question was asked; how can this country make the transition from Capitalism to Socialism? Kennedy from ‘Late Night on Fox’ replied with the appropriate response; the way it has always been done, by force!

 The woman Bianca Cunningham kept harping about the same talking points. She has also drank the “Cool Aid” that makes these people think that Socialism would free people to pursue only careers that make them happy at work, and therefore would produce better economic results to pay for the delusional Socialist Utopia. Unfortunately, history has shown that in a Socialist governed society, citizens do the jobs that are demanded of them by the dictator that governs the population. There is no room for free will of the people. It detracts from productivity in a Socialist society.

 Wolf also used Germany as a successful model because of their free college tuition. What was not said is that they can afford to do so because they don’t have much of a military budget because America insures that for them at minimal expense to their economy. It is a fool’s errand to even have the debate about these two systems of government, because the supporters of Socialism are debating the issue without being honest with themselves about the historical facts.

I am constantly hearing from these college kids about the prospect of “Democratic” Socialism. There is no such thing as “Democratic” Socialism.  Socialism only exists under Dictatorship rule, because those who want to “follow their own path” are counterproductive to the rest of the workforce, and create jealousy and apathy. This is simply not tolerated, and those who insist on doing so are usually jailed and never heard from again. The fear of this incarceration is the only chance the government has to keep the workforce in line, and have any hope of generating the kind of money needed to keep the Socialist economy afloat.

 I am also hearing the diluted idea that Socialism creates a “living wage”. Socialist governments pay a wage that is determined by the ability of the given country to utilize its resources, compete in the world economy, and accommodate the needs of the population, and the government does this with a minimalistic approach. A Socialist Dictatorship doesn’t just give everyone fifteen dollars an hour, and then see how little money is left over to compete in the world market and address the needs of the population. The workers pay is the lowest concern of a Socialist government.

Hillary Bigotry

Is it just me, or did anyone else in this country find it extremely offensive that Hillary Clinton called conservative Donald Trump supporters “radicals” while in the same sentence calling Donald Trump a bigot and a racist? I don’t know about anyone else, but where I come from, bigotry crosses all racial boundaries. Hillary’s statements are probably the most bigoted of any made by either candidate so far.

The Democrat Party’s Lies

abraham-lincoln  It was Democrats who indentured the people without means to resist and created the environment to keep it that way. It was the relentless endeavor of a determined Republican, Abraham Lincoln, to free those from perpetual servitude. I believe it is the intention of another determined Republican in Donald Trump to overcome a much greater obstacle, with media’s misguided bias, and a far more determined adversary in  the Democratic party, to free those who are currently indentured by the federal government in perpetual and generational servitude.

For decades now, the Democrats have conditioned those same people to respond negatively to any criticism regardless of the intent, or the obscurity. They have done this through racial intimidation, discrimination and intentional depravity, of those who would not have the educational ability to see the contrasts for themselves. We are not unequal, this is just what Democrats would have you believe. There are of course a few  who may see it otherwise, but Donald Trump is not one of them. As a matter of fact, Donald Trump has far more exposure to cultural diversity than The Elitist, Privileged Hillary Clinton ever has.

Emails discovered between The State department and Clinton Foundation

How much more indifference can be bought by the Clinton’s? Any e-mails between the Clinton Foundation and the State department are a crime! Not only are the Clinton’s guilty of it, but it is an impeachable offense for President Obama because the act occurred under his watch. Has the entire justice department been bought off?

Ron  Blagojevich is serving 12 years in prison for e-mails concerning Obama’s vacant senate seat and his appeal has been denied. Are we regressing to the days of mob run Chicago? Hillary should be serving out prison time in Sing-Sing, not running for President. Why can no person step forward and be witness? Is there that much corruption and fear? How much evidence is required to convict a politician? Any e-mails from a non-government  server are supposed to be blocked. Protocols had to be intentionally overridden to have the e-mails accepted by the government server. An indictment should have been handed down immediately when this was discovered. The fact that it has only now been exposed shows the extent of corruption goes directly to the President Obama’s office. This quacks like a duck.

This is why a Trump Presidency is feared so much. He is honest! When he sees the level of corruption, all the players will go to prison.

One More Mysterious Death

Another mysterious victim of the Clinton machine, Seth Conrad Rich’s death is ironically similar to the death of Vincent Foster during the White Water investigation.

The Democrats should just nominate John Gotti for president he looks like a saint compared to Hillary. With hundreds of millions of dollars, I’m sure it’s possible to buy a lot of characters to make the proper pieces of criminal investigation fit into place.

Look at the most recent Clinton puppet James Comey of the FBI. In most criminal investigations the investigators make no assumptions until the investigation is complete. Isn’t it odd that less than a month into the investigation, the investigators are claiming Seth Conrad Rich’s mysterious death had nothing to do with his affiliation with the DNC and the still undisclosed e-mails with regard to Bernie Sanders? How can they be so sure when not all the facts have been discovered yet?

More Deaths

Chalk up another death attributed to Hillary’s incompetence: The Iranian nuclear scientist hanged to death for having communications with Hillary Clinton. I’m not sure whether or not he was a spy, but all the same, the hits keep coming. The more you dig the more crap is revealed about Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. This is the price we pay for non transparency.


Trump – Hillary Debate

Before Donald Trump debates Hillary Clinton, he needs to do all the research on her past performance in all her public service. I lived in upstate New York while she was a senator. She promised financial support when floods devastated many small towns and left people homeless and some dead.  She was all talk, not a dime of FEMA money went to the area. She is a liar!  Donald Trump needs to avoid being sucked into the gutter by baited questions, and respond to interviews with poise and professionalism.  Like all other politicians he has the privilege of avoidance rather than embarrassment.  Suggestions: Donald Trump needs to settle or resolve as many of his outstanding litigation issues as soon as possible. It is only going to give Democrats fodder to try to character assassinate him. Look what happened to Herman Cain. There’s a lot to be learned by what happened to him.