What crimes could either candidate be accused of thus far? Let’s start with Donald Trump: maybe misfiling a tax return? This is not a crime. He filed his returns, if the IRS says he filed incorrectly, he would need to refile and pay any taxes or penalties owed.
Defamation of character, or possibly Housing Authority violations, possibly housing discrimination. He went to court, a judge made a determination and it was settled legally. This is a civil matter, not a crime.
Now, What about Hillary Clinton? Possible perjury, obstruction of justice, racketeering, willful destruction of government property, witness tampering, espionage, treason, misuse of government property, misuse of 501-c for profitability i.e.-tax evasion, money laundering, negligent homicide, excessive use of government expense accounts. These are all criminal.
For those who don’t know what negligent homicide means:
The actions or inactions of a person, directly or indirectly cause the death of another person. Referring to Ambassador Stevens, and others killed in Benghazi.
I wonder how many of these crimes I could commit, and how long it would take, before I would be arrested and charged?