Trum – Clinton Character Comparison


What crimes could either candidate be accused of thus far? Let’s start with Donald Trump: maybe misfiling a tax return? This is not a crime. He filed his returns, if the IRS says he filed incorrectly, he would need to refile and pay any taxes or penalties owed.  

Defamation of character, or possibly Housing Authority violations, possibly housing discrimination. He went to court, a judge made a determination and it was settled legally.  This is a civil matter, not a crime.

Now, What about Hillary Clinton? Possible  perjury, obstruction of justice,  racketeering, willful destruction of government property,  witness tampering, espionage, treason, misuse of government property, misuse of 501-c for profitability i.e.-tax evasion, money laundering, negligent homicide, excessive use of government expense accounts. These are all criminal. 

For those who don’t know what negligent homicide means:

The actions or inactions of a person, directly or indirectly cause the death of another person. Referring to Ambassador Stevens, and others killed in Benghazi.

I wonder how many of these crimes I could commit, and how long it would take, before I would be arrested and charged?


F.B.I. Director Comey


The F.B.I. director was sweating like a kid that was caught behind the barn with grandpa’s cigarettes. This guy is a political appointee of the Obama socialist machine.

Trey Gowdy is probably the best candidate for Attorney General  who has come along in a long time. His bulldogged persistence is proving to be quite the challenge for these corrupt democrats to try to get Hillary out of the web of deception she has created.

I only wish I could say the same for Director Comey. They must be dangling a big carrot for a man to sink this low! There were so many holes in his defense you could strain pasta through it. Immunity is never supposed to be granted, unless valuable testimony or evidence is received, period.

I pray that Trump gets elected and can fire both Comey and Lynch and depoliticise the Department of Justice. These political hacks are making a mockery of the legal system in this country.

This F.B.I. sham involving Hillary Clinton is the type of interrogation  that happens in a “one horse town,” sheriff’s office at 3:00 a.m. when a kid is caught throwing a tomato at a car. This woman is a modern-day mobster, like Capone or Gotti except they were prosecuted for far less criminal activity than Hillary Clinton.

Hillary lies…..

If the Clintons were broke when they left The White House, then how could they afford to purchase a house in Chappaqua, New York? This is one the most exclusive neighborhoods in the most expensive county in New York State (Westchester County).

I’m sure public tax records can reveal what the Clintons paid for the house in Chappaqua. Probably more than a measly million bucks.

“Words Matter”

Hillary Clinton’s opening statement at a recent event was “words matter” and then she began her misguided rhetoric about Donald Trump. All her allegiant followers cheered. What was missed in her opening statement was that the “words matter” most of all when a person is under judicial oath.

None of the statements made by Donald Trump were made while he was  taking this oath. When he holds a position in the government, then we can hold him to that standard of scrutiny. The blatant misconduct of Hillary Clinton would be grounds for dismissal at any public service job. Instead of dismissal, she is seeking a raise. Only under an extremely corrupt regime can this occur.

Can anyone say Venezuela? The elites have the backs of their comrades, Obama has orchestrated a socialist utopia for all the criminals in the administration, this is the true reason for all the propaganda aimed at Donald Trump.

All Americans need to be very concerned about the media censorship and distortion of statements made by any candidate. This is exactly the process by which all dictators attempt to control their subjects.

Emails discovered between The State department and Clinton Foundation

How much more indifference can be bought by the Clinton’s? Any e-mails between the Clinton Foundation and the State department are a crime! Not only are the Clinton’s guilty of it, but it is an impeachable offense for President Obama because the act occurred under his watch. Has the entire justice department been bought off?

Ron  Blagojevich is serving 12 years in prison for e-mails concerning Obama’s vacant senate seat and his appeal has been denied. Are we regressing to the days of mob run Chicago? Hillary should be serving out prison time in Sing-Sing, not running for President. Why can no person step forward and be witness? Is there that much corruption and fear? How much evidence is required to convict a politician? Any e-mails from a non-government  server are supposed to be blocked. Protocols had to be intentionally overridden to have the e-mails accepted by the government server. An indictment should have been handed down immediately when this was discovered. The fact that it has only now been exposed shows the extent of corruption goes directly to the President Obama’s office. This quacks like a duck.

This is why a Trump Presidency is feared so much. He is honest! When he sees the level of corruption, all the players will go to prison.

How fit is Hillary for President?

There are some republicans who claim Donald Trump is not fit to be president. How fit was President Obama a 2 year senator who never ran anything in his life?

How fit is Hillary Clinton an unconvicted felon?

It is time for the whiny baby members of the Republican Party to change out of their diapers and become grownups and give full support for the party nominee. There are two kinds of republicans who refuse to support Trump.

The old fogies who should have been voted out long ago and have absolutely no understanding of technology and the modern age…and the immature few who can’t take any criticism because their skin is too thin and should never have been able to run for office to begin with. Oh, yeah and a few that are ultra corrupt republicans who are afraid to lose the perks from lobbyists and special interest groups.

Here are just 10 of the reasons not to allow Hillary Clinton to become president:

  1. Single payer health care is inevitable. It will be paid for by subsidies and increasing the tax burden on businesses and individuals of ALL taxpaying Americans.
  2. Amnesty and voting rights for all illegal immigrants including undocumented refugees from the Middle East. I hope you are prepared for terrorist acts to become common place in American society, like it is in Israel.
  3. A nuclear prolific Iran, with nuclear Arms race to follow mostly provided by Soviet technology.
  4. The last remaining bastion of American industry wiped out in favor of Chinese imports and third world country inports.
  5. Continue and even expanded dependency on foreign energy and the further stifling of energy produced in America.
  6. Federal mandates requiring all lawfully purchased firearms that can be tracked, be surrendered to the feral government, leaving only unlawful owners to possess weapons.
  7. Lighter sentences for nonviolent criminals and violent criminals alike.
  8. Increases of the national debt by at least 50% to pay for all the new entitlement programs, single payer healthcare system, free college tuitions.
  9. Civil war, or at least increased civil unrest, perpetuated by excessive regulations at the federal level leveraging the term of racism or discrimination.
  10. Opening more federal or protected lands to foreign exploration and exploitation for resources.
  11. Even less transparency at the Federal level.
  12. Possibly the complete loss of fair and balance journalism through censorship.

I can continue, but I said only 10 reasons not to put Hillary Clinton, an unconvicted felon in the White House. Also, if elected Hillary will be exempt from prosecution – it’s called presidential immunity.